Peter Pan is an upcoming animated-action-adventure-comedy-drama-fantasy film based on J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan, or The Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up. It features the voices of Danielle Radcliffe, Ruby Barnhill, Freddie Highmore, Frankie Jonas, Margot Robbie, Kelsey Grammer, Gary Oldman, Emily Blunt, Jamie Lee Curtis, Warwick Davis, Zendaya, and Litefoot. This is also the first Peter Pan film where both George Darling and Captain Hook were played by different respective actors rather than one actor just like in previous adaptations.
It is scheduled to be released in the United States on December 22, 2023 by Universal Pictures.
Guided by mischeivous fairy Tinkerbelle, a mysterious flying boy named Peter Pan, who refuses to grow up, takes pressured Wendy and her brothers John and Michael to an enchanted floating island called Neverland, where anybody of any age cease every time they set foot there. At first it was the most grand and magical place in the universe to have fun and be free there. However, they must be aware of the fiendish Captain Hook and his band of pirates, and learn that constant fun and being kids forever isn't all what's cracked up to be. And Hook is also setting his sights on the mythological Chronosphere, which can enable anyone to travel across time and back.
Danielle Radcliffe as Peter Pan
Ruby Barnhill as Wendy Darling
Freddie Highmore as John Darling
Frankie Jonas as Michael Darling
Margot Robbie as Tinkerbelle
Kelsey Grammer as Captain Hook
Gary Oldman as George Darling
Emily Blunt as Mary Darling
Jamie Lee Curtis as Lyza
Warwick Davis as Smee
TBA as Tootles
TBA as Nibs
TBA as Slightly
TBA as Curly
TBA as The Twins
Zendaya as Tiger Lily
Litefoot as Chief Great Big Little Panther
Tommy Davidson as Black Pirate
Clancy Brown as Cecco
Dylan Postl as Starkey
Pierre Coffin as Kevin, Stuart, and Bob (cameos)
Frank Welker as Vocal Effects
Julie Andrews as Narrator/Grown-up Wendy
Rated PG for peril and action, and for emotional weight and some rude humor.
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Television Series[] announced that Universal 1440 Entertainment is producing a new computer-animated spinoff series of the film. It will be available for streaming on Peacock in 2024. Further details are unknown.
- Peter Pan (2023 film)/Credits