Steven Universe: The Return (Or know as The Steven Universe Return!) is an 2022 American animated series, which is a sequel to Steven Universe Future. The series was also produced and created by Rebecca Sugar with support from Cartoon Network Studios and Warner Bros. Entertainment. This series can rightfully be considered the 7th season because it is a continuation of the show. The first episode aired on January 21, 2022.
The events take place 5 years after the end of Steven Universe Future. Steven Quartz Universe comes back from college to Beach City and starts a new life with his friends and acquaintances. Also during this, he will fight with new villains-gems, which will interfere with the quiet life of Steven and his friends.
- Steven Quartz Universe (Voiced by Zach Callison).
- Garnet (Voiced by Estelle Swaray).
- Amethyst (Voiced by Michaela Dietz).
- Pearl (Voiced by Deedee Magno Hall).
- Greg Universe (Voiced by Tom Scharpling).
- Connie Maheswaran (Voiced by Grace Rolek).
- Lars Barriga (Voiced by Matthew Moy).
- Sadie Miller (Voiced by Kate Micucci).
- White Diamond (Voiced by Christine Ebersole).
- Blue Diamond (Voiced by Lisa Hannigan).
- Yellow Diamond (Voiced by Patti LuPone).
- Spinel (Voiced by Sarah Stiles).
- Bismuth (Voiced by Uzo Aduba).
- Peridot (Voiced by Shelby Rabara).
- Lapis Lazuli (Voiced by Jennifer Paz).
- Granite (Voiced by Darren Dunstan).
- Magmanite (Voiced by Grey Griffin).
- Damaged Diamond (Voiced by Dan Green).
- Jasper (Voiced by Kimberly Brooks).
- The Void Gem (Voiced by Chris Pratt).
Steven Universe: The Return/Episodes.
The animation was made by Cartoon Network Studios in the USA in 2022.
- In this 7th season - 110 episodes.
- This season is already the exact end of the show.
- Jasper is the antagonist again.
- The Void Gem is the main anatgonist in the show.