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This is the transcript of OK K.O.! Jasper and Me

(CN Originals)

(Warner Bros. And Cartoon Network Presents)

(OK K.O.! Jasper and Me)


Scene 1: K.O.'s Dream or Vision?

  • [in the middle of the night]
  • K.O.: [in his dream] Take this! [punches an enemy and the enemy dodges it]
  • ???: Hmph! Nice try, buddy!
  • K.O.: GAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! [enemy grabs K.O.'s fist, crushing it] AHH! OW, that really hurts! My fist!
  • ???: [stomps really hard on the floor, causing K.O. to lose his balance and lifts him up] Seems like you haven't learned any lessons...
  • K.O.: [grunts] Put... Me... DOWN!
  • ???: Alright, if you say so.... [throws K.O. and crashes on the wall]
  • K.O.: OW! [wakes up from a dream and groans] Uhn... My head... Ow... Oh man, what did I got myself into of that darned dream? Some mysterious tough weirdo kicking my butt real hard... Phew, my fist is okay!
  • Carol: K.O.! Your breakfast is done, hurry and get down here before it gets cold!
  • K.O.: Coming, mom! [goes to the dining room] Good morning!
  • Carol: Good morning to you, honey! you alright?
  • K.O.: [looking very depressed] Yeah, well nothing matters.
  • Carol: [looking very worried] K.O., what's wrong? You can tell me.
  • K.O.: [becomes worried regardless] It's just... I just had this furious dream I had last night.
  • Carol: Really?! what were you dreaming about?
  • K.O.: Well, I fought someone bigger and stronger than anyone else.
  • Carol: [thinking] Hmmm... Someone bigger and stronger than anyone else you say...... [snaps her finger] I got it, Darrell, A.K.A Big Darrell.
  • K.O.: No mommy, it's not Darrell.
  • Carol: Chameleon Sr.?
  • K.O.: No, no, no. It's..... It's someone else.
  • Carol: Who? Do you know it?
  • K.O.: I..... I don't know, but all I know that this enemy is way tough and I mean, I saw it with my own eyes, it's... It's huge!
  • Carol: [thinking] Hmmmmmm..... Well, you better finished up your breakfast cause I better take you to the Bodega. I bet Mr. Gar or your friends will understand.
  • K.O.: [looking worried] What if they don't? I don't think they're gonna believe me...
  • Carol: Don't worry, K.O.! They'll understand what your talking about!
  • K.O.: [looking worried] Well, okay.

Scene 2: Into the Bodega

  • [Carol drove him over to the plaza, once they arrived at Gars Bodega, K.O. hopped out of the car]
  • Carol: I have to go to work now, have fun sweetie!
  • K.O.: Love you, mommy! [waved as Carol drove off. Walks right into the bodega.] Hey Rad, Hey Enid. [hugs Enid only]
  • Radicles: How come I don't get a hug?
  • Enid: Hey, K.O.! [patting his head] What are you doing here?
  • Radicles: Yeah... In case you haven't noticed, it's your day off, remember?
  • K.O.: Oh right, I forgot about that. Well, I actually came here to tell you something.....
  • Enid: Well K.O., what is it?
  • K.O.: [becomes depressed regardless] I just had this furious dream last night.
  • Radicles: Wait, let me guess... Lord Boxman's planning to destroy all of us, right?
  • Enid: Or your Alter-Ego has come back for revenge on you?
  • Radicles: No, no, wait Shadowy Figure has come back to take you away?
  • K.O.: NO! It's the one where..... Ah, forget it! You guys would never understand me.
  • Radicles: Whoa there, little dude! We understand, come on where the three Caballeros A.K.A. the three musketeers.
  • Enid: Hey, hey, hey..... We're here for you, dude. [putting fist pump with K.O.]
  • K.O.: Well okay, last night I dreamt that I encountered someone big, but this one is really tough, strong, and powerful. I mean, I've never seen this weirdo so... so... HUGE!
  • Radicles: K.O., what in creation are you talking about?
  • K.O.: This enemy was really strong, she crushed my fist so hard I've lost my momentum and stomps on the ground that I lost my balance. She picked me up and threw me, that's where I woke up from that nightmare. Well, I guess I dream about things and it's just a... Dream...
  • Enid: Yikes, seems like you had a bad night's sleep maybe...
  • K.O.: Yeah, I never wanna think about that mysterious person ever again...
  • Radicles: It's okay, buddy... We'll still be by your side to fight evil like Lord Boxman or whoever...
  • Mr. Gar: [shows up out of nowhere and sees K.O.] K.O.?! What are you doing here? You realized that it's your day off, right?!
  • K.O.: I know Mr. Gar, It's just...
  • Enid: He told us about the dream that he encountered someone big and powerful, she was even stronger than anyone else.
  • Mr. Gar: Who's she...?
  • Enid: I don't know sir, but all K.O. told us that she's even bigger, stronger, and powerful.
  • Mr. Gar: What? she's even as big as me?
  • Radicles: Yes, Mr. Gar. Even you.
  • [An alarm alert]
  • Radicles: Sounds like another fight at the Boxmore!
  • Enid: Yeah, let's do this!
  • K.O.: I can help too!
  • Enid: I'm sorry K.O., but we already told you it's your day off.
  • Radicles: Yeah, I prefer you watching us fight instead.
  • K.O.: [looking very upset] Aw... Whipple-dip-dipple...
  • Enid: Hey, don't sweat it, little dude. Maybe when we're done, we'll try to figure out this enemy you fought in your dream look like.
  • K.O.: I guess.... [watching his friends got out of the bodega and fight against Lord Boxman's robots sadly] It's not fair! Why do I always have to take a day off when they have to work?!
  • Mr. Gar: Easy son, some workers have to take a day off, but that doesn't mean you can go spend time with them.
  • K.O.: Yeah, I know... But I just want to spend time with my friends.
  • Mr. Gar: Hey, don't be upset that you can't hang out with your friends. [kneels down to face K.O.] Listen... Wherever you figure it out who this enemy that attacked you... We can do this together and defeat this enemy, got it?
  • K.O.: Hmph! Got it! [walked out of the plaza and sees his friends fighting Boxmore Robots, but becomes upset about this, he then looking something to do, he walks into iFrame Outlet and went inside to greet A Real Magic Skeleton and Brandon]
  • K.O.: Hey Brandon, Hey Real Magic Skeleton!
  • A Real Magic Skeleton and Brandon: Hey K.O.!
  • Brandon: What'd you doing here? aren't you supposed to be at the Plaza?
  • K.O.: Yeah, but It's my day off and none of my friends want to hang out with me.
  • A Real Magic Skeleton: Geez, that's too bad.
  • K.O.: Hey, do you guys wanna hang out with me?
  • A Real Magic Skeleton: I'm sorry, kid but we gotta get back to work. We don't wanna disappoint our boss.
  • Brandon: Yeah, we wish we could, but we got business to attempt to.
  • K.O.: Oh right, [walks out of the iFrame Outlet sadly, then suddenly sees his babysitter Punching Judy in the bench] Punching Judy!
  • Punching Judy: [sees K.O.] K.O.! [K.O. sprung his arms and hugs his arms around her as they hugged each other] What a wonderful surprise. I wasn't expecting you to show up.
  • K.O.: None of my friends wanted to hang out with me, would you mind spending time with me?
  • Punching Judy: Aw, I wish I could, but I got other business.
  • K.O.: Not you too!
  • Punching Judy: I know right, it's so unfair.
  • K.O.: But you're my favorite babysitter, I just wanted someone to help me out.
  • Punching Judy: Why, what happened?
  • K.O.: Well, last night I dreamt that I battle against someone big but this enemy is really strong and she even crushes my fist and threw me against the wall.
  • Punching Judy: Yikes! Sounds like a personal problem. would you tell me who this enemy is?
  • K.O.: I don't really know. she's way bigger and stronger.
  • Punching Judy: Now that's way scary.
  • K.O.: I know. that's why I wanna stick with you.
  • Punching Judy: Aw, I'm so sorry kid, I wish I wanna stick with you but I got other things to do.
  • K.O.: Okay.... [walks sadly]
  • Punching Judy: Don't be sad K.O., I'm sure later I'll come to visit you... I hope.
  • K.O.: [walks around the plaza looking for someone, Suddenly, he spotted another one of his friends. A young kappa girl named Dendy. When he saw that she appeared to be struggling with something, he went over to check it out.] Hey Dendy!
  • Dendy: Hello K.O.
  • K.O.: How's it going?
  • Dendy: I wish I could say it's going great. But sadly, I cannot.
  • K.O.: Why? what's the matter?
  • Dendy: If you must know, I'm working on a project for school. It's a biographical study of natural behavior. Unfortunately, I have nothing new to present. I studied almost every creature in Lakewood Plaza, including you.
  • K.O.: Oh, well gee. I wish I could help.
  • Dendy: It's okay K.O.
  • K.O.: You know, I kinda wish Garnet was still here.
  • Dendy: Garnet? Who is this Garnet you speak of?
  • K.O.: Oh, she's really cool. She was like 10 feet tall and had these fighting gloves on her fists. She even gave me her pow card. [took out a pow card from his pocket, which had a picture of Garnet on it, with her level being two of her gems.]
  • Dendy: [amazed] Fascinating.
  • K.O.: Yeah. When I met her, we teamed up with two other heroes to defeat some evil guy and his magic pen. After we're done, she said that she would never forget me. I just wish I could see her again.
  • Dendy: What an incredible story K.O., but don't worry I'm sure you'll see her again soon or later...
  • K.O.: [looking at his pow card of Garnet in it, this gives him an idea] Wait a Minute! Dendy would you be able to finish up the machine?
  • Dendy: Yes, why?
  • K.O.: I'm planning to go to the place called CN City!
  • Dendy: CN City? What is That?
  • K.O.: It's a place where all Cartoon Network characters lived. and I'm planning to go see my old friend [showing her the pow card of Garnet]
  • Dendy: Really? you really want to go there and see your old friend Garnet?
  • K.O.: Yes!
  • Dendy: Alright [pulls something out of her backpack] I'm using this new function I download into the system, we should be travel to that city you wanted to go.
  • K.O.: Actually, Dendy, I wanna go by myself.
  • Dendy: Wait, all by yourself K.O.? but what if you're going to get lost in the city?
  • K.O.: Don't worry Dendy, I bet I'll find Garnet and she'll be with me and spend time together.
  • Dendy: [looking worried] Well.... okay.... [types on her biographical keyboard and a giant portal opens up.] Well K.O., this is it. [give K.O. a time portal button] This is the time portal button that'll help you get back home.
  • K.O.: Thanks, Dendy.
  • Dendy: Well, good luck on your adventure.
  • K.O.: And good luck to you too! [jumped through the portal and begin traveling through a vortex]
  • Dendy: [looking worried] Be careful out there, K.O.....

Scene 3: CN City

Location: CN City
  • [In a familiar part of the city, a vortex appears in front of the gas station, soon enough, K.O. came out of the vortex.]
  • K.O.: So here I am in CN City, this place looks cool... But, I'm still looking for more heroes! And... Also, find Garnet too!
  • [K.O. walks around the city]
  • K.O.: Gah! This place is huge! But why is everything empty? Where are all the people, are they at home sleeping? [loud echo voice] Hello! Is anybody here? [thinking about Strike] I bet it's that crazy jerk, Strike, from last time... I'm having a hard time finding my friend around here... Huh? [sees a silhouette of Garnet] Garnet? Hey, Garnet! [hugs stranger mistakenly] Glad to see you here....? [looks nervous] Uh... Sorry.... [walks away slowly] Dang it, that wasn't Garnet at all...
  • ???: The poor little guy, it's best if I help him out.... [jumps and flies to K.O.'s position]
  • K.O.: [gasps]
  • Maia: [Mega Celestial Maia shows up] Hello! My name's Mega Celestial Maia, and I'm the sorceress from Utropollis!
  • K.O.: Nice to meet you! [shake hands with Maia] I'm Kaio Kincaid, but I prefer K.O.!
  • Maia: [giggles] Nice to meet you too, K.O.!
  • K.O.: You're a hero, aren't you?!
  • Maia: Certainly I am, I am a heroic sorceress displaying courage and optimism! But sadly, this city is very quiet and I didn't track any civilians.... [pulls out her hologram picture] I'm on a mission to find my two best friends here.
  • K.O.: Me too! I'm looking for my other friends here, I gotta tell them about a rough dream I had with a big powerful enemy that my eyes weren't deceiving me!
  • Maia: A rough dream? [K.O. nods yes] Don't worry about that, little guy.... [kneels and pats him on the head] Just pray to yourself it's just your imagination, and that way it won't predict such tribulations.... I'll be your assistance, let's go!
  • K.O. [feeling worried] Okay... Thanks, Maia!
  • [K.O. and Maia were walking around the city, they both walk into a dark alley]
  • Maia: You first, I'm right behind you.
  • K.O.: [falls into a hole] Whoa! Ow!
  • Maia: [gasps] Oh my gosh! K.O., are you okay?!
  • K.O.: [grunts] Yeah, I'm fine! Can you give me a- [looks at a giant footprint and gasps]
  • Maia: [comes down] K.O., I'm right- [looks at the giant footprint too in shock] W-Where the heck did that footprint come from of an abnormal size?!
  • K.O.: I dunno, Maia... But in my dream, my opponent stomped and made a footprint like this... The ground started shaking and it made me lose all my balance...
  • Maia: Your memory from your dream is surprising, I'm not authorized in this mystery... Does this mean your prophecy is true? [K.O. shrugs his shoulders] Step away from it, I need to get a full scan of this example. [scans the footprint then get a picture of it] Let's get out of here! [picks up K.O.]
  • K.O.: I never wanna go down a pitfall ever again! [Maia nods yes]
  • [K.O. and Maia ran out of the dark alley, as they are on the road, they were suddenly approached by a police car]
  • Maia: Look out! It's the law enforcement!
  • K.O.: [looking really worried] Oh crud!
  • [the police car just stopped in the middle of the road and both K.O. and Maia got scared, they feared they might arrest them]
  • K.O.: [gulps nervously] I guess this is the end.
  • Maia: [looking really nervous] I hope so...
  • [out of the police car are female cops and one boy wearing police uniforms]
  • Female Cop #1: You got some nerves that you jailed walked!
  • Female Cop #2: Yeah, you better explain or else we'll send you to jail.
  • Female Cop #1: Wait, I spot them first!
  • Female Cop #2: Well, we want some answers and we want them now!
  • Leader Cop: That's enough you two, I'll take it from here!
  • Maia: [looking really nervous] P-Please officer, you must understand... We jus-
  • Leader Cop: Officer...? [revealing to be Garnet] It's a miss to you...
  • K.O.: [figuring out who it was] Garnet?!
  • Garnet: K.O.? Is it really [laughs] K.O.!
  • K.O.: Garnet! [hugs her excitedly]
  • Garnet: I'm glad to see you again, K.O. Welcome back.
  • Pearl: [ahem]
  • K.O.: Oh hi, you must be Garnet's friend. You must be...
  • Pearl: Pearl.
  • K.O.: That's a nice name.
  • Garnet: I see you met Amethyst and Peridot, you must forgive them, they're really nuts.
  • K.O.: It's alright.
  • Steven: Hello there, my name's Steven Universe.
  • K.O.: Whoa, how old are you?
  • Steven: 16.
  • K.O.: What? You're older than me?! I can't believe it!
  • Steven: Yeah, I know. Weird, right?
  • Garnet: Let me introduce you to our member crystal gems, [points to Lapis Lazuli and Bismuth] meet Lapis Lazuli and Bismuth.
  • Lapis Lazuli: Hello.
  • Bismuth: Please to meet you!
  • K.O.: [looking at bismuth, thinking if that was the enemy he fought in his dream, but it wasn't in his mind] (No, it can't be her. This isn't the enemy I fought in my dream, the other one is way bigger than her.)
  • Bismuth: [looking worried and confused] You okay?
  • K.O.: Oh yes, I'm fine. Thank you.
  • Bismuth: Okay...
  • Maia: And my name's Mega Celestial Maia, I'm a sorceress from Utropollis!
  • Steven: Well, please to meet you!
  • Maia: Nice to meet you too, Steven!
  • Garnet: Now tell me, what are you two doing outside in the city, you realized that everything is gone and empty, right?
  • Maia: Yes, we already know everything is empty... We came looking for you guys first, K.O. fell in a hole and we discovered a huge footprint... Look! [shows the picture to them]
  • Everyone: [gasps]
  • Pearl: Oh my goodness, it's not even a footprint I've seen of that size before...
  • Garnet: I'm noticing where it comes from... It's nonother than our archenemy, Jasper!
  • Crystal Gems and Steven: JASPER?!
  • Maia: Jasper....?
  • K.O.: Uh... Who's Jasper?
  • Pearl: Jasper is the ruthless, dangerous, and sadistic muscle woman gem evil from homeworld. She's been terrorizing all those poor citizens of the CN City!
  • K.O.: Well, I guess we gotta stop her!
  • Steven: K.O., we can't... We all fought her once before, she was way too powerful to us.... [looks at Maia] Same thing to you, Maia!
  • Maia: Your logic makes sense, there has to be a way to bring all townspeople in the city...
  • K.O.: [thinks in his mind] (A dangerous woman.... [realizes that's the person from his dream and gasps] It is Jasper!!) Guys, I've realized about that Jasper in my dreams that I had last night. [everyone gasps in shock]
  • Lapis Lazuli: Do you now?
  • K.O.: Yeah! I noticed the looks of her, she was big and strong, and her strength was impeccable she crushed my fist so hard! My dream wasn't a dream after all... It's all a vision...
  • Amethyst: Whoa, dude! There's no way that happens of a dream, you mean... [transforms into Jasper] Was she this size?
  • K.O.: [freaks out] AAAAHHH!!! YES!
  • Amethyst: [transforms back to normal] Sorry, I scared you, little buddy...
  • Maia: So.... Where is she now?
  • Steven: We don't know yet, we've been trying to find her in this City cause she's been bullying everyone else in CN City.
  • K.O.: Well, for a minute there, I thought that Strike is behind all this.
  • Peridot: Who...?
  • Garnet: [ahem] It's a long story though. Look what I need you to do is go home and be safe.
  • K.O.: But, what about the other two, Raven and Ben Tennyson?
  • Garnet: Raven probably went home to do her homework and Tennyson is probably at School.
  • K.O.: Ah, geez.
  • Amethyst: If I find Jasper so much, I would just stop her.
  • Peridot: Well I wanted to stop her first, so I'm catching her first.
  • Amethyst: No way dudette! I'm going to catch her and that's final!
  • Peridot: I'm catching her first.
  • Amethyst: No I am!
  • Peridot: No I am!
  • Pearl: Great, here comes another argument with these two.
  • K.O.: I think I better leave you guys alone cause I don't wanna hear no more arguments.
  • Maia: Yes, so do I.
  • Garnet: Alright then.
  • [K.O. and Maia leaves as the two argued once again and they tried to stop them both.]

