Power Rangers Hex Chargers is an animated series and the second installment in the Go Go Universe. The series is set in the island of Obsidian Shores and more specifically the Wytchwood School For the Mystic and Macabre as it follows three students who become Power Rangers after their classmate Dante gets possessed by the villainous Malekon.
- Eric Patterson/Red Ranger (voiced by Zeno Robinson) - a somewhat cocky and egocentric teenage student at Wytchwood who is chosen to lead the Hex Charger Rangers as he attempts to prove his skills as the Red Ranger, sometimes being bad at leading the team but locks in when in dangerous situations. His Zord is the Dragon and he wields a longsword as his first weapon.
- Phoebe Callaway/Yellow Ranger (voiced by Erica Lindbeck) - a goofy and silly teenage student at Wytchwood who loves making lighthearted jokes as she constantly has a happy energy and this moves to her role as a Power Ranger, being chosen to be the Yellow Ranger. Her Zord is the Sphinx Zord as she wields the unique weapon of a bow and arrow that is useful at making its mark.
- Dexter Reeves/Blue Ranger (voiced by Bryce Papenbrook) - a nerdy and perfectionist teenage student at Wytchwood who likes doing things by the book as he is chosen to be the Hex Charger's Blue Ranger as he can often butt heads with Eric. His Zord is the Basilisk Zord as he wields a scythe that he can use for far more precise combat.
- Chloe Knox/Green Ranger (voiced by Judy Alice Lee) - an aggressive and rebellious teenage student at Wytchwood who starts as a rival to the Rangers and claims she can do better than them as when the Rangers got overwhelmed by Syphor, she is chosen by Hexodan to be the Green Ranger to help the Hex Chargers although she can clash with all of her teammates. Her Zord is the Griffin Zord and she wields a gigantic battleax for combat.
- Prof. Sylas Alcourt/Black Ranger (voiced by Richard Epcar) - a wise and aging yet extremely powerful and skilled professor at Wytchwood who suspects that something is up with Eric, Phoebe and Dexter as he eventually discovers that they are Power Rangers. Hexodan, realizing that he needs eyes and ears beyond the basement of Wytchwood, grants Sylas the role of the Black Ranger as he aids the Rangers heavily thanks to his mastery of magic and skill at combat. His Zord is an Unicorn and he wields a bo-staff in combat.
- Dante Pryor/Grey Ranger (voiced by Matthew Mercer) - an egotistical and borderline bully student who ends up freeing Malekon in his attempt to prove himself as a great student, having been possessed by him for the first season. At the end of the first season, Malekon abandons Dante due to his full body being resurrected as he uncovers a grey morphing card and decides to become the Grey Ranger. He initially starts aloof and refusing to reveal his identity due to knowing how the Hex Chargers probably hate him as eventually he is forced to reveal his identity as to his shock, Hexodan, Eric and Sylas end up letting him in with open arms, although both Dexter and Chloe initially distrust him. His Zord is the powerful Chimera and he wields a shield and mace for his weapons.
- Hexodan (voiced by Clancy Brown) - an aging and immortal entity who was once a hero and defender in the Age of Rangers as he was the one responsible for banishing Malekon all of those years ago. It unfortunately took so much out of him that he laid dormant in the bottom of what is to become Wytchwood. Centuries later, he was awakened by Eric, Phoebe and Dexter who attempted to find some way to stop and free Dante as he grants them ancient cards that allow them to turn into Power Rangers. Due to him being weakened after the fight with Malekon, he eventually gives Sylas the role of mentor, although he still gives the Rangers advice when they might need help.
- Richie Rayton and Chelsea Stanton (voiced by Yuri Lowenthal and Michaela Dietz, respectively) - two idiotic yet egotistical best friends who claim themselves to be the best magicians in all of Wytchwood as they are comedic rivals to Eric, Phoebe and Dexter, often attempting to prove their might in increasingly comedic and slapsticky situations.
- Sophie Destinee (voiced by TBD) - a goofy and somewhat greedy student at Wytchwood who claims to be able to read the fortunes of anyone who asks as she is often visited by any of the Rangers as she ends up making up something that actually happens to them while being a Ranger, with Sylas eventually suspecting that she can actually read the future but doesn't know it yet.
- Malekon (also voiced by Matthew Mercer) - a terrifying yet egotistical dark entity who was freed by Dante who he initially possessed, using him to free his loyal subordinates. Throughout the first season, he schemed on bringing himself a new body as the first season finale ends with him being successful and moves his consciousness to this new body. He usually schemes through the shadows, believing that the Hex Charger Rangers aren't true threats to him and his subordinates. It's revealed that his true form is still trapped inside the Hex, and he needs a body to survive outside the Hex, with his true plan being to free his true form.
- Carmilla (voiced by Lizzie Freeman) - an egotistical and somewhat flamboyant vampire who resembles a thirteen-year-old girl as she is shockingly a powerful sorceress and is blindly loyal to Malekon, being his second-in-command as she wields a powerful magic staff that allows her to give Malekon's monster forces a second wind. She has the ability to transform into a gigantic monstrous demon as well although she rarely uses it.
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- Syphor (voiced by Liam O'Brien) - a cold and violent bat-like monster who is one of Malekon's top enforcers as he loves the thrill of combat and seeing those that he deems weak fall by his blade. He ends up becoming a rival character to the Green Ranger, having been dazed and forced to retreat by her as they fight on several occasions, with their final battle near the end of season 1 ending with her and the remaining Rangers permanently destroying him.
- Phobios (voiced by TBD) - a terrifying and calm scarred humanoid monster who leads a group of six monsters known as the Primeval Terrors as he replaces Syphor after his death at the hands of the Hex Charger Rangers, plotting on using the Primeval Terrors to bring forth a new era of fear, terror and suffering that he and Malekon shall rule over, However, like Syphor, when the Primeval Terrors and some other monsters got destroyed, he ends up challenging the Rangers and gets destroyed.