Pink’s Superheroes of Metropolis is an American Supehero Action Comedy Magical Boy Magical Girl animated television series based off of the DC and Marvel Universe, being created by PinkPlush100. It is produced by Made In PinkPlush100.
18-year-old kind-hearted, yet clumsy Clark Kent has been welcomed into Metropolis Academy via letter as one of the top students to enter the academy. Excited, Clark has begun his day as being a high school student as he couldn’t wait to meet his new friends there, even joining the Newspaper Club! How cool is that?!
Along the way, he meets other friends, including the wealthy 18-year-old popular student Bruce Wayne, who’s handsome, yet intelligent, the 16-year-old student council Diana Prince, who’s strict, yet well-meaning, 17-year-old expert computer hacker Stephanie Brown, who’s cocky, yet confident, 16-year-old track and field ace Wally West who’s athletic and sporty, 15-year-old culinary arts club member Jessica Cruz, who’s sweet, but is actually a pacifist, 17-year-old marine biologist-in-training Arthur Curry, who’s a no-nonsense person, but hardworking, 18-year-old magician-in-the-making Zantanna Zatara, who’s elegant, yet clueless, 14-year-old environmentalist Garfield Logan who’s cheerful, yet hilariously overdramatic, and 15-year-old Rachel Roth, a stoic, yet irritable goth who has a fascination with demonology.
As he overcomes challenges and friendships with his friends, they all realize that the city is endangered by a large gallery of villains! With special help from taking transformation devices, they gain the ability to transform into famous superheroes with each superpower.
Main Characters[]
Season 1[]
- Clark Kent/Superman - TBA
- Bruce Wayne/Batman - TBA
- Diana Prince/Wonder Woman - TBA
- Stephanie “Steph” Brown/Robin - TBA
- Wally West/The Flash - TBA
- Jessica “Jess” Cruz/Green Lantern - TBA
- Arthur Curry/Aquaman - TBA
- Zantanna Zatara/Zatara - TBA
- Garfield “Garry” Logan/Beast Boy - TBA
- Rachel Roth/Raven - TBA
Season 2[]
- Kara Kent/Supergirl - TBA
- Barbara “Babs” Gordon/Batgirl - TBA
- Cartel Hall/Hawkman - TBA
- Scott Lang/Ant-Man - TBA
- Jennifer “Jenny” Susan Walters/She-Hulk - TBA
- Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark/Iron Man - TBA
- Thor Odinson/Thor - TBA
- Hope van Dyne/Wasp - TBA
- Steve Rogers/Captain America - TBA
- Peter Benjamin Parker/Spider-Man - TBA
- Wade Wilson/Deadpool - TBA
Supporting Heroes[]
Season 1[]
- Selina Kyle/Catwoman - TBA
- Jean-Paul Valley/Azrael - TBA
- Dick Grayson/Nightwing - TBA
- Mera - TBA
- Kent Nelson/Dr. Fate - TBA
- Alexandra “Alex” Holland/Mrs. Swamp-Thing
- Tara Markov/Terra - TBA
- Mary Elizabeth "Bette" Kane/Flamebird - TBA
- Victor “Vic” Stone/Cyborg - TBA
- Kory Anders/Starfire - TBA
Season 2[]
- Helena Rosa Bertinelli/Huntress - TBA
- Harleen Frances Quinzel/Harley Quinn - TBA
- Pamela “Pammy” Lillian Isley/Poison Ivy - TBA
- Tatsu Yamashiro/Katana - TBA
- Karen Beecher-Duncan/Bumblebee - TBA
- Carlos "Carl" Ferris/Star Sapphire - TBA
- Komal Anders/Blackfire - TBA
- Chris Snow/Frost - TBA
Both Seasons[]
- John Jones/Martian Manhunter - TBA
- Megan Morse/Mrs. Martian - TBA
- Amy Winston/Amethyst - TBA
- Sandra Wu-San/Lady Shiva - TBA
- Mari Jiwe McCabe/Vixen - TBA
- Olivia Jonas Queen/Green Arrow - TBA
- Leslie Willis/Livewire - TBA
- Jamie Craddock/Lady Ghost - TBA
Supporting Characters[]
- Jonathan “John” Kent and Martha Kent - TBA
- Lois Lane - TBA
- Jimmy Olsen - TBA
- Perry White - TBA
- Alfred Pennyworth - TBA
- James W. "Jim" Gordon Sr. - TBA
- Lucius Fox - TBA
- Zatara - TBA
- John Constantine - TBA
- Amanda Waller - TBA
- Steven Rockwell Trevor - TBA
- Julia Kapatelis - TBA
- Vanessa "Nessie" Kapatelis - TBA
Season 1[]
- Brainiac - TBA
- General Zod - TBA
- Alexander Joseph "Lex" Luthor - TBA
- The Penguin - TBA
- Riddler - TBA
- Two-Face - TBA
- Joker - TBA
- Cheetah - TBA
- Dr. Poison - TBA
- Giganta - TBA
- Blue Snowman - TBA
- Dr. Cyber - TBA
- Veronica Cale - TBA
- Black Manta - TBA
- Ocean Master - TBA
Season 2[]
- Drury Walker/Killer Moth - TBA
- Gorilla Grodd - TBA
- Darkseid - TBA
- Anti-Monitor - TBA
- Ruby Jones/Parasite - TBA
- Thaal Sinestro - TBA
- Lobo - TBA
- Killer Croc - TBA
- Solomon Grundy - TBA
- Granny Goodness - TBA
- Stompa - TBA
- Enchantress - TBA
- Firefly - TBA
- King Shark - TBA
- Lady Clay - TBA
See List of Pink’s Superheroes of Metropolis episodes.