Scene 4: The Park/The Dark Woods

  • [K.O. and Maia walked towards the park and everything was quite]
  • K.O.: Man, Maia... The park sure is quiet.
  • Maia: Yeah, I can possibly imagine that everything is nature around here.
  • K.O.: [sees the park and gasp] Wow!
  • [The park was beautiful, everything was peaceful and the trees are way colorful as the song begins]
  • Louis Armstrong: [singing] I see trees of green red roses too I see them bloom for me and you and I think to myself What a wonderful world. I see skies of blue and clouds of white The bright blessed day the dark scared night and I think myself What a wonderful world. The colors of rainbow so pretty in the sky Are also on the faces Of people going by I see friends shaking hands saying "how do you do"? They're really saying "I love you" I hear the babies cry I watch them grow They'll learn much more Than I'll never know and I think to myself What a wonderful world. Yes, I think to myself what a wonderful world..... Oh yeah. [the song ends]
  • K.O.: [sniffs in the thin air and smiles] Mmmmm... This park is so peaceful.
  • Maia: [sniffs and wipes a tear] I agree, this place feels like a garden.
  • K.O.: Yeah, I've could've imagined that this city would be filled with, buildings, trees, roads, strangers..... Wait! Strangers?! Oh no!
  • Maia: What's wrong, K.O.?
  • K.O.: Strangers! They aren't friendly, I went to go hug a stranger that looks exactly like Garnet. Oh dear, they're gonna come here and they're gonna get me, these people aren't really friendly. Oh dear [gulps nervously] they'll be here any moment, I sense their approach!
  • Cyborg: [appears out of nowhere] Hey there little dudes! [K.O. and Maia turning around to look at him]
  • K.O.: AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!! Please, please don't hurt us sir, we're innocent people! I'm too young to be beaten, I have my mommy, I have my friends, I even have my school, I am no good for you have a high cholesterol content you'd make my mommy very angry [cries on his feet] I'm gonna live you, you hear me I-I want to make like just one little candle in this dark world [Beast Boy shows up] I wanna have you know... Why me!
  • Cyborg: Hey beastie, Is it just me or is this kid acting up funny?
  • Beast Boy: Beats me CY, maybe he's got into some fermented jujubes or something.
  • K.O.: Wait... [sniffs sadly] You're really not going to hurt us?
  • Cyborg: [picks up K.O. and puts him down] Of course not little dude, we're superheroes and we're famous.
  • K.O.: Really?!
  • Beast Boy: [laughs and pats his back] You've been watchin' too many drama movies, pal.
  • K.O.: [giggles] Well you know you can't be too careful out here in the city you know... Which reminds me, what do you hear about Jasper who's- [Cyborg and Beast Boy hide in the bushes in fear] bullying in the area, wait did I say something to offend you guys....?
  • Cyborg: [comes out of the bushes with beast boy frighteningly] No my friend, but quite frankly Jasper is terrifying all of us right now!
  • Maia: What's so scary about Jasper?
  • Beast Boy: She's about twenty-five feet and a hundred of length yo, she's been scaring off everyone in CN City.
  • K.O.: Why would she wanna do that?
  • Cyborg: Because She's The Biggest Person I Ever Seen In My Whole Years, Man!
  • Maia: But how is that even possible?! How did this happened?!
  • Beast Boy: How?! How?! Well, I never wanted to tell you this but... It wasn't that long ago...
  • [flashback]
  • Beast Boy: [narrating] Me and my bro were just chillin' and havin' some snacks together until we all heard a huge sound and this crazy Jasper person attacked all of us! Then she started to terrorizing everyone in CN City!
  • Jasper: [roars in a Tyrannosaurus rex sound, causing everybody to panic]
  • Beast Boy: [narrating] Oh how they scream.... [Jasper laughs evilly] It was a living nightmare. She's been bullying all those people of the CN City by kicking their butts. All she did was a kick, [Jasper kicks I.R. Baboon] giving everybody wedgies [Jasper gives Kevin wedgie], and worse squashing everybody like a bug! [Jasper squashes Chicken like a bug]
  • [flashback ends]
  • Beast Boy: [freaking out] IT WAS MADNESS!!!!!!
  • Maia: [in shock] What a tragedy.... (K.O.'s dream wasn't an illusion after all....) I'll go search for some other people from this incident! [gives K.O. a device] Take this, we'll contact each other if we found something special! [flies away]
  • K.O.: Bye, Maia! [Walks around then walks into the dark forest]
  • [K.O. was inside the dark forest looking for something, he begins to grew scared]
  • K.O.: Oh man, this place gives me the creeps, I don't know what did I came here for.... [then hears something] It feels like somebody... Wants to sell me something!
  • Valentino: [hiding behind the rock with Victor] I told you he was on to us!
  • K.O.: [running away] Oh man, Now this is really madness [gasp as he realized he was lost] Oh no, I'm lost! and..... I'm all alone [looking around the forest, then hears an owl hooting, the forest begin to grow darker and darker] This isn't your average everyday darkness. This is... advanced darkness. Hey! [closes his eyes] If I close my eyes, It doesn't seem so dark.
  • [a giant footstep is heard in the distance; he opens his eyes]
  • K.O.: What's that?! [walks down the ground] Well, I guess that spot will be there tomorrow. I better just keep walking. [hears another giant footstep] Running! Better start running! [hears the giant footsteps even louder] Sprinting! I just gotta keep sprinting! [suddenly trips and his time portal button has fallen into the mud] NOOOOO!!!! My Time Portal Button! [watches as the time portal button sink into the mud] Oh No, [giant footsteps is heard behind him, he turns around and sees the scary shadow of Jasper roaring with a Tyrannosaurus Rex sound on the boulder, causing K.O. to scream in fear as he ran off madly, the shadow was actually badger's, K.O. ran and ran as the bats flew from the trees and K.O. flees outside the dark forest] Oh great, I lost my time button portal, now I'll never get back home [becomes sad, then his device ring and picks it up] Hello?
  • Maia: [on the device] K.O., is everything okay? What happened?!
  • K.O.: I ran out of the dark forest, and I lost my time button portal.
  • Maia: [on the device] Your what?
  • K.O.: Time Button Portal, it takes me back home, but it fell and sunk into the mud. [becomes sad] Now I'll never get back home...
  • Maia: [on the device] Don't give up hope K.O., we'll find another way.
  • K.O.: Okay, so have you find some people of this incident?
  • Maia: Well, all I see is some people looking very wounded, and you?
  • K.O.: I saw Jasper's shadow and it was really scary! I gotta hide!
  • Maia: Find a place to take refuge, I'll meet you over there. [looks at the Powerpuff Girls] It's okay, girls... You'll be safe here...
  • K.O.: Okay [looks at the restaurant called "Mr. Hasahi's Cooking Bar"] Maybe I'll go eat at the restaurant cause I'm really hungry.
  • Maia: Okay, good luck! [hangs up]
  • K.O.: [goes to the restaurant across the street]

Scene 5: Jasper's Arrival

  • K.O.: [walks in] Now this restaurant looks swanky, I like it! [walks up to the cashier] Hello!
  • Cashier: Hello! How are you?
  • K.O.: Good! Can I have a hamburger, fries, chicken, and a coke?
  • Cashier: Okay, coming right up!
  • K.O.: [whistles and looks around] (This restaurant seems nice, I wonder what my friends are doing.)
  • [at the world of heroes and villains, Enid meets up with Radicles looking very worried]
  • Enid: Rad, Rad, Rad!
  • Radicles: What's wrong Enid?
  • Enid: [looking very worried] I can't find K.O., he's been gone missing!
  • Radicles: [spits out his soda] What?! But I thought he's with you.
  • Enid: But I also thought he's with you!
  • Radicles: Well, if he can't be with us then...... [realizing he's been gone missing] Oh crud! [they search around the area]
  • Enid: K.O.!
  • Radicles: K.O.!
  • Enid: K.O.!
  • Radicles: K.O.!
  • Enid: [looks into the trash] K.O.?!
  • Radicles: [looks in the arcade] K.O.?!
  • Enid: [searching in the iFrame Outlet] K.O.?! [turns to A Real Magic Skeleton and Brandon] Where's K.O.?!
  • Brandon: I don't know, he was here earlier, he was upset that nobody wanted to spend time with him.
  • Enid: Well thanks anyway, punks! [leaves iFrame Outlet]
  • Brandon: Hey!
  • [at Boxmore]
  • Radicles: [kicks the door hard] Alright Boxman, what did you do to K.O.?!
  • Lord Boxman: I seriously don't know what you're talking about.
  • Radicles: Give it up, Boxman! I know you have K.O. being taken.
  • Lord Boxman: What?! I never brought K.O. here, are you nuts?
  • Radicles: So, I guess you didn't have him huh?
  • Darrell: Like dad says, we don't have K.O.
  • Radicles: So you don't have K.O.?
  • Lord Boxman: [gets angry] JUST GET OUT!!!!!! [pushes the button kicking Radicles out of Boxmore]
  • Radicles: [gets up] Dang it, he's not in Boxmore.
  • Enid: [shows up] He's not in any other places!
  • Radicles: [getting worried] Oh man, if his mom and Mr. Gar find out that he's missing, we're gonna be in so much trouble!
  • Enid: Huh? [sees Dendy waiting for something] Hey look, it's Dendy! maybe she knows where K.O. is.
  • Radicles: Yeah, of course. [He and Enid ran up to Dendy] Dendy, uh... do you know where K.O. is?
  • Enid: Yeah we can't find him in any other places!
  • Dendy: Well, K.O. wanted to go somewhere... So I help him- [gasp as she covers her mouth]
  • Enid: [She and Radicles looked at each other and realizing what Dendy is up to] Dendy.... What do you mean you help him to go somewhere...?
  • Dendy: [sweats nervously] Well I-I-I-I-I-I-
  • Radicles: [getting serious] Dendy, where's K.O.?!
  • Dendy: Alright, alright, but you guys aren't gonna like it.... [takes a deep breath] Okay, I gave him a device to transport to a city to meet up with his friend in a place called CN City.
  • Enid: [furious] YOU DID WHAT?!?!?!!!! [Enid starts to steam]
  • Dendy: Agh! [sweats nervously] I Give him something to go somewhere to meet someone else.....
  • Enid: [angrily] Dendy, are you crazy?! We need to get to this CN place ASAP! 
  • Dendy: I actually got this.... [holds a device and pushes the button, they transported to CN City]
  • Radicles: Whoa! This place looks cool... Hey, is that- [Enid whacks him]
  • Enid: Rad, focus! Let's go find K.O. first, then we can be impressed here!
  • [back in the restaurant]
  • K.O.: [eating his kids' meal and enjoying himself] Man, this is the life! Nothing can ruin my day.... [yawns] I better wait here until my friend Maia or Garnet arrives.... [falls asleep]
  • [all of the customers in the restaurant are eating while K.O. is asleep when suddenly the giant footsteps are heard in the restaurant, suddenly a huge hand punched through the wall of the restaurant, coming through the wall was a large Gem was nonother than Jasper! who roars angrily in Tyrannosaurus Rex's voice in front of everyone, causing them to panic as they hid behind the tables frightenedly, all except K.O. who's asleep, Pizza Steve was left behind in the middle as Jasper picks him up and eats him alive and spits out the glasses]
  • Cashier: [frightened with Sid's voice] Holy crab!
  • Jasper: [looking at him] Give me a monster hamburger and a soda, please?
  • Cashier: [sweats nervously] I-i'm sorry ma'am, but we------we don't serve monster hamburgers here.
  • Jasper: Then I suggest you tell them to make one OR ELSE!!!!!!!!!
  • Cashier: Look we can't put changes around, there's no way we could- [Jasper growls angrily with Tyrannosaurus Rex's voice] Okay, okay, we'll do it! [goes to the kitchen and orders everyone to make a gigantic monster hamburger, once it's done they handed her the monster hamburger] Here! it's all yours, just [covers himself under the register in fear] Please don't hurt me!
  • Jasper: [growls in a dinosaur's voice, as she finds somewhere to sit, but all the tables are fallen over as the citizens of CN City are really scared of her] Dang It! [she then sees only one table with K.O. sleeping in it and goes to only one table and goes sit next to him while he's asleep]
  • Maia: [arrives at the door of the restaurant and opens it] K.O., I- [gasp in horror as she sees Jasper sitting next to him eating]
  • K.O.: [still sleeping on a table until something fell on top of his head as he wakes up] Hey! Who did that?! [look up and saw Jasper as he gasps in horror, the person he recognized from his dream is actually real]
  • Jasper: [eating her monster hamburger, then looks at K.O. who was looking at her frightenedly] What?
  • K.O.: N-nothing, nothing.
  • Jasper: [growls with Tyrannosaurus rex as she continues to eat monster Hamburger, K.O. sneaks under the table and attempts to escape from her, when suddenly her drink was disgusted as she angrily goes to the register] Hey You!
  • Cashier: [sweats nervously] An-Anything wrong, ma'am?
  • Jasper: Something's wrong with the drink!
  • Cashier: [sweats nervously] Wh-What are you talking about? There's nothing wrong with your drink.
  • Jasper: [slams table hard and get really angry] Are you calling me a LIAR?!?!?!
  • Cashier: [getting scared] What?! N-No, it's jus- [before he was being lifted up by Jasper]
  • Jasper: [furious] I've Had It With Your Stupid Tom Foolery! Now I'm Gonna do What I Should've Done A LONG TIME AGO!!!!!!!!
  • K.O.: [attempts to leave, but sees Jasper getting ready to punch him, he sees Maia ordering him to let's go, but K.O. doesn't want to witness the cashier gonna get beat up, so K.O. bravely go stand up to her]
  • Maia: K.O., what do you think you're doing?! Come on, we need to get out of here!
  • K.O.: [Jasper is getting ready to punch him until] HEY!!!!! [gets Jasper's attention as she turns around to see him] LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!!!!
  • Jasper: [looking at him as she throws the cashier to the kitchen] Well, what do we have here? Looks like one of my victims has finally shown up.... [walks in front of him] What is your name?
  • K.O.: K.O. and yes, it's me you wanted... You don't have to hurt all those poor innocent people.
  • Jasper: I have to find someone to fight with me to immunize myself, you know you're just a tiny little midget that I could squash on.
  • K.O.: Well, guess what, I'm and hero and I will help those people once and for all.
  • Jasper: You better watch it, kid! Cause your days are gonna be OVER!!!!
  • K.O.: Yeah, well, you are nothing but a big fat... "Lardball"!
  • [all the citizens gasp in horror for what he just said, which causes Jasper to get angry]
  • Jasper: Alright, pipsqueak! I've had it! Meet me at the CN street at 3 PM sharply.... See ya later, loser! [laughs evilly as she leaves towards the door, pushing Maia out of the way] Move it, little girl!
  • Maia: [looks at Jasper disgustingly] (Ugh, that ungrateful horrifying wench!) K.O., what were you thinking?! You're trying to get all of us in danger?!
  • K.O.: I must defend CN City, I must help the people [looking at them who are really scared and confused] I can't let that monster bullying everyone else, I must defeat that big bully in the name of justice once and for all! [everyone cheers as K.O. leaves the restaurant]
  • Maia: [looking very worried] (K.O., what have you gotten yourself into?)

Scene 6: Brawl in the street

  • [meanwhile somewhere in CN City, Enid, Radicles, and Dendy are searching for K.O.]
  • Enid: K.O.!
  • Radicles: K.O.!
  • Dendy: K.O.!
  • Enid: K.O.!
  • Radicles: K.O.!
  • Enid: K.O.!
  • Radicles: Where are ya, buddy?
  • Enid: [starts to get worried] Rad, Dendy, if anything happens to our little guy we'll never forgive ourselves.
  • Radicles: Don't worry Enid, I'm sure we'll find him soon enough, plus this place is crowded filled with cities, shops, movies, games, people an- [bumps into three boys who are non other than Ed, Edd, n Eddy]
  • Eddy: Hey! watch it buddy!
  • Radicles: Phew! Dude, you need a bath!
  • Ed: Who are those guys, Eddy?
  • Eddy: Looks like those weirdos are from another planet! [laughs]
  • Enid: Excuse us, we're not from around here.
  • Dendy: We're from another world, of course...
  • Edd (Double Dee): Did you hear that gentlemen? They said they're not from around here.
  • Eddy: Then, where are you guys from planet stupid? [laughs]
  • Radicles: Shut up! we're looking for our little friend, K.O., do you know where he is?
  • Eddy: Sorry, don't know him.
  • Ed: But some people say there's gonna be a fight.
  • Enid: Fight? [she, Radicles, and Dendy look at each other] What fight?
  • Edd (Double Dee): You mean, you haven't heard?
  • Radicles: Heard? Heard what?
  • Eddy: There's gonna be a fight in CN Street which features a little kid fighting against that big giant bully.
  • Enid: Little kid... Little kid..... [realized who it was] K.O.!
  • Radicles: That's him!
  • Dendy: But who is the big giant bully?
  • Edd (Double Dee): [frightenedly] Some people called her Jasper, she's the most terrifying person in the universe.
  • [Enid, Radicles, and Dendy look at each other, realizing that their friend K.O. is in big trouble]
  • Enid: Come on! K.O. must be in trouble!
  • [at the CN Street, all the people of CN City are shouting "fight" three times, Steven and the Crystal Gems arrived to see the commotion]
  • Steven: Whoa, what's going on here?
  • Eustace Bagge: There's gonna be a fight in the street! [laughs]
  • Amethyst: Fight...? What are you talking about?
  • Eustace Bagge: [points out] The little pipsqueak over there wants to challenge that big orange Gargantua.
  • Garnet: What?! [sees K.O. and gasp] No!
  • Pearl: [surprisingly shocked] What's he doing here?! [the giant footsteps are heard in the streets and it came from the big bully, Jasper] Wait... Don't tell me that he's gonna-
  • Amethyst: Fight Jasper alone in the streets?!
  • Steven: Oh my gosh! I can't believe this!
  • Maia: [shows up to them] I know, I tried to prevent him from doing this... But, he wants to challenge her to help everyone.
  • Jasper: [looking at K.O. in front of her] Alright pipsqueak, if you win... I'll leave all those people alone, but if you lose and I win, I can squash you like a bug to death!!!
  • K.O.: [looking at her bravely] If I win, you must leave all those poor innocent people alone! Cause you've been terrorizing all those citizens of CN City and I had It, I can't be witness all those people who are wounded all because of you and I shall defeat you, cause you... You really are the Big Bully!!!
  • Jasper: [sinister] We will see who defeats who, now we fight! [cracking her knuckles, while K.O. gulps nervously]
  • Eustace Bagge: It's... SHOWTIME!!!!!! [rings the bell]
  • [K.O. and Jasper both charges to each other]
  • K.O.: POWER FIIIIST!!! [shoots Power Fist and Jasper avoids it]
  • Jasper: GET A LOAD OF [smashes ground and shakes, everyone shakes too] THIS!!!
  • Amethyst: Thiiisss iiiiissss soooooo noooooot gooooooood!
  • K.O.: N-Not agaaaain! [loses his balance while Jasper laughs at this]
  • Jasper: Oh man, [wiping out her tears of laughter] you should've seen your face when I smash it to the ground.
  • K.O.: [gets up from the ground feeling dizzy while Jasper is laughing again]
  • [scene shows Enid, Radicles, and Dendy when they heard someone laughing]
  • Radicles: What's that laughing?
  • Dendy: [points out] It's coming from over there. [her, Enid, and Radicles see all the people of the crowd watching something]
  • Enid: I wonder what's going on?
  • Radicles: I dunno let's go check it out. [he, Enid, and Dendy went to go see what's all the commotion, they managed to get through to they can see a good view of their surroundings. First, they told people to move over then... holy Frick! They saw that K.O. is in the fight with Jasper, as he was feeling dizzy and he falls into the ground, Jasper walked towards him as she was about to crush K.O. to death, Eustace Bagge holds the picture so he could take a picture of her crushing K.O. to death]
  • Eustace Bagge: Okay, wait until I say so.
  • Radicles: She's gonna crush K.O. to death! [he and Enid jump at her]
  • Enid: Hit the deck, K.O.!
  • Eustace Bagge: Now! Say "winner"!
  • Jasper: "Winner!" [Eustace Bagge takes the picture, it reveals Enid and Radicles jumping on top of Jasper]
  • Eustace Bagge: Wha-?! [in shock of the picture and looks at the fight weirdly]
  • [everyone gasps in shock]
  • Prohyas: Uh... Who the heck are those guys...?
  • Vambre: [shrugs her shoulders] But I do know that the blue one does look obviously familiar.....
  • Shaggy Rogers: [laughs] Check it out Scoob, those two dudes are fighting against the big bully saving the little one's life! [eating the popcorn]
  • Scooby-Doo: Yeah! [chuckles]
  • K.O.: [gets up from the dizziness and was surprised to see his friends as he gasps] Enid?! Rad?!
  • Enid: [pulling Jasper's huge hair] You leave our friend alone, you monster! [continues to pull Jasper's huge hair]
  • Radicles: [pulling Jasper's one arm] Yeah! You mess with him, you mess with us! [continues to pull Jasper's one arm]
  • Jasper: [grunts] Get... Off... Me!
  • K.O.: Guys!
  • Enid: K.O., what a relief! You're okay [her and Radicles get off Jasper and gives K.O. a hug]
  • Radicles: Glad to have you back, buddy!
  • K.O.: Yeah, but how did you guys get here?
  • Dendy: [shows up] I had to get us here to find you...
  • K.O.: Oh, hi Dendy! [waves at her]
  • Garnet: Those must be K.O.'s other friends...
  • Jasper: [gets up and looks jealously upset] Errrrrr! You gotta be KIDDING [slams the ground hard] ME!!!
  • [everyone starts shaking]
  • Radicles: Reaaaaally, duuuude?!
  • [ground stops shaking]
  • Jasper: Fine, you win... I'M OUTTA HERE! [runs away looking sad tearfully]
  • K.O.: [watching her, feeling sorry for her, thinking to himself] (I'll bet if she had just one friend, she wouldn't be such a meanie.)
  • Eustace Bagge: Well, that's the end of the fight, everyone! Tadaloo.... [everyone leaves]
  • Enid: Phew, that horrible creep is gone! Come on, K.O.! Let's take you home!
  • K.O.: Wait, wait, wait! I made some new friends!
  • Both: Friends....? [they show up]
  • K.O.: Enid, Rad, Dendy, these are my newest friends..... [points out to Maia] This is Mega Celestial Maia, she's the heroic sorceress from Utropollis!
  • Maia: It's a pleasure to meet you guys!
  • Enid: Uh.... hey! [waves at her]
  • K.O.: She was helping me look for those guys [points out to Steven and the Crystal Gems] Steven Universe and the Crystal Gems.
  • Radicles: Crystal Gems? [laughs] Come on... this gotta be a joke.
  • Amethyst: If you think this is a joke....? Check it! [she and the other crystal gems release their weapons, making Radicles believe]
  • Radicles: Okay, now I'm stupid.
  • K.O.: [walks up to Garnet] This is Garnet, she's the leader of the Crystal Gems. I've met her a long time ago along with Ben and Raven when we're teaming up together to defeat Strike.
  • Enid: Uh.... who's that?
  • K.O.: He's the guy with his magic pen to erase everything in CN City.
  • Garnet: It's the truth, K.O.'s been helping us to defeat this evil menace so we can get this CN City fixed.
  • Enid: I see, well it's nice knowing you guys, but we have to go home.
  • K.O.: Wait! [thinking about Jasper] What about Jasper?
  • Radicles: Who?
  • Enid: Oh yeah, the big one that tried to crush you to the death, why?
  • K.O.: I saw her looking very sad that she feels left out.
  • Steven: K.O., what are you talking about? She's defeated thanks to your friends.
  • Enid: Yeah, we saved your life K.O., you could've been killed.
  • K.O.: Why can't we just go after her?
  • Pearl: What?! K.O., you can't be serious!
  • K.O.: But I am serious.... [to Steven] Steven, have you help every other gem in the universe?
  • Steven: Yes I have, I helped Lapis Lazuli, Peridot, Biggs Jasper, Ocean Jasper, Nephrites, and more.
  • K.O.: All except Jasper?
  • Steven: All except Jasper, because she hates us!
  • K.O.: Well, if it weren't for you, you would've just help Jasper as well!
  • Steven: Oh, so now you're blaming me for this?!
  • K.O.: Heavens to betsy, no. It's just that something's wrong with her, and you guys couldn't just help her out!
  • Steven: Are you accusing me of something?
  • K.O.: If she would've known the truth about Pink Diamond which was you, she does have to know!
  • Steven: She did and she's still against us!
  • Enid: K.O.! [K.O. turns around to face her] I think you're evading the detail about Jasper, it's clear you have something to hide.
  • Radicles: Yeah K.O., what gives? We saved you from this big Gargantua, and now you want to help her out? Why?
  • K.O.: [looks at his friends and the others as he walks the other way and stops] Enid, Rad, remember the dream I told you guys about earlier in the Bodega?
  • Both: Yeah.
  • K.O.: Well.... [turns around to face others] I know what I saw in my dream and that was the one I fought in my dream.....[takes a deep breath] It's time... I told you the truth... All of it.
  • [flashback]
  • K.O.: [narrating] While I was sleeping, I battled her. I used my punch attack and she dodges it.... She has strong strength to crush my fist way harder that I did not expect, then I've lost my balance when she stomped the ground really hard... She picks me up and throws me to a wall, that's where I was awaked from that actual nightmare.... [narration ends] True story...
  • [flashback ends]
  • Dendy: Your dream predicted that Jasper person...
  • Garnet: It's a disaster...
  • Maia: You're right, Garnet... His vision is a disaster...
  • Enid: Rad, I think he's telling the truth...
  • Radicles: Wait, are you trying to tell us that the person you fought in your dream..... is actually her?!
  • K.O.: Yes!
  • Enid: Okay K.O., you are serious.
  • K.O.: That's why we're going after her!
  • Steven: What?! K.O., I think you're crazy!
  • K.O.: All of us are going to find her!
  • Amethyst: Dude, you can't be serious, we aren't going to search for this... Big orange bully!
  • K.O.: Why not?
  • Pearl: Because of her arrogance, there's no attempt to confront her of her disrespectful behavior...
  • K.O.: But she was.... [feels concerned] Oh, forget it... Let's go home, guys...
  • Peridot: Wait, can we come too?
  • K.O.: [taps his foot and thinks] Uhhhh.....

