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(Theme song):

Rusty: Hello, I'm Rusty! Let's go an adventure!

🎵Here comes the Rocket Kids🎵

Rusty: 🎵Going on missions, everyday🎵

🎵Here comes the Rocket Kids🎵

Rusty: 🎵Rocket Kids, Rocket Kids🎵

🎵Find a problem and you will help🎵

Rusty: 🎵We can do anything🎵

🎵Come along and say hello🎵

🎵Let's go meet my friends!🎵




🎵Ready, set, here we go!🎵

🎵Here comes the Rocket Kids! Here comes the Rocket Kids!🎵

🎵Solve problems on adventures🎵

🎵Here comes the Rocket Kids!🎵

Rocket Kids: "Unluckiest of the Irish".

Ninetails: (Purring and snoring)

Rocket Kids: Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Ninetails: (Yowls) Hey! Kids, what's all this about?

Rusty: It's St. Patrick's Day, a day of green...

Frankie: And four leaf clovers...

Ruby: And a pot of gold! And also, rainbows!

Ninetails: Oh, that's what this is all about.

Rusty: Wanna join in the St. Patrick's Day fun?

Ninetails: No, thanks. I'll rather rest on my comfy green bed. Oh, wait! My bed is green! And you're right. St. Patrick's Day is all about green.

Ruby: Yeah, that's what the holiday is for.

Ninetails: All right. Suit yourself. (Purring and snoring)

Frankie: Rusty's Mom! I wonder if we can a find a four leaf clover.

Jade: Well, some say that the clover was actually a legend. So, I sure hope you'll find it. And get good luck!

Ruby: Did you hear that, guys? She said the clover will bring good luck to us!

Rusty: But Mom said it was a legend. So, how about we play a searching game?

Frankie: I'm in!

Ruby: Me too!

Ninetails: (Yawns) I'm not.

Rusty: Good. Let the searching begin!

Ivan: Special delivery for Mr. Leprechaun!

Mr. Leprechaun: Oh, thanks, Ivan. Hey! That's not the delivery I ordered.

Ivan: Sorry, sir. I just have bad luck.

Mr. Leprechaun: Make this good luck happen. And I'm also counting on you.

Ivan: Sir, yes, sir! (Panting) What am I gonna do? I can't make my bad luck do this again! I know. I'll call the Rocket Kids.

Frankie: Not this one.

Ruby: Or that.

Rusty: We haven't found a single four leaf clover. That's unlucky.

(Missiom alarm rings)

Rusty: The mission alarm!

Ruby: Someone's in trouble!

Frankie: Whenever there's a person in trouble...

Rocket Kids: The Rocket Kids are here to help!

Rusty: It's Ivan, he's the unluckiest guy in town.

Rocket Kids: Hi, Ivan!

Ivan: Greetings, Rocket Kids. I need your help! I have spread bad luck all over Ireland! And I really need a pot of gold, a rainbow, and a four leaf clover that'll bring me good luck!

Rusty: Same thing as we were searching for the four leaf clover. Don't worry, we'll get your good luck back in a jiffy!

Ivan: Oh, thank you so much

Rusty: All right. Our mission is to get a four leaf clover for Ivan in order to bring his good luck back. Are you ready, guys?

Ruby & Frankie: Ready!

Rusty: Then here we go!

Rocket Kids: 🎵Let's go!🎵

🎵It's time to go on a mission🎵

🎵Everybody needs a helping hand🎵

🎵Let's go to the Watch Maker🎵

🎵Activate mission watches!🎵

🎵Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one!🎵

🎵Here we go!🎵

Rusty: (Irish accent) A pot of gold! How lucky!

Rocket Kids: (Laughter)

Rusty: That was fun. Now...

Rocket Kids: 🎵Let's go!🎵

🎵Whoa oh oh oh🎵

🎵We're going on a mission🎵

🎵Whoa oh oh oh🎵

🎵Here we come, we're the Rocket Kids!🎵

Ivan: Rocket Kids! You're here. I need help!

Ruby: Do not panic, Ivan. We're gonna get your luck back.

Rusty: Ruby's right. We just need an idea.

Rocket Kids: Hmm...

Frankie: I got it! If the lucky four leaf clover was really a legend, maybe we can make one!

Rusty: Great idea, Frankie. Let's Rocket to it! And a little bit there... Done! The lucky four leaf clover is finished. And homemade.

Ivan: Thank you so much, guys! Now, no more unlucky days. I'm the luckiest guy in town!

Rusty: Don't thank us yet, Ivan. We still have to find the two objects left.

Ruby: How about we warn Ivan whenever he's about to do the most unluckiest thing?

Rusty: That's the second idea, Ruby. Ivan, whenever there's bad luck, we'll warn you.

Ivan: Now, off we go to find the pot of gold!

Rocket Kids: Ahem.

Ivan: And rainbow. Sorry. (Humming)

Frankie: Ivan! Careful, there's a puddle on the sidewalk. Jump over it.

Ivan: Hup! There. Hey, the clover worked! I am lucky!

Rusty: See? Our ideas work out, sometimes they do not.

Ruby: Stop! That's the wheelbarrow of walnuts. That's bad luck. So, walk over it.

Ivan: Whoa. Ha! What do you know? No bad luck. Whoa!

Frankie: Uh-oh. Ivan just knocked over the barrels of gold!

Ruby: We gotta stop them!

Ivan: Yikes!

Rocket Kids: Ivan!

Ivan: Help me...!

Rusty: Hang on, Ivan! Gotcha!

Ivan: Thanks, Rusty. (Sniffles) Now, I'll never get my luck back! (Weeping)

Rusty: Uh-oh.

Rocket Kids: Meltdown!

Rusty: Don't cry, Ivan. Let it out. Breathe in.

Ivan: (Inhales)

Rusty: Breathe out.

Ivan: (Exhales)

Rusty: Now think one, two, three. Good. Feeling better?

Ivan: Very better.

Rusty: We need another plan. It's thinking time!

(Clock ticking)

Rusty: Snap spark! We have to avoid the barrels from splashing gold all over the town as we find the pot of gold and rainbow. It's Rocket time!

Ruby: (Panting) The barrels are getting faster!

Rusty: Frankie, push the barrels back!

Frankie: (Straining) Almost. Got it!

Ruby: Yes!

Rusty: Way to go, Frankie!

Ivan: Whoa! What just happened?

Rusty: The barrels almost crashed you. So, Frankie saved your life.

Ivan: Phew! Thanks. But I still haven't found the pot of gold or the rainbow.

Ruby: Look! Here we are.

Ivan: Yes! Whoo-hoo! Finally! (Sniffs) The smell of gold in a pot! And a fantastical rainbow! Thank you, Rocket Kids.

Rusty: Anytime, Ivan. Whenever there's trouble, call the Rocket Kids! Dad! Mom! We're home!

Jade: Oh, I see you found a lucky four leaf clover.

Ruby: We brought it from Ivan. He was unlucky first, but we helped him be the lucky guy!

Timmy: That's my little sonny boy.

Jade: (Giggles) Come on, Timmy. Let's go make clover pies.

Frankie: Ninetails! We found the clover!

Ninetails: Very nice. Happy St. Patrick's Day.

Ruby: What a lazy kitten.

Rocket Kids: (Laughter)

("Rocket Kids Theme" playing)