Scene 7: Back in Lakewood Plaza Turbo

  • [everyone teleports to Lakewood Plaza]
  • K.O.: So here we are, Lakewood Plaza Turbo!
  • [everyone is amazed]
  • Amethyst: Whoa! This place looks cool!
  • Pearl: Why, this world feels like a normal neighborhood.
  • Steven: Everything looks nice here, I wonder what they have here.
  • Enid: Well, as you can see here, this is where we work here, and in order to protect the plaza, [points to Boxmore] over there is Boxmore, it's the home of our arch-nemesis Lord Boxman and his army of robot twerps.
  • [they go inside the bodega]
  • Radicles: And trust me, we always come here to work, but I hope we don't get caught cause they won't know we're in the other dimension.
  • ???: [ahem]
  • [K.O. and the others get caught by Mr. Gar and his mom Carol looking very angry]
  • Radicles: Oh crud!
  • Mr. Gar: BODEGAMEN!!!!!! Where have you three been?! I've been trying to defend this plaza from Boxman's Robot Army!!!
  • [flashback]
  • Mr. Gar: WHERE ARE MY BODEGAMEN?!?!?!?!?!?!?! [fighting against the robots]
  • [flashback ends]
  • Carol: And I have to help!
  • [flashback]
  • Carol: Mr. Gar, What happened?! And where are your employees and my son?!
  • Mr. Gar: I don't know Carol, but COME AND HELP ME!!!!
  • [flashback end]
  • Mr. Gar: What have you got yourselves into this time?!
  • Enid: Sir, we can explain. you see-
  • Mr. Gar: No exceptions!
  • Carol: And K.O., my only son!
  • K.O.: But mom...
  • Maia: Please, ma'am. [step forward towards her] He just wanted to go somewhere and wanted to find some of his old friends.
  • Carol: I'm sorry who are you.......?
  • Maia: Mega Celestial Maia, a sorceress from Utropollis!
  • Mr. Gar: Bodegamen! explain to me why you brought strangers to this plaza?
  • Enid: Sir, they're not strangers, those are K.O.'s new friends. we met them in the place called CN City!
  • Mr. Gar: CN City? What the heck is that?
  • K.O.: It's a place where all the people lived peacefully.
  • Mr. Gar: You expect me to believe that you went to this CN place where all those people that actually living there?
  • Garnet: I believe there is [steps forward]
  • Mr. Gar: And who are you miss....?
  • K.O.: [walk towards Garnet] Mr. Gar, this is Garnet. She's the leader of the Crystal Gems and she's also my old friend, I've met her long ago along with Ben and Raven to defeat this evil menace Strike and his Magic Pen.
  • Garnet: It is true.
  • K.O.: Also, there's something else. After I met Maia, Steven, and the Crystal Gems, I ran into Jasper.
  • Mr. Gar: Who?
  • Steven: Jasper. Mr. Gar, she's the most powerful ferocious gem in the universe, she's been bullying everyone in CN City.
  • Carol: Is she now?
  • K.O.: Yeah, uh mom about the dream that I had......
  • Carol: Yeah....?
  • K.O.: Well, the person that I fought in my dream is her.
  • Carol: What do you mean, sweetie?
  • Enid: [steps forward] Well, K.O. here says that he saw himself battling a powerful enemy which is actually Jasper in a dream last night, which seems to be inspiring him to fight Jasper alone.
  • Mr. Gar: Say, WHAAAT?!?! A dream? Is what that dream of yours was all about, K.O.?
  • Radicles: It's true sir, we saw him in the fight with Jasper in CN Street, he was about to get crushed by Jasper for good!
  • Carol: [gasp in horror]
  • K.O.: Oh, but I'm fine mommy, Enid, Rad, and Dendy just showed up out of nowhere to save me.
  • Carol: Well, thank god your safe K.O., I could've lost you.
  • K.O.: [hugging her] I'm here, mom, but after the battle, Jasper runs away looking very sad, I thought she might need help.
  • Carol: Really?
  • K.O.: Yes, but one of the Crystal Gems, Pearl says that her arrogance, there's no attempt to confront her of her disrespectful behavior..... I mean I wanna help her out, but I might as well forget it then, cause she has hatred inside of her.
  • Pearl: It's true ma'am, she's still against us, she still has hatred inside of her, she hates everything in the universe.
  • Carol: Wow! I never realized that. K.O., is it true you wanted to help her out?
  • K.O.: Yes, mommy.
  • Steven: But K.O., don't you realized how huge she is......? I mean look at her, she's big as a kaiju! And you....... you are as tiny as a mouse.
  • K.O.: [looking down feeling upset]
  • Enid: Don't feel bad K.O., not all of the people wanted to help others.
  • Radicles: Yeah, I mean we came rescuing you from Lord Boxman when you were captured right.
  • K.O.: [nods yes but still upset]
  • Carol: Well, come on K.O., time to take you home. [pick him up and takes him to the car and drives all the way home]
  • Enid: Poor K.O., I never see him so sad that he wants to help someone special.
  • Radicles: Yeah, I mean he'll get over it, it's not like he'll get his dream again.
  • [at K.O.'s house]
  • Carol: K.O.! your dinner is almost ready!
  • K.O.: Okay, just a minute!
  • Carol: [sees him drawing something] What you drawing sweetie?
  • K.O.: Almost done..... and there!
  • Carol: Can I see?
  • K.O.: Sure [hands her the picture, it was a drawing of Jasper]
  • Carol: Who's that?
  • K.O.: Jasper!
  • Carol: That's her?! She's big!
  • K.O.: Yes, that's the one I fought in my dream, well it turns out to be a vision of course.
  • Carol: What do you mean a vision, honey?
  • K.O.: I saw this big person, in reality, no joke!
  • Carol: Goodness gracious, there's no way dreams are real...
  • K.O.: That's what I've been getting through the whole time, maybe someday I should go back to speak to Jasper...
  • Carol: It's okay, I believe you now honey... But she's still dangerous, y'know...
  • K.O.: I agree, mommy... And that way she would stop bullying everyone so that there's peace...
  • Carol: That's right, hon! You should go make friends with her and that there will be no more disasters! [pats him on the head and he smiles]
  • [doorbell rings]
  • Carol: Coming! [opens the door and reveals to be K.O.'s friends] Why hello again, everyone!
  • Everyone: Hi! [comes in the house]
  • K.O.: Wassup, guys!
  • Steven: K.O., we decided to have a sleepover here for tonight.
  • K.O.: That's so cool, Steven!
  • [in the night at K.O.'s house]
  • Amethyst: It's was very nice of you to let us have a sleepover, Mrs. C.
  • Carol: It was nothing, plus it's a special night for all of us.
  • Radicles: Yeah, it feels like the coolest night ever!
  • Bismuth: You said it! [rubbing Radicles hair]
  • Radicles: Hey! watch the hair!
  • Bismuth: [laughs] sorry.
  • Lapis Lazuli: [looking around] Hey! where's K.O.?
  • Enid: There, sitting alone under the bed. [points out to K.O. who's looking very worried]
  • Maia: I wonder what got into him?
  • Radicles: Maybe he's having a ruff time on CN City of course.
  • Steven: Or maybe he's tired of everything he has done for.
  • Enid: Hey K.O., why don't you come to join us.
  • Radicles: Yeah K.O., come on in. [K.O. walks over to the table looking very worried] Hey, what's wrong there buddy?
  • K.O.: It's nothing.
  • Enid: Come on K.O., you can talk to us.
  • Steven: Yeah, we're here for you man.
  • K.O.: Well, It's just........ I just can't stop thinking about Jasper. [causes everyone to groan in annoyed]
  • Amethyst: Oh come on! your just gonna keep talking about Jasper don't ya?!
  • K.O.: [shrugs his arms] I mean, Jasper always having some sort of problem issues.
  • Garnet: Listen, I know what's best you are trying to do, but she still wants to hurt us even worse.
  • K.O.: But, don't you guys understand what's going on with her? she needs help.
  • Carol: Yeah, my son has finally told me everything about her, but however if K.O. would want to help her, at least give her a chance.
  • Pearl: Mrs. Carol, I appreciate your son's idea, but Jasper.... she's can crush you if you go near her.
  • K.O.: Look, I know any of you guys are her enemies but why can't we help her out?
  • Lapis Lazuli: Because, number 1. she is evil, number 2. she fused with me into malachite, and number 3. she wants to destroy us!!!
  • K.O.: Why? why can't any of you help her out so she wouldn't have to kill you all?! that doesn't make any sense! It's not about us it's about her!
  • Amethyst: Kid! we get it!, but this Jasper thing we're talking about, I'm sorry but she is against us, she has hatred inside of her, there's nothing we can do to fix her, end of conversation about her!
  • K.O.: But...... [gets upset]
  • Enid: K.O., she's right Jasper is very cruel and very vicious, and there's nothing we can do to fix it.
  • K.O.: fine.....
  • Carol: So, who wants some hamburgers tonight?!
  • Everyone: We do!!!!!
  • [everyone starts sleeping after doing fine, and K.O. is having a dream with Jasper again]
  • K.O.: [in his dream] (I must find Jasper around me, I felt ashamed for making her sad....) [sees a silhouette of Jasper] There she is! [goes straight towards her] Hey Jasper, um listen about that battle... um I just wanted to say I really didn't mean to do that, so I can win, it's just you were bullying everyone else in CN City, and this has gotta stop you get me....? [noticing that Jasper is very quiet] Uhhh Jasper? [attempt to get her hand but hers is so far up he can't even reach, so K.O. jumps up and attempts to grab it when..... Jasper turns around as she was a very scary person and roars angrily in aTyrannosaurus rex sound!!!!!] Whoa!!!!
  • Jasper: [growls angrily in a Tyrannosaurus rex sound]
  • K.O.: Jasper just calm down, I-I don't want to fight.
  • Jasper: [raises her arms as she smashes to the ground as it begins to break as K.O. falls down below making him scream]
  • K.O.: [wakes up from a dream and feeling sweaty, then he had enough] That does it! If nobody wants to help me find Jasper and fix her....... Then I will!

Scene 8: Finding Jasper

  • [before K.O. is heading to CN City, he writes a note that he'll be gone in CN City to find Jasper without his friends help]
  • K.O.: I need to find Jasper quickly! [pushes a spare time portal button]
  • [in CN City]
  • K.O.: (Back in the place again, but I can finally see everyone staying calm and having tranquility.... But, it's best if I should find Jasper.)
  • [Cyborg and Beast Boy we're eating and Cyborg sees K.O.]
  • Cyborg: Yo, BB? [points at K.O.] It's that boy we saw from last time!
  • Beast Boy: Hey, yo! [him and Cyborg waves at him] Wassup, dude!
  • K.O.: Hey, wassup!
  • Cyborg: What's a boy like you doing back here in CN City?
  • K.O.: I'm looking for Jasper, have any of you guys seen her?
  • Beast Boy: [bitterly] We haven't seen her after you defeated her.
  • K.O.: Uh, I didn't defeated her, Enid and Radicles did, they showed up out of nowhere to save me. Can any of you guys help me look for her?
  • Cyborg: Oooooh, sorry kid, no can do.
  • K.O.: Why not? you said you we're superheroes.
  • Beast Boy: We are, but we don't chase villains these days. We retired, and if I we're you, we'd consider turning around and going home. You're not cut out for this kind of work, boy. An innocent kid like you doesn't stand a chance against this big gigantic bully. Do you have any idea what people like that do to the people like you?
  • K.O.: You mean they won't give me a push on the swing set?
  • Cyborg: Well, let's just say, I hope you've practiced walking without legs, or arms, or a body.
  • Beast Boy: Yeah, good luck finding her kid.
  • K.O.: Okay, thanks!
  • [K.O. still looks for Jasper]
  • K.O.: (C'mon, K.O., be brave and try to stay calm.) [feeling nervous and shy] Um.... Hello, Jasper.... Jasper? [Ben 10 and Raven sneak up behind him and stomps hard] Whoa! [fells and gets head stuck on ground]
  • K.O.: I'm stuck, a little help here!
  • Ben Tennyson: Oh shoot! It's K.O.!
  • Raven: Yikes! let's get him out quick!
  • [Both Ben 10 and Raven help him getting out of the hole, his head is like a square]
  • Ben: [laughs] Oh man! your head's like "Spongebob Squarepants"!
  • K.O.: [shakes his head and was surprised to see Ben and Raven] Oh! it's you guys!
  • Ben: It's been a while, sorry about that though, we thought you we're someone else.
  • K.O.: No worries Ben.
  • Raven: Now then, Can I ask you what brings you here?
  • K.O.: I'm looking for someone called Jasper.
  • Ben: Who's that?
  • K.O.: Oh, she's a big orange gem who's way scarier than anyone else in this city. Do any of your know her?
  • Raven: Oh, the one that attacked CN City.
  • K.O.: That's right!
  • Ben: But, how on earth do you about Jasper?, you never met her before, haven't you?
  • K.O.: I came to CN City and I met Mega Celestial Maia.
  • Raven: Who....?
  • K.O.: She's a sorceress from a place called Utropollis! Anyway, me and Maia come across the dark alley, then I fell into the big hole which is actually a gigantic footprint, then we ran into the cops, and I was surprised to see my old friend, Garnet!
  • Ben: Whoa, Garnet?! Is she here?!
  • K.O.: Sadly no, but she told us about someone named Jasper, than I told her, the Crystal Gems, Steven Universe, and Maia about my rough dream, but it turns out to be a vision an-
  • Raven: Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up....... What do you mean a vision? What's going on?
  • K.O.: Well, the other night, I had a very rough dream. I was battling this big gigantic enemy, which is Jasper. I used my punch attack and she dodges it.... She has strong strength to crush my fist way harder than I ever expected, then I've lost my balance when she stomps on the ground really hard... She picks me up and throws me against the wall, that's where I was awoken from that hideous nightmare. Then soon or later, I actually met her in the restaurant which she's actually real! I mean, my dream was actually a vision!
  • Ben: Whoa! I never realized that. But do you know big she is?
  • K.O.: Yes, she's the biggest gem in the universe. I think she's way bigger than my boss Mr. Gar and Garnet.
  • Raven: Yikes! Never knew about that here.
  • K.O.: Anyway, do any of you guys know where she is? I need to find her and talk to her!
  • Raven: Sorry, don't know her and don't care.
  • Ben: I wish I could help you, but you can go ask someone else who knows more Jasper than both of us.
  • K.O.: Okay, [walks around the city, than goes straight to Townsville Hall] maybe someone in there can help me. [walks inside Townsville Hall] Hello?
  • The Mayor: Ah, welcome to Townsville Hall! what can I do for you young man?
  • K.O.: Can you help me with something?
  • The Mayor: [laughs] I wasn't five-time 'Golden Claws' in the navy for nothin'. When he sees me moves, he'll be running scared. So, what is it that you want?
  • K.O.: I'm looking for someone.
  • The Mayor: And who might that be?
  • K.O.: This would be her, sir. [takes out the picture of Jasper]
  • The Mayor: [gasps in fear] Jasper?! [hides under his desk] Go away, K.O.! Take your death clod with you! [scene cuts to K.O. showing the picture to people. Shows it to Johnny Bravo who runs and went to his car as he drives frightenedly, then a construction worker who pogos off on his jackhammer, and some guys at the Tough Tavern who run off, some screaming "HOLD ME! HOLD ME!", leaving K.O. distraught]
  • K.O.: [at the bus stop] Ugh, that's it. nobody's wants to help me look for her [walks around the CN City, trying to find someone] There's gonna be someone who knows more about Jasper [looks at the music shop and knew someone] and I know just the guy [walks into the music shop and sees Greg Universe playing with his guitar singing, K.O. goes to his desk] Excuse me, sir?
  • Greg Universe: Whoa! [falls off the desk]
  • K.O.: Oops! Sorry I scared you, sir.
  • Greg Universe: [gets up] It's okay, uh, welcome to music shop, can I help you anything?
  • K.O.: My name's K.O., and you must be Steven Universe's father, Greg Universe.
  • Greg Universe: You know my son?
  • K.O.: Yeah, I met him along with Garnet and the Crystal Gems, I was wondering if you can help me out.
  • Greg Universe: Name it.
  • K.O.: Do you know any gems in the universe right?
  • Greg Universe: Of course, there's Snowflake Obsidian, Crazy Lace Agate, Nephrites, Haven Beetle, and more, all of the gems I know of in the universe.
  • K.O.: Then there is one gem I wanna talk to you about...... What do you know about a gem called "Jasper"?
  • Greg Universe: Jasper....? [realize who it was] Oh, she's a bad guy, I mean you don't want to fool with her though.
  • K.O.: You know where I can find her?
  • Greg Universe: Oh you don't wanna find her kid, you don't wanna go near her, trust me, she is very vicious gem, she's been terrorizing all those poor citizens and bullying them. but thanks to you, you defeated her and she runs away.
  • K.O.: Well, my friends Enid and Radicles are the ones who defeated her, cause they saved me, also I don't really know anything about Jasper, one of Garnet's friends Pearl says that she's someone from the past, who is she and what did she do?
  • Greg Universe: Such a long story you need to know about her, alright then, Jasper is a homeworld Gem, eons ago she came here to Beach City along with Peridot and Lapis Lazuli, she defeated Garnet with her weapon, she even threatens my son Steven, and bang on his head and defeated two Crystal Gems, she was defeated four times of course.
  • K.O.: I see, but that doesn't matter, after I saved CN City, I felt ashamed about Jasper being defeated again, I must find her and talk to her and fix her, cause I ain't giving up unless you tell me where to look for her!
  • Greg Universe: Well...... Alright, it's your funeral [sits on top of the desk] Ok listen, listen carefully........ Jasper lives somewhere in the remote mountains of Lake County, far far away from CN City........ In a place called "Mount Massive Asylum"! it's a place where all the villains lived.
  • K.O.: [gulps nervously] did..... did you say...... vil-vil---villains?!
  • Greg Universe: Yes, villains, This is where Jasper lives. Many of you people go over there, Many of you funeral return.

Scene 9: Mount Massive Asylum

  • [K.O. was walking and sees a bus]
  • K.O.: There's a bus, I think I should take a ride somewhere.... [K.O. goes in and no one is in there] Huh? Where's the bus driver? Where are the other passengers? [The door closed and the bus begins to move] Whoa! [The bus leaves the CN City, K.O. was in shocked] Wh-Where does it take me?! [K.O. looks out the window and noticed that the skies are getting dark, as he begins to get frightened, as the Bus arrives at the top of the mountain, it finally arrives at the destination, K.O. couldn't believed what he just arrived, Mount Massive Asylum] That's the place?! [shivered] It feels like it hasn't been used in years. But I better get off though [gets off the bus as it leaves] Hey! come back! [watches as the bus leaves, then turns around to see the building frightenedly] If this is the place? then, that's where Jasper lives [goes inside the building and opens, he couldn't believe his eyes, what he saw were bunch of super villains] Yikes! Mr. Universe isn't kidding, this place if filled with villains, [gulps nervously] well, there's only one thing to do, a sneaking mission [K.O. begins sneaking his way through all the super villains, muttering to himself as he moves] Sneak, sneak, sneak. [Jumps out of the way of Santa Claus, sidling boxes]
  • Santa Claus: Watch we're you going Kid!
  • K.O.: Sorry, sneak, sneak, sneak, snake, sneak, sneak. [Rolls and slithers across ground, tip-toeing around the assembly line] Sneak, sneak, sneak, sneak, sneak. [He spots an open door and races through it, passing Dick Dastardly]
  • Dick Dastardly: [After door closes] Hey!
  • [Cut to K.O. running]
  • K.O.: Hee hee hee, perfect stealth. now I must find Jasper, must find Jasper.
  • [Cuts to the Courtyard where eerie moaning is heard. An Owl on a tree branch hoots]
  • K.O.: Huh?! [Ducks as a bunch of Bats are flying over him. Then a black cat growls at him] Ahh! [The black cat walks away] Hold yourself together, K.O. It's just a courtyard... filled with scary villains. [gate squeaks open] Ah! [hides behind a big tree] What's that? It's Darrell, what's he doing here? [Sees Darrell crying as he walks up to a tombstone, puts flowers on it, then leaves. K.O. walks up to the tombstone Darrell was looking at and reads it] "Here lies Darrell's hopes and dreams." What a baby. Where was I? Oh yeah. Gotta find Jasper. [goes through the hole leading to Administration Block, then goes straight towards the two main halls and a stairwell going down near the artium] Hmmmm...... If Jasper could stay in somewhere here, she's probably in one of these rooms. [K.O. opens the first door in an abandoned building and King Ghidorah is behind it, giving a loud roar, which scares him as he shuts the door and screams in fear, Then opens the second door, then he is met by a great white shark that growls and begins to swim toward the boy, only for K.O. to close it and screams in terror. then goes to the third door, opens it and he was encountered by the Black Scorpion who scares him, as K.O. closes the door and screams in fear, then goes to the forth door] I knew something bad is going to happened! [slowly opens the door as he covers himself, then he sees a beautiful girl playing a violin, K.O. thinks it was so lovely, But when she turned around, she revealed a huge scary face with flying hair and buggy bloodshot eyeballs as K.O. screams in terror with Squidward's voice as he shuts the door] Okay, I've had enough of this! I gotta find the way. [sees the air duct] That's it! [climbs inside the air duct, he was crawling through the air duct, when....]
  • Rolf: Quiet Boy!
  • K.O.: [gasps]
  • Rolf: [covers his mouth] Shhhhh....., Shhhhh........, If they ca.... If they catch us, they'll give us to her. The woman downstairs. The woman.... Very bad. Very, very bad... gosh... Oh gosh. [disappears]
  • K.O.: Okay, that was weird. [then he crawls into another room, he sees a hero victim was strapping in a chair, but the poor superhero gasped for air and started screaming]
  • [This is where the chase begins....]
  • K.O.: Shh... Shh... Calm down, plus I'm a hero and I help people okay?
  • Bane: [in distance] Let's give the victim for what he deserves!!!!!!
  • Villains: [in distance] Yeah!
  • K.O.: [gasps in horror as he sees the villains approached to the two doors]
  • Villains: Meat! Want meat! Want meat! Want meat! Want meat! Darn!
  • K.O.: OH HECK NO!!! [quickly saw another partly block door, he pushed the box again but this time as fast as he can as the villain about to bring the door down, but K.O. made it first and opens the door, he ran to another door but another villain by the name of Goro approaches to the door]
  • Goro: This is the experiment!
  • [K.O. runs to another door as the three villains chases him down, he closed the door and saw a red box, he has planned to pushed the box on the door and block his enemies. As he did, he pushed another box blocking another door, he opened the door but then he saw the villains bashing down the door]
  • Solomon Grundy: The Mist!!!
  • Bane and Goro: You can't hide!!! (2x)
  • [K.O. ran to another room with a dead body with it's torso cut and blood everywhere, he closes the door and complains]
  • K.O.: Well, this is just darn great! [sees an opened vent, then the door started bashing due to the other villains are right behind him]
  • Solomon Grundy: The Mist!!!
  • K.O.: Dang It! [jumped to the vent and crawled out the room]
  • Solomon Grundy: The Mist!!!
  • [K.O. jumped down and thought he was safe, then a door bashed down and came the three villains]
  • Bane: There he is!
  • K.O.: Ahhh!!! They're after me!! Somebody, HELP!
  • [K.O. ran through an abandoned office jumping through tables and broken stuff, then he saw big jump ahead, he turned to his determination face makes a jump to the other side barley, he hangs on to his grip and climbed up]
  • Goro: You slippery little midget!
  • K.O.: Phew, that was close, I'm glad everything is over.
  • [but the chase is not over, as he walked down a hallway]
  • Bane: There's another door, this way!
  • K.O.: Oh come on!!!
  • [K.O. ran to the right and looked back and saw the three villains enter the room]
  • Solomon Grundy: You can't hide!!!
  • [K.O. keeps running and jumping through tables and bed away from the villains and ends up to the door as he was about to open the door]
  • Bane: He's getting away!!!
  • [K.O. opens the door and closes]
  • Bane: Hey! [tries to open the door] You can't go in there, that's Jasper's room, come back! hey, we're not gonna hurt you I-I-We just wanna show you something, come on!
  • [K.O. falls down the stairs and landed on the ground, then gets up]
  • K.O.: Okay, this must be her room, now I must find her and talk to her!

Scene 10: Jasper's Room

  • [K.O. enters a large, dark room with several scary Chinese dragons, scary statues, and more]
  • K.O.: (She's gotta be here somewhere, man I never see her room so dark.... And scary!) Hey, Jasper! Where are you?! Come out! [hears a Tyrannosaurus rex growl] Who's there? Show yourself! [hears some other giant footsteps approaching in the distance, K.O. grew scared that someone is coming, coming out of the shadows came a large gem who's non other than Jasper, K.O. gasps in horror, he grew scared and nervous] Uhhh... hello...?
  • Jasper: You're that little midget from the fight yesterday.... You're back here to defeat me, huh?
  • K.O.: No, but.... I just wanna talk to you why-
  • Jasper: [stomps ground] SHUT UP!!!
  • K.O.: [sweats nervously] Just.... Calm down.... Please....
  • Jasper: Calm down? [slams wall again] Like heck I will, after you leave here THIS INSTANT!
  • K.O.: I can't! Those three bad guys are out there chasing me and I just wanna talk to you why you're being a bully!
  • Jasper: Well, you're in luck.... Cuz this "big bully" is here to give you more pain! [cracking her knuckles]
  • K.O.: [looking at her frighteningly] Uh-oh! [runs in fear] Get away from me!
  • Jasper: [chases him] Get Back Here!
  • K.O.: Leave me alone! [sees a door] A door! [K.O. opens it and it reveals the other villains] AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!
  • Bane: C'mere, kid!
  • K.O.: I need to get outta here, quickly! [Jasper shows up] [gasps in fear]
  • Jasper: No escape, pipsqueak!
  • K.O.: [screams in fear] This can't be happening to me!
  • Everyone: [laughs in evil]
  • Jasper: [about to grab him, but K.O. went under her and run from the villains] Huh?!
  • Bane: After Him, you idiots!!!
  • [The other villains chases K.O. around Jasper's room, as he knocks every scary statue down and breaks, then K.O. went into the hole in the wall, and the villains did not see it]
  • Jasper: Dang! Where is he?!
  • Bane: Well, if it weren't for you, you wouldn't be failing so many times!
  • Jasper: What?!
  • Bane: Don't play stupid babe, you we're defeated four times in the role, and now you we're defeated by that same brat that wants to help people in the streets!
  • Jasper: If it weren't for those stupid gems and that brat, I wouldn't handle this alone as well....
  • K.O.: [overhearing about the villains complaining about failings in the wall, but especially Jasper] (Wow! Jasper has been failing so many times this year?! I wonder what got into her.... Maybe I better wait here until some of her friends are gone.) [K.O. walks on the steps inside the wall, when suddenly he knocks something down, causing the villains to hear it]
  • Jasper: Rats in the Walls! Kill the rats!
  • Bane: He's here! Inside the walls! Kill him!
  • K.O.: Yikes! [runs up the stairs and went through the sealing]
  • Jasper: [laughs] This idiot wants to die.
  • K.O.: [inside the sealing, looking down at the villains] Okay, this *was* a bad idea to come here!
  • Jasper: Now where he go?
  • Bane: Well, good luck finding that pipsqueak of yours, we're out! [he and the other villains walked out the door and closes leaving Jasper in disgrace]
  • Jasper: [thinking in her mind as she crosses her arms] (How dare they think I'm always failing everything in the universe....)
  • K.O.: [quietly] Tip toe... [trying to escape the Mount Massive Asylum, but he falls off the sealing and lands on the ground, getting Jasper's attention]
  • Jasper: You!!!
  • [K.O. screams in fear and runs away from Jasper, and Jasper is right behind him, the chase has lead them in to the bathroom, K.O. was suddenly trapped, Jasper has caught him, K.O. was so frightened he couldn't bare to move, Jasper is about to strike K.O. for good, but K.O. run off, as Jasper crashed through the wall, K.O. runs out of the bathroom and goes straight to the door, but all of the sudden, it was locked, Jasper got out of the bathroom, she had enough as she goes straight towards him]
  • Jasper: Filthy blockheads, you're like all the others. I'm gonna break your lungs out of your butt once and for all!
  • K.O.: [frightenedly] P-Please, I-I don't wanna fight..... I don't get why you're always upset about everything. I've heard you've been failing so many times, can you at least tell me what happened?
  • Jasper: I don't give a darn on why would you came here, my life is always been miserable! [looking out of the window sadly] I guess I'll never be good as anyone in CN City. My attitude was out of control when I start bullying everyone and those Crystal Gem freaks....
  • K.O.: Some friends might help you get stressed out of your life.
  • Jasper: I don't have any friends! As a manner of fact, I don't *need* friends.... I decided to be alone....
  • K.O.: But.... What about me? I'm everyone's favorite hero, I even help some of my friends making them feel better. Cause if you wanna be a good person in the world? [touches Jasper's hand] I'm your best bet.... [sweats nervously and looks away] (Please don't hurt me....)
  • Jasper: Tch.... Fine.... You can get outta here!
  • K.O.: Really?! Um.... Thanks! [walks out of the room then runs away out of the evil place] (Phew! That was close, at least she regret her actions.... I should head back home now.) [but stops for a moment] (Or maybe....... My mom says that I should go make friends with her.) [looks at her at the window, very lonely as she turn off the lights] (Oh but she's huge, and I'm so little like Steven said, but maybe..... I should help her be a good person.) [goes back inside the evil place and goes back to her room, where she was in her bed sleeping, he whisper to himself] She's asleep, maybe I should sleep next to her until tomorrow. [goes straight towards her bed, and covers himself as he falls asleep next to Jasper]

Scene 11: Gone Baby Gone

  • [Back at the world of heroes and villains, at K.O.'s house, Carol's scream was heard outside the house, causing everyone to wake up]
  • Enid: Carol, what's wrong?!
  • Carol: MY BABY'S GONE!!!!!!!
  • Steven: What?! [he and the others run towards K.O.'s bed and discovered that he's not here] Where did he go?!
  • Carol: I-I don't know, he was here last night with us, but now in the morning he's not.
  • Garnet: Don't worry Mrs. C, we'll find him. Everyone, split up and find him!
  • [the others obey as they search around the house, they check the backyard, they check his mom's room, they check the kitchen, they check the front yard, they check the garbage, they check, check, check, but nothing, now the others begin to get worried]
  • Radicles: I don't understand, why would he be leaving us like this? He never leaves our home.
  • Bismuth: Well, if I were you blue boy, you would've been gone as well.
  • Radicles: Did you just call me blue boy......?
  • Amethyst: Mrs. C, do you have any snacks here? I'm kinda hungry right now.
  • Carol: Uhhhh.... sure.... They're in the fridge.
  • Amethyst: Thanks! [goes to the refrigerator to get some snacks, she then sees the letter K.O. left for his friends and picks it up and reads it, then becomes surprisingly shock as she goes straight towards others] Uhhh dudes, you might wanna read this.
  • Garnet: Let me read it... [grabs the letter and reads it] Dear friends, I've had another dream with Jasper and she started to beat me up again.... I wanna apologize for making her sad, so I have to head back to CN City to find her and figure out why she keeps being a meanie to everyone. It'll be fine, I'll do my best to be safe. Your friend, K.O.. Oh no! [turns around in shock] he's going back to CN City to find Jasper!
  • Everyone: WHAAAAAAAT?!
  • Pearl: Ugh! Does he have to go back again?! It's too dangerous for him to get close our tough arch-nemesis!
  • Carol: Of course he's in danger! My baby....
  • Maia: Don't worry, Mrs. Carol. We'll go back and locate your son's whereabouts, let us assist you! [Dendy shows up] Dendy, do you have something to help us get back to CN City?
  • Dendy: Tragically I don't, he must've took it.... And I don't think I have any spare parts to build one....
  • Enid: Why that little sneak....
  • Maia: Well luckily, I can try to use my portal watch that I have and zap us to the town! [taps button] So let's go together-
  • Carol: And find my dearly son!
  • [everyone teleports back to CN City]
  • Carol: Heeey! This place is not too shabby at all!
  • Pearl: We know, it's beautiful and everyone seems to be calm now. But, we seriously need to find your son, ma'am.
  • Carol: Oh yeah, right! Maybe we should ask around us....
  • Amethyst: [sees Cyborg and Beast Boy] Let's ask these two.... [she and the others walked towards Cyborg and Beast Boy] Excuse us...
  • Beast Boy: Wassup dudes!
  • Cyborg: Hello! Welcome back! And the other ones must be the new ones too.
  • Beast Boy: What can we do for you fellas?
  • Enid: We're looking for our friend, K.O., have any of you guys seen him?
  • Cyborg: We did see him earlier, he has returned to this City.
  • Beast Boy: Yeah, he also told us that he was looking for Jasper.
  • Amethyst: Errrrr! Like heck he would, thanks by the way!
  • Pearl: So, I suggest we look around to ask or maybe find him.
  • Carol: Oh, K.O...... My poor little baby! Let us all get to this!
  • Maia: Before we do that, we'll all separate in groups. So me, Garnet, Ms. Carol, Steven, Enid, and Radicles will search for K.O. in this direction. [points to the right street] Pearl, you and the Crystal Gems should head to the other direction.
  • Pearl: Okay, got it!
  • Dendy: What about me?
  • Enid: You can help the Crystal Gems, Dendy. Do you have something to head to K.O.'s location? [Dendy nods yes and pulls out a device]
  • Peridot: It's looks so cool!
  • Radicles: Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go guys! [he and the rest of group went to the right direction]

Scene 12: Waking Up Jasper/Breakfast/Darkseid's Arrival

  • [scene shows dark and K.O.'s voice was heard waking up Jasper as she opens her eyes a little bit]
  • K.O.: Psst! Jasper! Wake up!
  • Jasper: [groans sleepy-like]
  • K.O.: It's me, K.O.! Your new best friend!
  • Jasper: [Jasper's eyes pop open] Huh?!
  • K.O.: Good morning!
  • [Cuts to outside Mount Massive Asylum after she sees K.O. on top of her face]
  • Jasper: AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!
  • [Jasper falls off the bed]
  • Jasper: Don't ever do that again!
  • K.O.: But, I was trying to wake you up....
  • Jasper: Hm? And why did we scream in the first place?
  • K.O.: I dunno, maybe it's all some sort of phase.... I'm glad you're awake!
  • Jasper: Alright, what do you want, child?
  • K.O.: Um, just waking you up for a game to play, or have lunch?
  • Jasper: What?! you gotta be kidding.
  • K.O.: Well, it's what friends do right?
  • Jasper: Listen carefully boy, we are not friends, we are not even equal buddies! you expect me to be you as a best friend? [K.O. nods yes] You realized that your in an evil place like this? This place is filled with villains, right?
  • K.O.: Yes.
  • Jasper: Didn't I tell you to go back to where you came from?
  • K.O.: Yeah, but all of the sudden, I just wanted to be your best friend for now.
  • Jasper: Well, not yet, cause if any other villain see you in here, they're gonna crush you and I'm going to be blamed for this.
  • K.O.: Don't worry, plus I'm so small, tiny, and cute, and this time, they can never see me.
  • [The other villains knocking on Jasper's door]
  • Bane: [on the door] Hey babe! open up, Breakfast time at the cafeteria!
  • Jasper: Oh shoot, it's them! Quick, I gotta put you inside of my huge hair! [grabs K.O. and puts him inside her huge hair as he falls inside of it, and Jasper goes to the door and opens it and reveals the other villains] Hey guys! Wassup?
  • Bane: Babe, let's go, breakfast is getting pack!
  • Solomon Grundy: Yeah, and you don't wanna go hungry after all....
  • [Cuts to the cafeteria at the Male Ward, and every other villain are enjoying their breakfast, while Uncle Ruckus is serving their food, Jasper, Bane, Solomon Grundy, Goro, and Father are enjoying their breakfast and having some private conversation at the table]
  • Bane: Breakfast is what gets up active everyday....
  • Goro: Even eating them like tiny rats and crushing those little freaks in CN City.... [both dive in ravenously]
  • Jasper: Yeah, of course. Crushing these tiny rats....
  • Bane: Hey, babe! How was the hunt for that little guy?
  • Jasper: It was fun and I demolished him (but he's actually a friend by the way).
  • K.O.: (What do they mean crushing tiny rats, bringing them to a huge heckhole like this darn place? These jerks are all wrong, they don't have a right to hurt other friends in the city!)
  • Trigon: [shows up in panic] Guys! Guys!
  • Goro: What is it, Trigon?
  • Trigon: It's Darkseid, he's coming!
  • Bane: [spits out his juice] What?! but, I though he'll be gone in his home, Apokolips!
  • Trigon: I know, but he called me that he's coming over to see how we're doing, and he doesn't want anyone or anyone goofing off!!! especially you four!!!
  • Jasper: Okay, dismissed....
  • K.O.: (Who's Darkseid?)
  • [the villains show up to Darkseid's location]
  • Everyone: We're here, your honor....
  • Darkseid: Greetings, my faithful villains. I.... am Darkseid.... Let me reassure you, I did not come to this Mount Massive Asylum to break you and rebuild you from the bottom up.
  • [Everyone collectively sign in relief.]
  • Darkseid: I came to break you.
  • [Everyone gasp in fear]
  • Darkseid: This place, and everyone, is in breach of every conceivable rule... including the rules of decency.
  • [Plasmus, who is sloppily eating chicken legs, then hides them behind his back sweating]
  • Darkseid: This is going to change. Any questions...
  • [Everyone raise their hands.]
  • Darkseid: ...regarding my authority will be severely punished.
  • [Everyone quickly withdraw their hands.]
  • Darkseid: I am here to correct your outlandish behavior. Any questions...
  • [Everyone raise their hands.]
  • Darkseid: ...regarding my methods with also be severely punished.
  • [everyone quickly withdraw their hands.]
  • Darkseid: This Mount Massive Asylum is diseased, and I'm the medicine. Any questions?
  • [Nobody speaks or moves.]
  • Darkseid: Very good! Looking forward to working with you.
  • [Cuts to the Administration Block, where Jasper, Bane, Goro, and Solomon Grundy, are walking together]
  • Solomon Grundy: Medicine? What kind of medicine *is* this guy?
  • Jasper: Not the kind you put in your mouth.
  • Goro: [gasps] Do any of you guys realize what you get when you change the letters around in... what's his name again...? Darkside....?
  • Bane: Dude, his name is literally Darkseid. Get me?
  • Goro: Hmm... Dark-seid... I guess. You gotta want it though.
  • Darkseid: [off-screen] How is everything in Mount Massive Asylum, Trigon?
  • [Jasper, Bane, Goro, and Solomon Grundy see Darkseid talking to Trigon]
  • Trigon: As you can see, Mount Massive Asylum is all good. No harm....
  • Darkseid: Very well....
  • Trigon: Me and the other villains are practicinv to take down another covillian in the city.
  • Darkseid: Your expectations are quite interesting....
  • Trigon: I'm sure that our plan will succeed, master....
  • Darkseid: Interesting....
  • K.O.: [got out of Jasper's hair and sees Darkseid] (Whoa! That's him?! He's even bigger than Jasper and the other guys. So what plan is he talking about?)
  • Trigon: [off-screen] Here are the other four sir.
  • K.O.: [hides back inside Jasper's hair]
  • Trigon: These four lumberjacks here are very quite sensible strong, but sometimes the stupid ones.
  • Darkseid: I see, tell me Trigon, what would become of these four?
  • Trigon: [walk towards Goro] Goro here is the prince of pain, he has four arms and has super strength. [walk towards Bane] Bane here is the most muscular person in the universe, much the same as you are, he can grow his body into the muscle monster in the world. [walk towards Solomon Grundy] Solomon here is uhhhh..... [Solomon Grundy picking his nose] let's just say he's very quite active. [walk towards Jasper] Jasper here is a very aggressive muscular female person in the universe. She has super strength and so much powerful like you are.
  • K.O.: (This is bad.... I can't let them have Jasper working on their side! I gotta get her out of this place, so she can have freedom and peace!)
  • Trigon: Now then sir, shall we take on the tour and look at some other hallway rooms?
  • Darkseid: Great idea Trigon, I like the sound of that..... [both he and Trigon walk to the other side of the Administration Block, leaving the four in worried]
  • Bane: I don't like this guy fellas, he thinks he can fear me for nothing. we're both powerful, but Darkseid is the strongest person there is, cause he's a god.
  • Goro: I do not like to get beat up by the god himself.
  • Jasper: Guys, I'm sure he never wants anyone to disappoint him, after all he owns this place.
  • Bane: Yeah, I hope your right ...don't need any sisters. Maybe some... some heros that ain't blood.
  • Goro: You ain't old enough to be worrying about it.
  • Solomon Grundy: We have worser problems.
  • Bane: Grow some hair on your pecker, Solomon, then we can talk about heros.
  • K.O.: (Now what are they saying?, I can't understand the words they're saying)
  • Jasper: If we had a visitor. If we did. He could be our goat.
  • Bane: What in creation are you talking about babe?
  • Goro: He just like to hear himself talk.
  • Solomon Grundy: We need a goat.
  • Jasper: There's reason here. To bear out goat. Our gender. A small piece of flesh between us and the blade.
  • Bane: Are you saying that we're going to teach those losers for what they did to us?
  • Jasper: That's the idea.
  • Bane: Well, alright catch ya later babe!
  • Jasper: Okay. [Bane and the others walk away leaving Jasper alone and K.O. got out of her hair and jump onto her hand]
  • K.O.: Everything's clear now.
  • Jasper: Yeah, you tell me.... Now get outta here....
  • K.O.: Wait! what about you? are you coming?
  • Jasper: Kid, there's no way I'm leaving this place, and I'm always the selfish one, that's because I bullied everyone outside the Mount Massive Asylum.
  • K.O.: Please, I know you never wanted to be outside Mount Massive Asylum, but got came outside to bullying everyone.
  • Jasper: So....?
  • K.O.: So what if it's going to be different, I can help change your life into a good mood, that way your attitude can be a normal attitude by being a nice person, in the universe, how about it?
  • Jasper: Errrr....... Oh alright.
  • K.O.: Great, Now let's leave!
  • [Jasper and K.O. crashed through the door and escape the Mount Massive Asylum and leave the evil place, the villains saw the whole thing]
  • Trigon: What is she doing?!
  • Goro: She's leaving Mount Massive Asylum!
  • Bane: I knew she was lying the whole time, look it's that kid that showed up in this place!
  • Trigon: That Jasper is hanging out with that little freak, villains never get along with the other villains!
  • Bane: Hah! darn right Trigon, and looks like the Superintendent is not gonna be happy about this.
  • Darkseid: [off-screen] happy about what?
  • Everyone: [gasps as they turn around to see Darkseid behind them]
  • Trigon: Darkseid! what are you doing here?!
  • Darkseid: Why is it when I heard the word "kid" and the word "leaving" and I immediately though of the word "Trigon"?!
  • Trigon: [sweats nervously] I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I---I don't supposed that villains never get along with other heroes right?
  • Darkseid: Then I suggest that you go find out to see what Jasper is doing, OR ELSE!!!!!!!
  • Trigon: [sweats nervously] Ye-Ye--Yes sir, right away sir! [goes to his vehicle and drives leaving Mount Massive Asylum to find Jasper]

Scene 13: Finding K.O.

  • [Maia and the crew are still searching for K.O.]
  • Maia: K.O.!
  • Garnet: K.O.!
  • Carol: K.O.!
  • Steven: K.O.!
  • Enid: K.O.!
  • Radicles: K.O.!
  • Maia: K.O.!
  • Garnet: K.O.!
  • Carol: K.O.!
  • Steven: K.O.!
  • Enid: K.O.!
  • Radicles: K.O.!
  • Enid: K.O., where are you?!
  • Maia: He must be around here somewhere.
  • Steven: But I don't get it, why would K.O. want to go find Jasper in this city? Doesn't he realize that Jasper is huge and K.O. is tiny, she can crush K.O. by stepping on him! or worse, eat him alive!!!!
  • Carol: [screams in horror] NO! NOT MY BABY!!!!!!
  • Garnet: Take it easy Carol, I'm sure we'll find your son before she does, I promise.
  • Carol: [Takes a deep breath] Your right Garnet, I'm sorry, It's just I couldn't stop worrying about my son for a moment.
  • Ben: Hey, guys! [him and Raven shows up]
  • Garnet: Ben, Raven!
  • Both: Garnet!
  • Garnet: I'm so glad to see you guys!
  • Raven: And.... Who are these guys?
  • Maia: I am Maia, Mega Celestial Maia. I'm a residential sorceress from a magical place of Utropollis....
  • Steven: My name's Steven Universe, I'm a friend of Garnet too.
  • Enid: What's up? I'm Enid, and this is my buddy Rad!
  • Radicles: Yo!
  • Carol: And I'm Carol, K.O.'s mom! Guys, we're looking for my son!
  • Raven: K.O.'s your son?
  • Carol: Yeah!
  • Enid: And he's also our friend!
  • Radicles: Yeah!
  • Ben: He said that he's going to find that big orange bozo, which is Jasper....
  • Carol: [screams in horror again] YOU GOTTA HELP US! MY SON'S IN DANGER! WHAT IF THAT HORRI- [Raven slaps her]
  • Raven: First of all, calm down.... Second of all, your screaming was iritating....
  • Carol: Oh, sorry about that.... I was freaking out for a moment.... [giggles]
  • Raven: We'll find your son and get to the bottom of this.....
  • Maia: Wait, how did you guys know about Jasper?
  • Raven: We didn't, K.O. told us about her. He even told us that she's big and orange than some other villain, even enemies with Garnet and you [looks at Steven].
  • Steven: Okay, but come on. We have to find him and see what he's up too....
  • Everyone: Right!
  • [Everyone see two man in the store arguing]
  • Enid: Hello what's this?
  • ???: Donate to the children's fund? Why? What have children ever done for me?
  • ???: Please. G-Go away!
  • [the crew entered the store]
  • Enid: Chef, it's just a stupid dollar.
  • Chef Hatchet: I know what you're thinking. "It's just a dumb old dollar. Let's just leave the old man, he won't notice." [sobs]
  • Steven: Uhhhh.... Chef?
  • Chef Hatchet: [raises his gun] Well, it's not going down like that. [pulls the trigger and shots George Jetson in the chest as he dies. Enid and Radicles scream] The children? I don't care about the children.
  • Enid: You are completely out of your mind!
  • Chef Hatchet: Survial of the finish my friends, surival of the finish [left the scene while laughing]
  • Radicles: Why do we even bother....
  • [at the park, Dendy and the Crystal Gems are also still searching for K.O.]
  • Dendy: K.O.!
  • Pearl: K.O.!
  • Amethyst: K.O.!
  • Peridot: K.O.!
  • Bismuth: K.O.!
  • Dendy: K.O.!
  • Pearl: K.O.!
  • Amethyst: K.O.!
  • Peridot: K.O.!
  • Bismuth: K.O.!
  • Pearl: Where the heck is he?
  • Amethyst: He can't be somewhere in this park, though.
  • [Lapis Lazuli was flying around the city, but no sight of him, she flies back to Dendy and the Crystal Gems]
  • Bismuth: Lapis, any sign of K.O.?
  • Lapis Lazuli: No, none.
  • Amethyst: [furious] None of this would've happened if he wrote a letter saying that he's going to find that big bully, he'll be crushed to death, and that gets me really upset if Jasper is looking for trouble!
  • Dendy: You wouldn't mind me asking...... Why were you always having problems with Jasper?
  • Amethyst: It's none of your business!!!
  • Dendy: That was rude.
  • Pearl: Amethyst, Behave! I'm so sorry Dendy, it's just she and Jasper are both quartz, and they usually never get along because of their identical. That's why Amethyst is always having problems with Jasper.
  • Amethyst: Tch, thanks for telling her that....
  • Peridot: Hah! Amethyst tried to defeat her 2 times, along time ago. She first battle Jasper along with Steven and Connie, Jasper was way to powerful for Amethyst, and she crushed her as Amethyst poofed. Years later Me, Amethyst and Steven arrived at the beta where Jasper has collected all the corrupted gems, Amethyst wanted to do it alone, so she threw Steven to the ground and fights her, then Steven and Amethyst formed together into Smokey Quartz and defeats her when she was now corrupted, and we poofed her and she never came back forever until she's healed.
  • Pearl: And it seems that Amethyst thinks Jasper is way better than Amethyst cause they always have against each other.
  • Amethyst: [furious] Shut up, Shut up, Shut up, Shut up, Shut up, SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Dendy: I've never seen Amethyst losing her temper like that.
  • Bismuth: Yeah, we're sorry about that, little one.... [pats her on the head]
  • Lapis Lazulli: Amethyst, please settle down....
  • Amethyst: Alright.... But, let's not talk about it ever again....
  • Lapis Lazulli: Okay....
  • [Dendy and the Crystal Gems head to a restuarant]
  • Dendy: This place looks nice.
  • Pearl: Yes, I agreed but we need to find someone to ask where K.O. is.
  • Peridot: [sees the Cashier] Let's ask this guy. [she and the others walk towards the Cashier]
  • Bismuth: Excuse us?
  • Cashier: PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!!!!!! [sees Dendy and the Crystal Gems] Oh [laughs] thank goodness, I'm awfully sorry, I thought you were that big orange gargantua that tried to hurt me.
  • Amethyst: Your talking about Jasper, aren't you?!
  • Cashier: Yeah, that big hunk of junk!
  • Pizza Steve: Yeah, she even ate half of me.... But no worries, I'm fine, and my glasses are too.... This kid tried to save all of us in here.
  • Pearl: Oh, I know who you're talking about! It's K.O.! We were all looking for him around here!
  • Cashier: Really?! That's cool! Would you like anything in here before continuing who you're looking for?
  • Amethyst: Yeah, we'll take a quick bite!
  • [Dendy and the Crystal Gems are at the table sitting and eating their food]
  • Amethyst: Oh man, this food is amazing!
  • Peridot: Yeah, I know!
  • Dendy: So let me get this straight, if some of the other people know K.O. earlier, then he was here earlier before Jasper showed up to attack them.
  • Lapis Lazuli: Then that's why his dream was predictable, because of Jasper.
  • Bismuth: Hold up, if his dream isn't an illusion, then maybe this is what inspired him to fight alone with her.
  • Amethyst: Wait a minute!, K.O. never had problems with Jasper, why should he had to fight her alone, I'm the only one to fight her alone!
  • Pearl: Amethyst, that's enough! K.O. has a vision of her, so maybe he wants to fight her alone.
  • Amethyst: We'll see about that.
  • [Maia and the crew showed up at the restaurant and meets up with the others at the table]
  • Maia: Hey guys!
  • Amethyst: What's up?
  • Garnet: Fellas, I like to introduce you to my old friends. [Ben and Raven show up] Guys, meet Ben and Raven. Ben and Raven, meet Dendy and the other Crystal Gems.
  • Ben and Raven: Hi!
  • Pearl: Hello, my name's Pearl.
  • Amethyst: Wassup! I'm Amethyst.
  • Peridot: Peridot.
  • Lapis Lazuli: My name's Lapis Lazuli.
  • Bismuth: Bismuth, at your service.
  • Dendy: My name's Dendy, I'm not a Crystal Gem, I'm also a friend of K.O.
  • Ben: Pleasure to meet you guys.
  • Steven: Have any of you guys found K.O.?
  • Pearl: No, I'm afraid not.
  • Garnet: Okay, let's get down to business, K.O. is still missing, and he's still out there somewhere in the city.
  • Radicles: Oh come on guys, that K.O. kid has send us on a wild goose chase.
  • Carol: Don't be silly Rad, there are no wild geese here, we're inside the restaurant, Cashier!
  • Radicles: Oh geez "Achoo"!
  • Carol: A little more pepper please, I sure do love it.
  • Cashier: Me too, it's cheep [puts a lot of pepper inside of the burger, making Radicles sneeze] You mighty wanna keep the pepper with ye, I'll add it to your bill.
  • Carol: Thanks, I sure love that pepper
  • Radicles: "Achoo"! You gotta be kidding me!
  • [Everyone laughs at Radicles]
  • Enid: Okay, we're wasting time, we gotta find K.O.!
  • Cashier: Did you say K.O.?
  • Enid: Yes, wait, you know him?
  • Cashier: I met him earlier along time ago, he was very tiny and cute, I offered him his meal and everyone enjoy their meals, until one day she showed up!
  • Pearl: Jasper?!
  • Cashier: Yes!!!! She was so big she frightened everyone in this place as they hid behind their tables not wanted to get beat up by her, then she came to me and threatened me to give her the "Monster Hamburger"!
  • Lapis Lazuli: The wha...?
  • Cashier: Monster Hamburger"! we make it for so she could eat in peace, but she wants to kick my butt, that's when he showed up.
  • Enid: K.O.?!
  • Cashier: Yes, he stands up to the big orange monster, he wants to challenge her to a fight in the streets after he called her "Lardball"! [Everyone gasps in shock]
  • Carol: Wait, my son K.O. calls her Lardball?
  • Cashier: Yes, he did.
  • Radicles: So I guess you do know him.
  • Cashier: I?
  • Amethyst: Do you have any idea where he is now?
  • Cashier: Unfortunately no, I haven't seen him since earlier.
  • Garnet: Well, thanks for everything, I guess we might as well go find him.
  • Cashier: Okay, good luck finding him.
  • Everyone: Bye!
  • [Meanwhile somewhere in CN Streets, Trigon was driving searching for Jasper]
  • Trigon: Jasper's gotta be here somewhere, Jasper is nuts having that little pest with her, ooooh this make me so upset I could just.... [takes a deep breath] Just calm down trigon, just find her and let her know about this. [continues to drive finding Jasper]
  • [The gang got out of the restaurant]
  • Carol: Okay guys, we need to find my son before something else happens.
  • Dendy: I would suggest we walk in the street to find K.O.
  • [Dendy walks on the street, when suddenly Trigon was driving his car and did not see her, everyone gasps in shock when they saw the car coming towards her]
  • Amethyst: Dendy, look out!!!!! [releases her weapon and saves Dendy, Trigon screams and drives madly and crashes to the wall] Did you guys see that?!
  • Enid: Yeah, that guy has loses control of driving let's go see if he's okay. [she and the others goes straight towards Trigon's car, as he lowers his window, looking really nervous]
  • Trigon: Uhhhh...... Hello everyone.
  • Raven: [in shock] You!!! Dad?! Are you and that other creep were behind all of this?!
  • Trigon: [sweats nervously] Well... You see... Um, Darkseid gave me an order to find Jasper and let her- [Raven punches him]
  • Raven: You're saying you're looking for Jasper?!
  • Trigon: [sweats nervously and nods yes]
  • Raven: Oh, you're saying this Jasper person has K.O.?!
  • Steven: Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Rave, he.... He's your father?!
  • Raven: Of course he is my father! This is Trigon, the powerful, interdimensional demon.
  • Maia: Now I see.... Listen here, you heartless vile brute! Where's K.O.?!
  • Garnet: And Jasper too?!
  • Carol: Yeah, you heard them, mister! Whoever threatens my son will feel our wrath!
  • Trigon: I-I saw her with that little midget trying to escape from our base, I was given an order from Darkseid to find them.
  • Steven: Who's Darkseid?!
  • Trigon: He's my boss planning to destroy this world....
  • Radicles: Whoa, dude! Let me handle this.... Alright Mr. Trigon, sir, can you tell us where are K.O. and Jasper are and what planning to destroy in this most amazing CN City?
  • Trigon: [sweats nervously] Uhhhhh....... I'm just saying that because.... [pushes the button] I'm Leaving! [sending him flying off into the distance]
  • Radicles: Now that.... is one weird dude!
  • Enid: Yeah, I totally agreed.
  • Garnet: Raven, everything seems to be confused. What do you know about this.... Darkseid?
  • Raven: Darkseid is an extremely tyrannical and powerful super villain, a sadistic, aggressive, and merciless tyrant who has invaded and conquered multiple worlds throughout the entire multiverse. He once ruled his planet called the Apokolips. he came to earth long time ago and invaded the planet, and the planet was saved thanks to Superman, years later he becomes the Mount Massive Asylum's Superintendent.
  • Enid: Hold up, if Darkseid is the Superintendent of the evil place, does this mean your dad is the Principal of this scary place?
  • Raven: Yes!
  • Ben: [transforms back to normal] Well.... That's a shock.....
  • Maia: Right now, we should focus on finding K.O.! [feels worried] I hope he's okay....
  • [Maia and the gang continue to search for K.O. around the city]

Scene 14: CN Zoo

  • [Cut to CN Zoo where every people come to the Zoo to see the animals, K.O. and his giant friend Jasper walked towards the Zoo to see all the animals]
  • K.O.: This is CN Zoo, it's a place where we all could see some animals in here.
  • Jasper: What's so great about this place? there's nothing to do here but watch some dumb animals.
  • K.O.: No, they're not dumb. Some of these creatures are friendly like these cute little turtles and these cute ducks....
  • Jasper: Whatever....
  • K.O.: Don't you ever like little cute animals?
  • Jasper: Hmmmm....
  • K.O.: Well.....?
  • Jasper: Why don't we just go inside the Zoo and see.
  • K.O.: Okay!
  • [K.O. and Jasper walked inside the Zoo and see all the animals, the first animal they see is the Tiger]
  • K.O.: Check out this Tiger, Jasper!
  • Jasper: Heh! he wear the same color as I do. You know it reminds me the time that in the wrestling, Steven was dressed up as Tiger Millionaire!
  • K.O.: Whoa! Tiger Millionaire?!
  • Jasper: Yeah, He and Amethyst are on a wrestling against those big guys, but Garnet and Pearl refuses her to go there until they let her.
  • K.O.: Have you wrestle there before?
  • Jasper: No I'm afraid.
  • K.O.: Oh geez, I'm so sorry to hear that. But you can come to the wrestling someday.
  • Jasper: Thanks, but I would rather not.
  • K.O.: Oh come on, I can probably take you to CN Wrestling someday, plus I love wrestling.
  • Jasper: No kidding?
  • K.O.: Of course, I can wrestle every person I fight with.... I can be your assistance for the wrestling, how about it?
  • Jasper: Well.... Alright.
  • K.O.: So, better get a move on eh?
  • [K.O. and Jasper continued to walked in the zoo, then the second animal they see is the Orangutan]
  • Jasper: That's an ugly one.
  • K.O.: That's not ugly! what you are looking at is the Orangutan A.K.A. Pongo.
  • Jasper: Then why is that thing so fat?
  • K.O.: Because is a different type of primate.
  • Jasper: Primate...?
  • K.O.: Yes, it's a different name for the monkey or an ape.
  • Jasper: Right, shall we continue?
  • [Jasper and K.O. walked in the Zoo to see some more animals, little didn't they know that his mom, Carol and the Others are outside the Zoo still searching for their son]
  • Dendy: Okay, this is the zoo. K.O. must be here somewhere....
  • Carol: Great little one.... So I can finally see my son!
  • Enid: And I hope we could see our friend again!
  • Radicles: Yeah!
  • Steven: Great! now if he's in the zoo? then I guess this is it!
  • Garnet: Let's hope he's alright!
  • Amethyst: Yeah, and I bet we wouldn't have to worried about Jasper anymore.
  • Maia: Well, what are you guys waiting for? Let's go in!
  • [Maia and the others walked inside the zoo to find K.O.. Meanwhile K.O. and Jasper were walking to see the third animal, The Bear]
  • K.O.: [walked towards the bear's path] Look Jasper, A Bear! come see!
  • Jasper: [walked towards K.O. and next to him] Pff, this thing? that's nonsense.
  • K.O.: But, this animal is way stronger then any other animal.
  • Jasper: How so?
  • K.O.: They can push trees, fighting against another wild animal, even more!
  • Jasper: So....?
  • K.O.: Jasper, this is the strongest creature there is, he can beat up the Lion, Tiger, Gorilla and any other animal.
  • Jasper: I see.... what other animal is there to see...?
  • K.O.: Let's go!
  • Jasper: Ugh, fine.
  • [K.O. and Jasper continue to walked to see some other animals in the Zoo, Meanwhile Carol and the Others are searching for her son K.O., then suddenly Radicles bumped into something]
  • Radicles: [quietly] Dang it, that big freak's in the way!
  • [the big freak turns out to be Doomsday who turns around and growls angrily at him]
  • Doomsday: WHO ARE YOU CALLING BIG FREAK?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!
  • Radicles: Oh shrimp!
  • [Doomsday grabs Radicles and attacks him by beating him up while Radicles shouting "Help" "Help" "Help"! three times]
  • Maia: Hang in there, Radicles! I'll save you! Hey monster, come here! I got something special for you! [Doomsday turns around as he let go of Radicles and roars at her as he runs towards her]
  • Steven: [shouts] Maia, watch out!
  • Maia: [charges and an echoing voice of Maia] Glittering beeeeeam! [shoots Glittering Beeam at the enemy and fades away]
  • Everyone: [cheers for Maia]
  • Amethyst: You rock, dudette! Knock em' dead!
  • Maia: [giggles] Thanks, Amethyst.
  • Radicles: [gets up and walked towards Maia] Phew! You save my life there Maia, thanks!
  • Maia: You're welcome. Time to continue our search!
  • [Maia and the rest of the Crew continue to search for K.O.. Somewhere in the zoo, K.O. and Jasper are sitting on a bench watching the elephants]
  • K.O.: Now, do you like seeing nature?
  • Jasper: Of course.... (But they're still dumb and stupid....)
  • K.O.: Amazing, what animals do you wanna see next?
  • Jasper: Hm.... Probably- [hears an echo voice of K.O.'s friends]
  • Enid: K.O.!
  • Radicles: K.O., where are you buddy?!
  • Steven: Don't worry, we'll protect you with all our might!
  • Maia: Even your mom is with us too!
  • Jasper: Shoot! That's your stupid "friends", I'm not letting them see me with you! Later! [quickly flees silently without them noticing]
  • K.O.: [shows up to the rest] Guys, I'm right here!
  • Carol: Oh K.O., my baby! [run towards him and hugs him hard] My baby! There you are!
  • K.O.: Yeah.... But ow..... You're crushing me.... So hard....
  • Carol: Oh, sorry dear.... [puts him down]
  • Garnet: We were so worried about you....
  • Maia: And we even greet ourselves to Raven and Ben, we needed their assistance to look for you....
  • Ben 10: What's up, bro?!
  • K.O.: What's up? [he and Ben give a high five]
  • Enid: K.O., seems like you really wanna explore this city again....
  • K.O.: Yeah, I love it here! I love this zoo too, and I love seeing cute animals too....
  • Radicles: So that's what you've been up to, huh? Oh man little dude, we fear that big orange monster might strangled you...
  • K.O.: Why wouldn't she? she's isn't here with us is she?
  • Amethyst: No, but we discovered the note you left us.
  • K.O.: Yeah, I couldn't find her though in the city, so I decided to have another journey in this city.
  • Radicles: I see, well if he want's more adventure in this city.... then so do we!
  • Enid: Yeah! and perhaps we could spend time together, all of us!
  • K.O.: [looking worried while sweats nervously] (Oh no, I can't let anyone know that Jasper is with me the whole time, I gotta do something about this....)
  • Ben: Also, there's something else, while we're searching for you, we ran into some demon guy named "Trigon".
  • Raven: Yeah, and he's also my father....
  • K.O.: Whoa! I didn't know he was your father.... (that must be the same red dude from the scary place before)
  • Raven: Wait, you knew my father?
  • K.O.: What?! no, no, no, it's just it's kinda, [sweats nervously] heh, heh, never heard about this guy, but I..... I read it in the library.
  • Enid: K.O., hold on a second. Are you okay?
  • K.O.: What?! Of course I'm fine, why, is there's something wrong with me heh, heh, heh, cause there isn't any.
  • Radicles: K.O., I think your acting strange.
  • K.O.: Oooooh, I gotta go to the bathroom, I'll be right back! [runs away from the others, while the others becoming suspicious, K.O. ran to the other side of the zoo looking for Jasper] Jasper! Jasper! It's me, K.O.! where are you?!
  • Jasper: Pssst! over here, kid! [comes out of the cave] Those are the idiots that attacked me.
  • K.O.: I know, but I would not anyone hurt you as long as I can keep you away from the others.
  • Jasper: Well, you better, cause I'm getting ticked by those idiots that defeated me before.
  • [K.O. and Jasper are having a conversation that neither of one of them saw K.O.'s friends behind the pole, while they we're shock]
  • Pearl: What's he doing?!
  • [K.O. and Jasper shook hands as he promised to help her out]
  • Steven: He's making friends with our gigantic arch-nemesis!
  • Amethyst: I said he wouldn't, didn't I and yes! he must be stupid!
  • [K.O. climbs on Jasper as he reaches on to her hair, Amethyst throws the rock on her heard]
  • Jasper: Ouch! [The Large Town Rat comes out of the hole, watching Jasper throws back the rock and hurt Radicles' nose, [off-screen]] Who ever did this to me, someone is gonna pay for this! [she and K.O. left the scene to go see all the animals in the Zoo, The Large Town Rat sees the rat poison and eats it]
  • Peridot: Looks like she threw that rock to your nose Radicles! [laughs]
  • Radicles: Ouch! that hurts! [picking his painful nose]
  • Peridot: It was only a game, Radicles, she was always playing games, [sees The Large Town Rat] Hey! look, that crazy rat eating of the poison! [goes to The Large Town Rat] Hey! you pal! any creature wants its dead, poison, dies dead, dies poison, dies treachery, dies in foxes cloths and dies in pain!
  • The Large Town Rat: The Zookeeper, wasting his time, does he knows we rats got immunity?
  • Peridot: [furious] You! What do you know?! You must nothing before the Zookeeper living in the sewer! [The Large Town Rat dies] I brought you here to this lovely city! [she and the others see the biggest rat died in poison] Hm, that's funny, must've been a weak mind.
  • [Meanwhile K.O. and Jasper goes to the other path and see some of the other Lions]
  • K.O.: Look! Lions, Jasper.
  • Jasper: Steven, has a pet lion, but a pink one.
  • K.O.: Whoa! I didn't know he had a lion. But doesn't he realized he's vicious?
  • Jasper: No, unlike those lions, this one is very kind and gentle.
  • K.O.: Oh, but does he eat meat?
  • Jasper: I don't know, all he does is sleep and helping Steven with something.
  • K.O.: I see....
  • [While K.O. and Jasper are looking at more animals in the zoo, he and Jasper did not notice that his mom Carol and the crew are watching them from the bushes]
  • Carol: I can't believe my eyes! My son was right.... It's really her!
  • Ben: Whoa! K.O. isn't kidding, she's huge!
  • Pearl: And I can't believe he makes friends with our tough arch-nemesis!
  • Maia: [sighs] Why does he have to be careless again!!
  • Enid: Ergh! He's in a lot of trouble too!
  • Carol: Oh sure he is, I'll handle this.... [walks in front of them] Kaio Kincaid!
  • K.O.: Wait, mom....
  • Jasper: Oh, crud....
  • Carol: You got some nerve explaining to do....
  • K.O.: Mom, I can explain....
  • Enid: [steps forward] You we're saying you have to go to the bathroom....?
  • Radicles: [steps forward] Thought you can cheat us by wanting to spend time with your new friend, more than us!!!
  • [the others step forward, looking very angry, except Maia looking worried and concerned]
  • Maia: (I don't believe this.... It's a disgrace that he lied to us all....)
  • Carol: You come down here this Instant!!!
  • K.O.: [fears that he's gonna get grounded for six months] No!
  • Carol: What did you say to me?!
  • K.O.: No! I ain't gonna come down from here! Never!
  • Enid: [getting angry] Don't you dare talk back to your mother that way!!!
  • Jasper: Well, you crazy dorks have to catch us first! [K.O. and Jasper run off]
  • Lapis Lazuli: They're getting away!
  • Jasper: We did it! We got them!
  • K.O.: Prehistoric park, here we come! [turns head around to others] Can we say that "plants" from my friend are dumb? Can we say that "shoes" from my friend are dumb?
  • Jasper: Okay, kid, that's enough.
  • K.O.: Why? You think those mean guys are gonna... [...catch up, which they are. And fast. K.O.'s eyes bug out and he screams]
  • Jasper: Run faster, kiddo! [both of them scream; they go around each side of the huge statue of Godzilla. Carol crashes right through the statue, obliterating it, and walks with a twirling rope. Her shoe engulfs the screen, Carol ropes Johnny and Plank and brings him into the background]
  • Johnny: Whoa! save yourselves!!! [nuclear explosion is heard and a mushroom cloud appears. K.O. screams. K.O. and Jasper stops in front of the tree and shakes as Carol karate chops the tree and K.O. in half]
  • Carol: Hi-yah! [K.O. jumps with his halves and he gets back together] Ya'll gonna take back what ya said!
  • K.O.: No! Almost there! [runs toward the Prehistoric Park. his mother's rope turns into the shape of her son; K.O. screams.]
  • Jasper: Kid, come on!
  • Enid: Come back here you trickster!
  • Maia: Jasper, put him down immediately!
  • K.O.: Faster! [Carol and the others are catching up, but Carol and the others are surrounded by other people, K.O. made it to the Prehistoric Park with Jasper, as they go inside and the door shuts]
  • Carol: KKKKKKK.OOOOOOOOOOO.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Scene 15: Prehistoric Park

  • [Inside the Prehistoric Park, K.O. and Jasper walked inside the place and discovered every monster they saw it's extinct]
  • K.O.: Wow, primitive. Has sort of an old-world charm. [a Giant Bee swoops by really close to K.O. and Jasper] Whoa! I guess this is before manners were invented! Where are we anyhow, Jasper?
  • Jasper: It feels like we're in a prehistoric time or something....
  • K.O.: [looks at the sign saying Prehistoric Park] Prehistoric Park? This place feels like it's felt with dinosaurs and a caveman.
  • Jasper: You're saying these dinosaur creatures are the same nice like me and [roars in a tyrannosaurus Rex sound]?
  • K.O.: Yes.... [sweats nervously] Please cover me....
  • Jasper: Fine.... (Tch, is this kid a coward or something? I know he was brave to defeat me before.)
  • [K.O. and Jasper are walking through the Prehistoric Park, seeing all the prehistoric creatures, including Ceratosaurus, Brontosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Triceratops, Ankylosaurus, and more]
  • K.O.: Wow! This place is amazing, I never knew this is part of the zoo as well, those prehistoric monsters are know of are... Brontosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Triceratops, Ankylosaurus, Herrerasaurus, Diplodocus, Parasaurolophus, Pteranodon, Pterosaurs, Plesiosaurus, Tro-
  • Jasper: Whoa, Kid! Slow down, I know your excited about this, but what shocks me that... How in Neptune's creation do you know all these dinosaur creatures' names?!
  • K.O.: Well, I simply read both of the prehistoric novels "Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World" and "Jules Verne's Journey to the Center of the Earth", read The Lost World one.
  • Jasper: Fine... [grabs the book and reads it] Whilst investigating the wonders of the lost world, discovering many plants and creatures thought to be extinct, they narrowly escape from an attack from Pterodactyls. Although barley escapes with their lives, Roxton takes great interest in nearby blue clay deposits. At night a ferocious dinosaur is about to break through the thorn bushes surrounding their camp; Roxton averts disasters by bravely dashing at it, thrusting a blazing torch at its face to scare it away.
  • K.O.: Now read this one, go to the part where the three heroes are attack by 2 sea monsters.
  • Jasper: Ugh, fine... [grabs the other book and reads it] While on the water, they see several prehistoric creatures such as a giant Ichthyosaurus and a giant Plesiosaurus and wins.
  • K.O.: There's another prehistoric one with the caveman.
  • Jasper: Alright! [continues to read to the next page] This part of the coasts, Axel discovers, is alive with prehistoric plant and animal life forms, including giant Insects and a heard of Mastodons. On a beach covered with bones, Axel discovers an oversized human skull. Axel and Lidenbrock venture some way into the prehistoric forest, where Professor Lidenbrock points out, in a shaky voice, a prehistoric human, more than twelve feet in height, leaning against a tree and watching a heard of Mastodons.
  • K.O.: Now, you know why I know those prehistoric creatures?
  • Jasper: Yes, of course... but I wouldn't mind asking this but... aren't you afraid of the Prehistoric Monsters?
  • K.O.: Afraid of the Prehistoric Monsters? Hah! I, K.O., afraid of the Prehistoric Monsters? [laughs, but suddenly a huge Tyrannosaurus Rex shows up from the trees and roars in a Godzilla sound behind K.O. as he screams in fear and hides inside Jasper's hair] T-REX!!!!!!!!!!! [shaking in fear]
  • Jasper: Kid, chill, he's not gonna do anything... plus he's block behind.
  • K.O.: That's the most terrifying dinosaur in the universe, he's also the King of the Dinosaurs!
  • Jasper: So I guess this dinosaur creature is way scarier than me, huh?
  • K.O.: Yeah. [he and Jasper walked away, while Tyrannosaurus Rex growls in a Godzilla sound]
  • [K.O. and Jasper continue to walk to see more prehistoric animals, then they see the mighty Woolly Mammoth who roars in a Peguila sound, causes K.O. hide in fear]
  • Jasper: Kid, why are you so afraid of...? he's just a harmless prehistoric creature.
  • K.O.: I know, but they're really scary... and I don't like to be eaten or squash by those. [Woolly Mammoth roars in a Peguila sound causes K.O. to gasps in fear and hide in Jasper's hair] Don't let them get me Jasper!
  • Jasper: There, there, kiddo. They won't get ya. Not as long as you stick with me though.
  • K.O.: [feeling worried] Okay... I wonder if there's any good food to eat here?
  • Jasper: I dunno, I suggest we find out.
  • K.O.: Yeah, I'm kinda hungry though.
  • [K.O. and Jasper continue to walk to find some food in this place]
  • [back in the scene of Carol and the crew]
  • Steven: Unbelievable.... He didn't tell the truth that he founded Jasper....
  • Garnet: Whatever she's doing to K.O., we need to stop her!
  • Maia: Ms. Carol, I'm sorry about your son's misfortune....
  • Carol: It's okay, it's just [sniffs and wipe a tear] I can't believe he's making friends with that big orange person.
  • Pearl: Oh, this is nuts, he's hanging out with that big tough archenemy of ours!
  • Raven: So my father was right, this Jasper person does have K.O. the whole time!
  • Peridot: Like duh, we seriously need to break in the darn door! But how?!
  • Maia: [looks at something] (Hm? That switch.... [thinks and plans an idea] Wait! This scheme gives me an idea! [uses her vision scan to see who can shrink to fit in the hole to open the door] Someone has to fit in that squared hole to the generator.) Everyone, calm down. I've scrutinize the recommendation for this entrance to open!
  • Garnet: Maia, show us the schematics.
  • Maia: [shows schematics] One of us must shrink in diminutive size to fit in the hole headed for the generator.
  • Ben: Leave it to me! [scrolling to his Omnitrix] I know just the alien.... [transforms into Grey Matter] Okay guys, I'm going in and try to open the door. [goes inside the hole]
  • Maia: Stay cautious, Ben....
  • Enid: I wonder what's in that building....?
  • Maia: Don't know... But this place that K.O. and Jasper went to, this must be something in peril.... We should inspect this location and take caution while Ben opens the door for us.... Let's go! [she and everyone walks around the building]
  • [back in the scene of K.O. and Jasper]
  • K.O.: Check out this guy, Jasper [points out to the prehistoric man]
  • Jasper: Whoa! What a big hunk he is!
  • K.O.: Do you really like him?
  • Jasper: What?! No! he's an extinct dude.
  • K.O.: Oh come on, Jasper, look at him, he's as big as you!
  • Jasper: True, but there's no way that I'm falling in love with this Caveman.
  • K.O.: Then you won't change your mind, well let me know, let's grab some lunch! [his stomach begins to grumble] My tummy is hungry right now.
  • Jasper: [her stomach begins to grumble] Yeah, so do mine.
  • K.O.: Look! [points] There's a restaurant there! Let's go eat!
  • [Godzilla sound]
  • K.O.: Yikes! [ran and hid behind Jasper's leg frightenedly] wha-wha-what's that?!
  • Jasper: It's nothing, come....
  • K.O.: Hello, is someone here?
  • [Peguila sound]
  • K.O.: Not again.... Wait for me!!!
  • [K.O. and Jasper got sit on a bar table, and a tall man wearing an orange shirt with black stripes and a blue tie turn around to face his customers]
  • ???: What can I do for you fellas?
  • Jasper: Yes, I would like to have a T-Rex burger and the little one over here can have a junior burger.
  • ???: Alrighty, coming right up.
  • K.O.: Thanks, mr.......
  • Fred Flintstone: Flintstone, Fred Flintstone at your service, and welcome to the Prehistoric Park.
  • K.O.: Whoa, wait, did you build this place?!
  • Fred Flintstone: Yes, me and my family build this place to be part of the zoo.
  • Jasper: How so....?
  • Fred Flintstone: My family decided to build up this park for money, for the rest of these days.
  • Jasper: So you're after money, huh?!, I know anyone in this city wanting find something to make a cash in the universe.
  • K.O.: Yeah, I usually come to work at the bodega called "Lakewood Plaza Turbo". I work for my boss Mr. Gar, and I even work with my friends, Enid and Radicles, my two best friends!
  • Fred Flintstone: Well, that's nice. Hey Barn! where's the T-Rex burger and the Junior burger?!
  • Barney Rubble: [off-screen] They're coming right up, Fred!
  • Fred Flintstones: [chuckles] sorry about that, enjoy the view fellas.
  • Jasper: Fine....
  • K.O.: Wow, Jasper! this place like it's amazing to explore here.
  • Jasper: Yeah, [points] check out those Mastodon on the window.
  • [a heard of Mastodons roaming around the area]
  • K.O.: Those are the creatures from the book "Jules Verne's Journey to the Center of the Earth" remember?
  • Jasper: Yeah!
  • K.O.: [points] Check out those Iguanodons over there on the window too.
  • [a heard of Iguanodons are eating their food and laying their eggs]
  • K.O.: Those are the dinosaurs from the book "Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World" as well.
  • Jasper: Wow! I guess you really do know the prehistoric creatures.
  • K.O.: [points] check out those sea creatures.
  • [Plesiosaurus and Ichthyosaurus are swimming, while Plesiosaurus roars in a Ebirah sound]
  • K.O.: Plesiosaurus does sometimes seen in The Lost World and Journey to the Center of the Earth along with the Ichthyosaurus.
  • Jasper: [chuckles] the Ichthyosaurus almost look bad.
  • ???: [off-screen] good evening.
  • [K.O. and Jasper looked up and top of the mountain was a friendly caveman with a cape behind his back and has a club ancient stone age weapon on his hand]
  • ???: May I introduce myself?
  • Jasper: Oh, how do you do?
  • ???: Well all for better to seeing you. [jumps and flies to K.O. and Jasper's position]
  • K.O.: I hope we aren't intruding or anything.
  • ???: Oh no, guess are always welcome.
  • K.O.: Thank you, Captain Caveman.
  • Captain Caveman: Call me Cavey, everyone does.
  • Jasper: I hope you wouldn't mind me asking but... are you actually a mascot?
  • Captain Caveman: Of course, I own this place, this is my home.
  • K.O.: Oh, we didn't know this was your home, me and Jasper come here to see the zoo, until we ended up here when we we're chase by my mommy, my friends, and the others.
  • Captain Caveman: I see, well my boy, your in luck that you and your friend are my number one customers to welcome here.
  • K.O.: That's so cool!
  • Fred Flintstone: Here's your food fellas, sorry for the long wait.
  • Jasper: That's fine....
  • K.O.: So, tell us Mr. Caveman, sir. How did you and the others come up to build this Prehistoric Park in the first place?
  • Captain Caveman: Well we're all hardworkers using stone and clay to dry making ourselves home and staying resourceful to eat meat, lots and lots of meat.
  • K.O.: Is there any fruit or something besides meat?
  • Captain Caveman: Oh, I'm sorry son, you see in prehistoric times, we Cave people usually eat meat in the past.
  • Jasper: So you guys are saying you only eat meat when you guys go hunting?
  • Captain Caveman: Of Course! we usually hunt meat for our health.
  • Fred Flintstone: He's right, fellas. Even I have a wife and children, even my brother too.
  • Barney Rubble: [shows up] Yeah, so do mine.
  • K.O.: Nice family you guys have....
  • [back in the scene where Grey Matter is finding the generator]
  • Ben: Man, finding the generator in this place is really hard, it feels like a maze in here. [Grey Matter attempts to reach on the other side, then he falls where all the prehistoric creatures, he freaks out] Ahh!!! This is not what I expect here, Dinosaurs?! Prehistoric Animals?! I gotta get outta here [Grey Matter attempts to run, when suddenly a Pteranodon spots him and roars in a Rodan sound as he chases him] AAAHHH!!!!!! Help! Help!!!!! [he ducks in the bushes, he though he was safe, then a Giant Boa shows up behind him with a Manda sound as Grey Matter screams in fear and the Giant Boa chases him through the park, he ends up jumping into the water, then was attacked by a Giant Crocodile as he roar in a Baragon sound as Ben screams in fear as the Giant Crocodile chases him, then Ben hid behind the big tree as the Giant Crocodile passes it, Ben sees a hole as he goes inside of it, then he reaches to the generator and transforms himself back to normal] Okay, this is it, let's see what I can do here....
  • [back in the scene of Carol and the crew]
  • Enid: Carol, control yourself!!! we'll get him back, but still we found out what he's been doing the whole time.
  • Radicles: Yeah, he founds himself a new friend and wants to spend time with her more than us!!!
  • Amethyst: Yeah, your telling me, if that big bully's gonna crush K.O. for good, I'M GOING TO DO WHAT I SHOULD'VE DONE ALONG TIME AGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Bismuth: Amethyst, calm down, the door is still locked and there's no way we can get in.
  • ???: Those poor citizens, I must help them out....
  • [Captain Planet shows up]
  • Captain Planet: By your powers combined..... I am merely the hero of earth, Captain Planet!
  • Enid: Whoa! Captain Planet!!!
  • Raven: Captain who...?
  • Radicles: Captain Planet, he's our old friend who help us defeat Lord Boxman and Dr. Blight along time ago.
  • Captain Planet: It's so great to see you again my friends, but who are those other guys?
  • Maia: Hello Captain Planet, sir. My name's Maia, Mega Celestial Maia, I'm a sorceress from Utropollis!
  • Steven: My name's Steven Universe, and these are the Crystal Gems, that's Garnet, Pearl, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Peridot, and Bismuth.
  • Raven: And I'm Raven.
  • Captain Planet: Nice to meet you all, now tell me, what's seems to be the problem?
  • Carol: Oh, Captain Planet, we're in a serious deep situation, it's my son, K.O.!
  • Captain Planet: K.O., isn't he the little guy who help us all?
  • Enid and Radicles: Yes!
  • Captain Planet: Well, where is he?
  • Amethyst: In that door! [points to it]
  • Steven: Even our friend, Ben went in the little hole to find a switch. I hope he's okay....
  • Captain Planet: That's a disaster.
  • Carol: It is a disaster, that big orange freak has my precious baby!
  • Enid: Yeah, it's Jasper! She's an enemy to Steven, Garnet, and the Crystal Gems! K.O. tricked us from-
  • Dendy: Hey! Ben opened the door!
  • Lapis Lazulli: But, where is he? Did he accidentally transported himself to the door?
  • Maia: (I need to analyze what Lapis is talking about! [analyzes Ben's location in the prehistoric time]) Everyone, he must've transported to Prehistoric Park where K.O. and Jasper are!
  • Captain Planet: Oh K.O., it's too dangerous for him to go alone.
  • Peridot: Then let's go! [her and everyone went in the door]
  • [As the others got inside, they discovered that there are Dinosaurs and other Prehistoric Animals inside the building]
  • Maia: Yikes! I guess I was right, there really are dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals here. This is the reason why this place is called "Prehistoric Park", fascinating....
  • Steven: Yeah, but where's Ben?
  • Ben: [off-screen] Over here!
  • [The others go to the generator room, and Captain Planet opens the door and they see Ben paralyzed with fear]
  • Ben: You guys seeing this?! this place is filled with Monsters!!! and one of them was trying to eat me!
  • Maia: I'm glad you're fine, Ben. But at this moment, we need to find both K.O. and Jasper instantly!
  • [Maia and the crew continue to search for K.O. and Jasper]

Scene 16: Back in Mount Massive Asylum

  • [back in the scene of Mount Massive Asylum]
  • Darkseid: [off-screen] What do you mean you couldn't find Jasper?!
  • Trigon: [sweats nervously] Well, sir, I-I-I-I was encountered by my daughter Raven and her other friends, but this kid with a watch wants to beat me up, that's why I escape from them......
  • Darkseid: [furious] Can't anyone be trusted THESE DAYS?!?!?!?!!!!! [punches through the wall really hard furiously]
  • Trigon: Sir, I don't know where that stupid kid and Jasper are!
  • Father: Hey, Darkseid! we have her!
  • Darkseid: Good, bring her here!
  • Hex: Mission accomplished! [opens the bag, revealing to be Cyborg]
  • Darkseid: You didn't even get the right Jasper!
  • Father: Oops, but hey, at least we can make him talk to know where Jasper is.
  • Darkseid: Oh I see, [walks towards Cyborg] Alright, Tin man, where is Jasper?
  • Cyborg: Look man, jus- [gets hit by the hammer]
  • Trigon: This guy isn't working out to find Jasper! [throws him outside]
  • Beast Boy: [comes by] Bro, where were you? Come on....
  • Darkseid: If it weren't you idiots, you should've just stop her before leaving....
  • [Darkseid and the others heard screaming from atop, and Doomsday crashes through the sealing and lands to the ground, painfully]
  • Doomsday: [painfully] I'm sorry, Darkseid...... I couldn't find her...... Those maniacs attacked me in the zoo.... [fells to the ground]
  • Trigon: The Zoo.... Of Course! I guess this is where Jasper is hiding, with the help of the little midget.
  • Bane: Wherever she is, she must be by our side!
  • Goro: Yeah, you tell me....
  • Solomon Grundy: Even though, she did left the building with the kid, but what if.... she'll tricked him by crushing him to death, and she'll continue to do more damages in the city!
  • Bane: Yeah, of course! Solomon you're a genius!
  • Solomon Grundy: I'am....?
  • Trigon: Well, what are we waiting for, let's go to the zoo and see her!!!
  • Goro: Yeah!!!!!!!
  • Bane: Let's go!
  • [All the villains went into the vehicles and drive all the way to CN City and the Zoo]

Scene 17: Chase in Prehistoric Park

  • [back in the scene of Prehistoric Park]
  • Jasper: Kid, do you know about the history of Prehistoric Park?
  • K.O.: No, never been here before. But I've learned about the history of dinosaurs. Let me explain!
  • [flashback]
  • K.O.: [narrating] Me and my class go to the museum to learn history, then I discovered something bigger.... It was a Tyrannosaurus Rex which is the first dinosaur bone. I mean I was quite in shock seeing that dinosaur before, then I see another dinosaur bone which is a Triceratops, then we go to see the prehistoric Ice Age, I discovered a gigantic Woolly Mammoth that looks exactly like the elephant, but this creature is way bigger. On Saturday night, me, Enid, and Radicles go to the movies to watch "Terror of the Beasts on the Streets", I was so scared that every monster I see is Prehistoric Monsters which features a Tyrannosaurus Rex, Triceratops, Plesiosaurus, and Rhamphorhynchus. It was really scary. every monster I see is prehistoric. When I went to bed the other night, I had a nightmare.... I was being chase by a Tyrannosaurus Rex, he was trying to eat me. and I was trapped against the wall, and that's where I fell into doomed.
  • [flashback ends]
  • K.O.: [sniffs sadly] I was so scared that all the Prehistoric Monsters tried to eat me and killed me.
  • Jasper: Wow! I did not realized that, but don't you like dinosaurs?
  • K.O.: All the dinosaurs in the universe are bad! all of them are monsters!
  • Jasper: Well, not all the dinosaurs are bad, the nicer dinosaurs are Brontosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Triceratops... well a meaner one, Ankylosaurus, and more.
  • K.O.: Yeah, but still, to me they're really scary.
  • Jasper: [puts her hand on to the floor] Come now, we got more prehistoric monsters to see. [K.O. steps on her hand as she lift it up and K.O. climbs on to her hair]
  • K.O.: Okay, [wiping out his tears] let's go!
  • [K.O. and Jasper continue to walk around Prehistoric Park to see more Prehistoric Monsters]
  • [Meanwhile, Maia and the crew are searching for K.O. and Jasper in Prehistoric Park]
  • Captain Planet: Well, I hope any of you mind me asking... What does this Jasper person look like?
  • Maia: Captain, she's approximately twelve feet tall than Garnet and K.O.'s boss. [shows diagram]
  • Captain Planet: That's enormous.... Never saw a person of that abnormal height....
  • Dendy: See? She's really huge.
  • Enid: And powerful!
  • Radicles: And the muscles, like me of course.... [laughs] I crack myself up....
  • Carol: I'm telling you captain, It was her who took my baby!
  • Captain Planet: Now that's sounds like a personal problem....
  • Amethyst: Yeah, tell me about it....
  • [something is heard]
  • Radicles: What's that noise?
  • Peridot: K.O., is that you...?
  • [reveals to be a baby triceratops]
  • Peridot: Awwww.... It's adorable....
  • Maia: A baby triceratops.... Go back to your mother, little one. [sees pterodactyl and gasps] Look out! It's a pterodactyl!
  • [everyone ducks and avoids it]
  • Ben: Phew, that was a close one! Obviously we aren't the only-
  • Maia: Stegosaurus!! [points to it]
  • [it growls at them]
  • Pearl: Now now, boy.... Stay calm....
  • Carol: Uh.... Hi there, cutie....
  • [it roars at them angrily in a Gamera sound]
  • Steven: Careful, this creature doesn't seem friendly at all....
  • Lapis Lazulli: At this time, it's best if we-
  • Radicles: RUUUUUUUN!!!
  • [Everyone ran as the angry Stegosaurus chases them]
  • Maia: Steven *is* right! None of these dinosaurs aren't that friendly!
  • Enid: We gotta find K.O. and get outta here!
  • Amethyst: And take down Jasper too!
  • [back in the scene of K.O. and Jasper]
  • K.O.: So Jasper, what do you even think of hanging out with me?
  • Jasper: Pretty good, still your friends are freaks....
  • K.O.: Friends aren't freaks, friends *are* friends....
  • Jasper: Whatever....
  • K.O.: ([sighs] C'mon, you can't let those guys make you evil in order to destroy CN City....)
  • Jasper: Anyways, what bothers me is your friends, especially the one that calls himself "Steven".
  • K.O.: Steven?
  • Jasper: Yeah, him and his stupid friends, the Crystal Gem freaks, I mean what upsets me is being lose four times. When I first came to Beach City along with Peridot and Lapis Lazuli, I encountered Steven and his-
  • [K.O. smells something stinky]
  • K.O.: Pee-yoo!
  • Jasper: Is something wrong?
  • K.O.: Something smells bad....
  • Jasper: What do you mean?
  • [Jasper checks the smell]
  • Jasper: I don't smell anything.
  • K.O.: That's because you have a gem on your nose, but I can. [sniffs] It's coming from the bushes, let's go see.
  • [K.O. and Jasper went through the bushes and found a dead dinosaur]
  • K.O.: Oh my- [covers his mouth so he wouldn't have to throw up and swallows it]
  • Jasper: [chuckles] It's okay... It's dead.
  • [a Tyrannosaurus Rex rises from eating the dinosaur meat, looking as K.O. and Jasper]
  • K.O.: Oh no!
  • Jasper: Nobody move a muscle!
  • [it roars at them angrily in a Godzilla sound]
  • K.O.: LET'S GET OUTTA HERE!!!!!!!
  • [K.O. and Jasper ran as the hungry Tyrannosaurus Rex chases them]
  • K.O.: We need to get outta this prehistoric PLACE!
  • Jasper: Now your telling me, kid! [They ran fast from the Tyrannosaurus Rex, as she and K.O. scream]
  • [Outside the Prehistoric Park, somewhere in the CN Zoo, Darkseid and the other villains arrived at the CN Zoo and they search for Jasper in the Zoo]
  • Darkseid: This zoo is quite peaceful to see some creatures, but not quite as peaceful.... Brainiac, status!
  • Brainiac: The status currently shows that Prehistoric Park is fifty percent dangerous and fifty percent peaceful.... And sensing little bit chaos....
  • Trigon: Chaos?! Where?!
  • Bane: Show us where it is?!
  • Goro: We wanna know, poop-for-brains!
  • Braniac: There! [points to the Prehistoric Park]
  • Solomon Grundy: Well, if this is the place that Jasper went, I suggest we go there and see!
  • [Darkseid and the other villains walked towards the Prehistoric Park]
  • [Cut back to K.O. and Jasper still fleeing from the Tyrannosaurus Rex]
  • Jasper: He's onto us!
  • K.O.: It's not safe in the Prehistoric Park anymore. We gotta move fast! [the Tyrannosaurus Rex emits another huge growl in a Godzilla sound; prompting the two to run even faster; they run up and down a hill, which the Tyrannosaurus Rex smashed right through]
  • [Cut back to Carol and the crew still being chase by the Stegosaurus]
  • Radicles: Uh, Guys?
  • Everyone: Yeah?
  • Radicles: What do we do now?!
  • Maia: [is panting and sweating; the Stegosaurus growls in anger in a Gamera sound] Guys, I honestly have no idea!
  • [K.O., Jasper, Maia and the Crew come across each other]
  • K.O.: Oh crud!
  • Enid: There's K.O.!
  • Amethyst: And there's Jasper!
  • Maia: [sees a Tyrannosaurus Rex behind K.O. and Jasper] It... is that a T-Rex?!
  • Steven: Looks like it, Yes!
  • Jasper: Oh no! it's those lunatics!
  • K.O.: Look! [points to the Stegosaurus] a Stegosaurus! but it looks very angry!
  • Jasper: Who cares! let's leave!
  • Garnet: After them!
  • [Carol and the Crew chases after them, eventually, the two prehistoric beasts come face-to-face, as they battled against each other, during the fight, the Tyrannosaurus Rex took a bite on the Stegosaurus' neck, the Stegosaurus swings his tail attacking the Tyrannosaurus Rex releasing himself from the bite, the 2 prehistoric monsters roared at each other as they continue to fight, K.O. and Jasper ran and stop for a moment]
  • Jasper: This place is a nightmare, everything is madness!
  • K.O.: I know, everything is madness, we first being chased by my mommy and the others, now the prehistoric monsters and now- [sees Carol and the others behind them] WHAT ARE WE STANDING AROUND HERE FOR?!?!?!!!!!! [he and Jasper continue to run as the others chased after them]
  • Carol: Gimme back my son!!!
  • K.O.: Whoa! [Pteranodon flies down, as K.O. ducks and avoids it] that flying monster almost grabbed me!
  • [Carol and the Crew still chasing after them]
  • Jasper: Okay, okay, now this is getting outta control around here!
  • [They both ran through the trees and the bushes]
  • K.O.: This is crazy, they won't stop chasing us!
  • Jasper: Yeah, your telling me....
  • Enid: Those guys aren't stop running!
  • Radicles: Well, they aren't fast enough, keep bud!
  • [K.O. and Jasper ran into the door and went inside, Carol and the crew are going inside, but they see K.O. and Jasper got out the other door and went into the other door, The Others are going to the other direction, but K.O. and Jasper got out and went back inside, then Carol and the crew went to the other door and K.O. and Jasper are behind them, everything started to get chaos when Carol and the crew chases them around the area, Carol and the crew remind quiet as Steven opens the door and it reveals the Dragon who roars angrily at them and Steven shuts the door, K.O. and Jasper ran down the hall, and Carol and the crew continue to chase them]
  • K.O.: [approached the door] A door, inside quick! [he and Jasper ran inside the door and closes it, locking it]
  • Garnet: [tries to open the door] K.O., open this door, right now!
  • K.O.: [off-screen] Uhhh..... there's no one home!
  • Bismuth: I'll handle this [her hands hands transform into a tool as she knocks the door down, Garnet, Pearl, and Amethyst came inside]
  • Pearl: K.O., what's the meaning of all these nicknames? David H. Jones! [K.O. is by Jasper's side, who has been eaten too much]
  • K.O.: Jasper got a belly-ache from eating all the meat, so I made her a bicarbonate of soda. [Jasper spits out Phil]
  • Phil: What did I miss? [Garnet takes off her glasses, blows at them, cleaning them, and puts them back on]
  • Garnet: So! My eyes *are* correct! You still have that archenemy of ours even when I warned you about! Well, now we're gonna do what we've should've done along time ago!
  • K.O.: No, Garnet! Please don't make me give up Jasper! I know any of you think she's being mean, cruel, and selfish, but she's more than that, I tell you. She listens to me. She understands everything I say and I understand her! she.... she's my best friend!
  • Garnet: K.O...... I can't believe you make friends with Jasper! How on earth could you make a friend with an enemy like that?!
  • K.O.: Jasper is not an enemy! All I did was trying to help her out to stop bullying everyone in CN City so there could be peace and that way there will be no more disasters anymore!
  • Amethyst: Who told you that?!
  • K.O.: My Mom....
  • Carol: K.O., did I actually tell you that?
  • K.O.: Yeah, remember the picture I drew the other night?
  • Carol: Hmmmmm....... come to think of it, yeah I notice that you draw a picture of her.
  • Maia: Wait, picture? What picture?
  • K.O.: I drew the picture of Jasper the other night, i was feeling bad the other night, I wanted her to stop being selfish, cruel, evil, and a big bully to others that way there's peace, that's why my mom told me that I should go make friends with her and that way there will be no disasters.
  • Garnet: Picture? Is this what this whole thing was about?!
  • Amethyst: Oh yeah, well to us Jasper is such a big orange lame ball that always threatened us even worse!!!
  • Jasper: Fine, take your darn friend.... All of you are freaks, I don't need friends.... [lefts the scene]
  • Raven: Now, the big orange freak is gone. We can get outta here now....
  • K.O.: Wait, Jasper!
  • Enid: Where are you going?
  • K.O.: Going to talk to, Jasper.
  • Carol: Okay, but you better be back, young man.
  • [K.O. chases after Jasper]
  • Garnet: Lapis, I need you to see what K.O. and Jasper are up too, but watch them without them noticing you, i don't like feeling about this.
  • Lapis Lazuli: Okay [flies off to see what K.O. and Jasper are talking about]

Scene 18: Argument and Apology With Jasper/Captured by Villains

  • [Somewhere in Prehistoric Park, Jasper sat by the rock crying and K.O. shows up to near her]
  • K.O.: Jasper!
  • Jasper: Oh, it's you! Why are you here?! You should be with the other lunatics!!!
  • K.O.: Yeah, but what's wrong with having someone good like you?!
  • Jasper: I'm okay working with the bad guys, so I'M A VILLAIN!
  • K.O.: No, you're not a villain..... You're my friend and friends do get along each other!
  • Jasper: Oh, do we? Well... I THINK NOT!!! If it weren't for you shouldn't have defeated me before!
  • K.O.: Jasper, I didn't defeat you... My friends did, Enid and Rad. They were the ones who defeated you, I was dizzy when you stomped hard remember?!
  • Jasper: Huh?
  • [flashback of Jasper making K.O. dizzy]
  • Jasper: I think, I remember now!
  • K.O.: See what I mean?
  • Jasper: Yes, and I'm sorry for making you dizzy....
  • K.O.: That's okay, never do that again to me, okay?
  • Jasper: Okay.... Guess I'm heading back to the place and I hope your friends will apologize to me....
  • K.O.: Don't worry, i'll make sure how they feel about you...
  • Jasper: Thanks kid, thanks for everything.
  • K.O.: No problem, may I walk with you on the way out of this... disaster place?
  • Jasper: Uhhh.... sure [looks around the Prehistoric Park, all the Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals escaping and attacking each other] we should get going.
  • K.O.: Yeah!
  • [K.O. and Jasper walked together all the way out, all of the sudden the villains use the net to capture K.O. and Jasper]
  • K.O.: Ahhh!!!! What gives?!
  • Jasper: I don't know kid!
  • Bane: [off-screen and laughing] We got them now!!!
  • [villains jumped out of nowhere to their position]
  • K.O.: Oh no, not you guys!
  • Trigon: Hah! I knew it! that's the brat who help her escape the place!!!
  • Bane: Well Jasper, it seems you really do have the same brat from before!
  • Jasper: What are you guys doing here?!
  • Goro: Thought you could lie to us that you demolished that puny kid!
  • Bane: Yeah, very disppointed, keeping a secret away from us, huh?!
  • Darkseid: Enough! [walks over them]
  • Jasper: Darkseid!
  • Darkseid: You we're hiding something that you don't want us to know, that's the secret your hiding!
  • Jasper: Look, I know you caught us, but let this little one here go.
  • Darkseid: Yes, but I'm afraid we're going to take him as well...
  • K.O.: WHAT?!?!?!?!!!!!!!
  • Darkseid: Brainiac, what should we do with these two?
  • Brainiac: Let's take them back to our place, the little creature right there should be put to death, and the other one will be punished!
  • [K.O. and Jasper gasps in fear]
  • Darkseid: Very well.... alright men, carried them!
  • Bane: Right you are, Darkseid!
  • [Bane and Solomon Grundy lift up both of them, they carried them back to their place, little didn't they know from above, Lapis Lazuli saw the whole thing as she gasps in shock]
  • Lapis Lazuli: I must report to others! [Lapis Lazuli flies back to the group]
  • Carol: Well... is my son coming back?
  • Lapis Lazuli: Guys, I'm afraid we have a major problem....
  • Amethyst: OH, COME ON!!! Don't tell me that Jasper is gonna crush K.O., right?!
  • Lapis Lazuli: No, worse! He and Jasper are captured!!!
  • [Everyone gasps in shock]
  • Carol: [furious] What do you mean captured?!
  • Lapis Lazulli: A group of evil men tried to capture them and taking them somewhere like an evil site!
  • Carol: My baby, he and the orange freak are in trouble.... We need to save them!
  • Enid: I bet Mr. Gar can help us!
  • Maia: Got it! Let's head back to the Bodega! [she and everyone transported the Bodega]

Scene 19: Back in the Bodega

  • [in the Bodega]
  • Mr. Gar: Hm, now why would K.O. wanna make friends with an enemy such as Lord Boxman...?
  • [the whole crew transported in the Bodega]
  • Carol: Mr. Gar, really bad news!
  • Mr. Gar: What is it?! [looks at Captain Planet] Oh, hey there Captain Planet, didn't expect to see you again.... And who are those new guys [looks at Ben and Raven]?
  • Garnet: This is Ben and Raven by the way, but this evil group captured K.O.!
  • Mr. Gar: What?! K.O.'s captured?!
  • Maia: Yes! But he's not the only one, Jasper as well too!
  • Mr. Gar: Is that what you guys mentioned before?!
  • Radicles: Yes!!
  • Enid: He even tricked us from not knowing he's friends with the orange bozo!
  • Ben: Hey, that's what I said earlier....
  • Carol: We just need your help to rescue my son, and stop those villains from destroying CN City!
  • [meanwhile in the back, Darrell and his siblings were hearing the conversation]
  • Darrell: Did you hear what they said?
  • Shannon: Yeah, they all said that K.O.'s been captured, so does the other one which I don't know who they are talking about.
  • Raymond: But by who, exactly?
  • Darrell: I honestly have no idea, but we should report to dad about this.
  • Everyone: Right!
  • [Darrell and his siblings ran back inside Boxmore to report their father, Lord Boxman who was in his office, talking to Professor Venomous, discussing the plan]
  • Lord Boxman: Okay, how about this.... We could use something to destroy the bodega and destroy all the heroes!!!!
  • Professor Venomous: Ugh, we even tried that already, but nothing worked!
  • Lord Boxman: Well then, any suggestions?
  • Professor Venomous: Well- [Darrell and his siblings bursted the door]
  • Darrell and his siblings: Dad, dad, dad, dad!
  • Lord Boxman: [sighs] What do you want?! Can't you see me and Venomous are discussing the plan to destroy the bodega?!
  • Darrell: Geez, we're sorry pop, but did you hear the news?
  • Lord Boxman: What news?
  • Darrell: We just heard something about K.O. being captured and an "enemy" too....
  • Lord Boxman: K.O.'s been captured where?
  • Shannon: We just heard of a place called CN City, and they decided to go back to find K.O.!
  • Raymond: There are other villains we can team up to destroy CN City besides this place, father....
  • Lord Boxman: Oh, that's a great idea, Raymond....
  • Professor Venomous: [sinister] We will head to CN City and be teamed up with the villains to help them destroy the world....
  • [everyone in Boxmore laughs evilly]
  • Darrell: But the question is.... How on earth are we gonna get there?
  • Lord Boxman: Hmmmmm......... [snaps his finger] That's it! we could use the portal so we can travel to this CN place.
  • Professor Venomous: Then, what are we waiting for? let's go there!
  • [Lord Boxman pushes the portal and he and everyone teleported to CN City]

Scene 20: Kidnapped in Mount Massive Asylum

  • [Back in the scene of Mount Massive Asylum, Somewhere in Prison Block, K.O. is tied up, while Jasper is locked in prison]
  • Darkseid: We must sacrifice this creature to death! send in the beast!
  • Everyone: Hooorah!!!!!!!!
  • [the door opens and reveals a very large Variant named Chris Walker]
  • Jasper: ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!?!!!!!! You can't let the little one be killed!
  • Bane: That's for keeping us a secret and you blew it!
  • Goro: Yeah, blew it!
  • Chris Walker: Little pig!
  • [K.O. runs in fear as Chris Walker chases after him for his killing, K.O. is trapped and no where to run]
  • Chris Walker: Little pig!
  • K.O.: [screams in fear]
  • Jasper: KIIIIID!!!!! [breaks the bars releasing herself and attacks Chris Walker, killing him. Puts her hand as K.O. rans onto her hand and she lifts her hand and K.O. lands onto her hair]
  • K.O.: Let us go!
  • [Jasper and K.O. ran out of the prison block]
  • Darkseid: Idiots! They're getting away you fools!
  • Trigon: Let's get 'em!
  • [they start chasing Jasper and K.O.]
  • Jasper: After all the madness, they blame me for everything I failed! It's a pain!
  • K.O.: I understand your failures, Jasper.... But run faster will you!
  • Jasper: I am!
  • [K.O. and Jasper ran out of the Prison Block and land into the Sewer]
  • K.O.: [sniffs and gags] This place is even way stinkier, than I expected!
  • Jasper: That's because we're in the sewers, it's under Mount Massive Asylum!
  • K.O.: Oh! I didn't know this place has a sewer underneath the place.
  • Jasper: Well, at least we're safe here, let's find a way out of the sewer.
  • [K.O. and Jasper walked through the sewers, they spotted The Walrider as it passes through a tunnel]
  • K.O.: What was that?!
  • Jasper: It's probably a ghost.
  • K.O.: A GHOST?!?!?!!!!! [hides inside her hair]
  • Jasper: Don't worry, kiddo. It's not going to hurt us, let's keep moving.
  • K.O.: Okay.
  • [K.O. and Jasper continue to walked through the sewers. As they move throughout the region, they find Farther Martian singing on the other side of a pile of rock, not know that they we're here]
  • K.O.: Who's that guy?
  • Jasper: I think it was colonel sanders.
  • K.O.: Really?
  • Trigon: [off-screen] They're around here somewhere!
  • K.O.: Oh no! they must've find away to get inside the sewer, let's get going, hurry!
  • Jasper: I'm on it!
  • [They enter a room and find a non-violent Variant]
  • Variant: Hello.
  • K.O.: Yikes! [hides back inside Jasper's hair]
  • Variant: Don't worry, you don't have to be scared of me, little one. I can tell we're the same. You still what's real?
  • K.O.: What?
  • Variant: The doctor's dead, you know that right? Dr. Wernicke.
  • Jasper: Who's Dr. Wernicke?
  • Variant: He's one of the researchers who worked in a hidden research facility beneath Mount Massive Asylum and one of the more prominent figures behind Murkoff Psychiatric Systems.
  • Jasper: What happened to him?
  • Variant: He died before he even started working here.
  • K.O.: Wow! I did not realize that happened.
  • Variant: What kind of experiments does a dead doctor perform on living patient? That's a question.
  • Jasper: I have no idea what he's talking about.
  • K.O.: Me neither, but we gotta go!
  • Jasper: Okay, nice meeting you!
  • Variant: Good luck!
  • K.O.: Look! [points to the ladder] there's the ladder! let's go down there!
  • Jasper: Alright!
  • [both of them are walking down the ladder]
  • Goro: [off-screen] Door, SMASH!!!!!! [knock down the door, and he and the other villains enter the room]
  • Trigon: Hey, you! have you seen the big orange lady and a little midget around here?
  • Variant: I honestly don't know what you're talking about.
  • Bane: This guy is brainless, those two gotta be here somewhere!
  • Goro: [points to the ladder] Look! there's the ladder! I think they both went down there!
  • Solomon Grundy: Then let's go downstairs!
  • K.O.: AAAAHH! They're gaining on us!
  • Jasper: Tch, give me a break!
  • K.O.: Look! [points to it] the staircase! it leads us to the Male Ward!
  • Jasper: Then let's go!
  • [They went up the staircase leading up to the Male Ward]
  • Trigon: They're going up the staircase to Male Ward, get them!
  • [Jasper closes the door locking it, and she and K.O. went to the Male Ward]
  • K.O.: I've been here before!
  • Jasper: You have?
  • K.O.: Yes! I came to this place looking for you, this is where I got chase by those three jerks!
  • Jasper: I see....
  • K.O.: That's where i came to your room, when they chase me here!
  • Jasper: Now i get it...
  • [Cuts to the Kitchen, Jasper and K.O. entered, they hear someone eating]
  • K.O.: What's that?!
  • Jasper: It's coming from over there! [points to someone eating, while he's blocked by the shelves]
  • K.O.: Wha-Wha-What is it? [shaking in fear]
  • Jasper: I Don't know, let's go check it out
  • [K.O. and Jasper go inside the freezer, they saw some dead bodies]
  • K.O.: [Horrified] Wh-Wh-Why are there dead bodies in this freezer?!
  • Jasper: Kid, i honestly don't know, but let's move!
  • [K.O. and Jasper go to the other door, they go in the kitchen, and went into the cafeteria, There on a window, was a naked man with tattoos and has a buzzsaw in his hand]
  • K.O.: [gasps in horror, as he hid inside Jasper's hair] Who-Who's that?!
  • Jasper: I don't know, but what ever this guys is.... he's must be the cannibal, eating a human meat like this.
  • [K.O. and Jasper walked pass all the tables, they almost got close to the window, when suddenly, the microwave explodes, causing the window to break and the blood splattered everywhere and right into K.O.'s face making him scream in horror, covering his eyes, a man by the name of Frank Manera got his attention]
  • Frank Manera: Don't you look at us. I love him. [continues to eat the dead bodies, which grosses K.O. out]
  • K.O.: I can't see this anymore, let's get outta here!
  • Jasper: Alright, Alright.... let's go. [she and K.O. leave the scene, Trigon and the others show up in the kitchen]
  • Trigon: Uh... excuse us, have you seen the big orange lady and the little midget around here?
  • Frank Manera: [eating and stop for a moment, as he point towards right] That way!
  • Trigon: Thanks!
  • [Trigon and the villain group continue to chase K.O. and Jasper, scene shows the countryard, Jasper and K.O. are outside the Mount Massive Asylum]
  • K.O.: This place is way scarier!
  • Jasper: Yeah, tell me about it... Just look at this place it's like a ghost town in here!
  • K.O.: Well, at least things couldn't get any worse...
  • Bane: [off-screen] They're outside, I see them!
  • K.O.: Oh shoot! They found us!
  • Jasper: Great!
  • [K.O. and Jasper continue to run]
  • Trigon: They're getting away!
  • [The other villains chase after them in the countryard, K.O. and Jasper ran inside the female ward, the other villains are still gaining on them]
  • K.O.: This place has gone mad!
  • Jasper: Yeah, i'm starting to not like this place at all, kid!
  • [K.O. and Jasper ran back to Administration Black, and ran into the room, Jasper attempt to lock it]
  • K.O.: Jasper, do you think this is wise?
  • Jasper: They'll never find us in here!!! [locks the door, goes to the couch and relax for a while] Oh man, chasing is the worst of our lives, come sit in the couch with me kid.
  • K.O.: [goes to the couch and sits next to her] I need a relax for a moment, this place is a nightmare.
  • Jasper: Kid, you have no idea what you are in...
  • K.O.: At least we got a T.V. on to watch [they both sat and watch a television, but it goes off] Dang it! [he and Jasper did not notice that the door is unlock, and Trigon came in with a bat. He walked slowly towards K.O. and Jasper, K.O. turns his head and sees him] Hey look out-
  • Trigon: Behind you!
  • Jasper: Wha- [gets hit by the bat and the scenes turns black]

Scene 21: Recruiting With Boxman and Venomous

  • [Somewhere in CN City a portal opened. Lord Boxman, Professor Venomous, and his Robot Siblings came out of the portal]
  • Lord Boxman: Well, here we are at last everyone... "CN City"!
  • Darrell: I wonder why they called this place CN City?
  • Shannon: How would I know, we've never been here before, Look at this place, it has, fashions, games, stores, movies, and more!
  • Raymond: Yeah, but the problem is there are no villains around here... All we see is some citizens.
  • Ernesto: You're right Raymond, there are a lot of people living in this city, but no villains.
  • Jethro: I am Jethro!
  • Fink: Man, this place stinks! Where are the villains?!
  • Professor Venomous: Now, now, fink, I'm sure we'll find some.
  • Darrell: Dad, how on earth are we-
  • Lord Boxman: Silence! I'm picking up the location of K.O.! [looking at his map destination with a K.O. on it] That Way! [he and the villain crew went north, they pass the sign saying "You are now leaving CN City", then they pass the old abandoned house, and went through the forest]
  • Darrell: Dad, we've been walking for like... four hours. How on earth are we gonna find K.O. in this place?
  • Lord Boxman: Oh, trust me son, I know what I'm doing!
  • [Lord Boxman and the others continue to followed the road to K.O.'s location, as they made it, they arrived at the scary place called "Mount Massive Asylum"]
  • Darrell: That's the place?! it's huge!
  • Shannon: and scary!
  • Ernesto: It seems it hasn't been used in years.
  • Fink: Eep! [hide behind Professor Venomous]
  • Professor Venomous: Lord Boxman, are you sure this is the right place? nobody ever lives there. It's not like-
  • Lord Boxman: He's here [looks at the map destination with K.O.'s location on it] I know he's here. Come on!
  • Darrell: Hey, wait a minute I've been here before!
  • Everyone: WHAT?!?!!!
  • Darrell: Oh yeah, I went to put some flowers on a tombstone on courtyard.
  • Shannon: You bonehead! Why didn't you tell us before?!
  • Darrell: [shrugs his arms] I dunno, I must've forgotten.
  • Lord Boxman: Oh, never mind that! Come on, let's go inside and see!
  • [he and the others went inside]
  • Professor Venomous: Welcome Mount Massive Asylum, center of CN City's villains.... This is interesting....
  • Bane: Hey, who are those bozos?!
  • Goro: It looks like those are the circus clowns that came from outer space, if you ask me.
  • Shannon: Hey! we're not circus clowns!
  • Lord Boxman: Uh, good evening gentlemen, I'm Lord Boxman and I must say it's an honored to- [His words cut off in a sharp cry when Bane grabbed the front of his shirt and lifted him off his feet]
  • Bane: I don't care who you are or where you come from, but we don't allowed any visitors to welcome here, especially some nerd people like you!!!
  • Lord Boxman: [grunts] P-P-Please..... W-We mean no harm...... We're villains...... Like you guys....
  • Bane: Villains? Hah! you guys don't even look like villains. [drops Lord Boxman to the ground]
  • Solomon Grundy: Yeah! Him and those weirdos almost look like jungle animals.
  • Shannon: Hey!
  • Trigon: As you may have notice, I'm the principal of all the villains of Mount Massive Asylum.
  • Creeper: Creeper! Creeper!
  • Father: He says those people look funny enough to rule the world.
  • Hex: What about the wicked wicks, that sounds pretty cool...
  • Bane: Quiet! We'll discuss this in our next general meeting! I guess your not from around here, but this is our house, and we don't allow unwelcome losers here!
  • Everyone: Yeah!
  • Professor Venomous: What general meeting?!
  • Goro: It's when we start debatin' of how to deal with this city with out boss, Darkseid....
  • Lord Boxman: Darkseid?
  • Father: Of course, he is our boss....
  • Professor Venomous: Can we speak with him?
  • Everyone: Hey boss!
  • Darkseid: [shows up] What is it?
  • Bane: It's these losers.... [points to them]
  • Darkseid: Well, well, well, who do we have here?
  • Goro: Boss, these guys are new villains....
  • Lord Boxman: Uhh..... hello, my name is Lord Boxman, these are my children and this is my friend Professor Venomous and his sidekick Fink. Eh, you must be Darkseid.
  • Darkseid: Yes, I'm also the superintendent of Mount Massive Asylum. Now answer me.... why have you come?
  • Professor Venomous: Darkseid, we have come for your assistants, and we also heard that you and your villain friends have captured K.O. and this "enemy" as well, We discovered that our arch-nemesis K.O. is here somewhere inside this Mount Massive Asylum.
  • Darkseid: Never heard of him.
  • Lord Boxman: Oh, he's a little kid wearing a red ribbon on his head, he wears a blue skirt, and he's also one of my arch-enemies. And also one of Gar's employees.
  • Bane: What is he talking about?
  • Goro: I don't know, but this guy is talking garbage.
  • Lord Boxman: Look, look, look, look, here's the picture of him [shows them the picture of K.O.]
  • Bane: Hey! that's the kid that came to our hideout!
  • Goro: Yeah, he came here to find Jasper!
  • Shannon: Jasper...?
  • Trigon: Of course, she's one of my students, until she turn on us with the help of that little midget, your speaking of...
  • Bane: Yeah! she betrayed us all for nothing!!!
  • Lord Boxman: Well, if you guys have K.O. and this "Jasper" you're talking about, would you mind taking us to them? We really wanna see the look on K.O.'s face when he is finally captured.
  • Darkseid: Of course, we will appreciate your assistance and perhaps we could use a replacement... [turns to others] My friends, let us welcome these new villain guests, this young man here along with his villain family are going to help us out to come up with the plan and then this world will be ours.... Mwahahahaha!
  • [everyone evilly laughs]

Scene 22: In the Search of K.O. and Jasper/Hall of Justice

  • Mr. Gar: Those jerks are gonna pay for capturing my employee!
  • Carol: And for capturing my son!
  • Amethyst: K.O. can't be seriously hanging out with Jasper instead of fighting her?
  • Radicles: Well, if K.O. is wanting to be friends with that big orange gargantua, then I should say yes and yes.
  • Pearl: We though that K.O. is going to fight Jasper didn't we, and yes, I guess he must be stupid!
  • Enid: Then, we better go find them and see what's going on!
  • Everyone: Right!
  • [Everyone sees an injured Variant and gasps]
  • Maia: Oh dear, you poor civilian.... What's with the injuries, who did this to you?
  • Variant: It's those evildoers, they're the ones chasing the little guy and the big orange woman....
  • Bismuth: The little guy is K.O., and the big orange woman is Jasper....
  • Maia: (I hope it's not Jasper this time, we're still pondering of the incident between her and K.O....)
  • Ben: Who are the bad guys?
  • Variant: Have no idea, I say they're a group of men of an evil facility....
  • Maia: Do you know the name?
  • Variant: Mount Massive.... Mount.... Massive.... I can't think of the last name....
  • Maia: Don't worry, sir. We're still getting to the bottom of this occurrence. [summons a healing protective barrier] Stay in this barrier.... Don't be harmed, it'll convalesce your wounds and it's pretty much a permanent shield until your health is vigorous.
  • Variant: Why thank you, young lady....
  • Maia: It's my pleasure....
  • Steven: Hm.... Mount Massive something.... what do you make of it Maia?
  • Maia: I honestly have no idea, but whatever the place he's talking about? I think that's where K.O. found Jasper.
  • Ben: But where is this place?
  • Pearl: It's not around here though, we need to find someone who knows about that place.
  • [Everyone sees Cyborg and Beast Boy having conversation]
  • Raven: Hey, is that Cyborg and Beast Boy over there?
  • Enid: Yeah, I bet they can help us? let's ask them.
  • [Everyone goes straight towards Cyborg and Beast Boy, Beast Boy sees everyone]
  • Beast Boy: Yo, yo, yo, yo, wassup fellas?
  • Steven: Hey, listen we need your help, both K.O. and Jasper are missing, and we couldn't find them, then we ran into a Variant who was injured, he also saying something about Mount Massive something, an-
  • Cyborg: MOUNT MASSIVE ASYLUM!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!
  • Maia: Yeah, I think that's the one.... Hold on, how did you know about that place.
  • Cyborg: Are you guys lost it?! I've been there, I've seen that stuff in there and I ain't going back.
  • Raven: Wait, wait, wait, wait, you've been to Mount Massive Asylum?
  • Cyborg: Mount my butt, I was captured by some villain group, they thought I was Jasper, and this Darkseid dude keeps telling me where Jasper is, I mean this place over there is dangerous!
  • Radicles: Is it very far, Cyborg? Can you take us there?
  • Cyborg: Oh no, I ain't going back, there are so many villains in there, you can't fight back, there too strong!
  • Beast Boy: He's right dudes, those villains over there are really powerful!
  • Steven: Powerful than Jasper?
  • Cyborg: That's right!
  • Carol: But you must help us! My son's in there!
  • Steven: So does Jasper!
  • Beast Boy: Sorry dudes, we ain't strong enough to fight back....... But there are other people who are way stronger than other villains....
  • Radicles: Who?
  • Cyborg: Justice League!
  • Enid: Justice wha?
  • Cyborg: Justice League dudes, they're superheroes! and I was one of them, before I usually going Teen Titans of course.
  • Amethyst: Get out!
  • Maia: Do you know where they live?
  • Beast Boy: Of course, they live in a place called "Hall of Justice"
  • Cyborg: There are the superheroes.
  • Pearl: Who's in charge there?
  • Beast Boy: Aaaaaah, Oooooooh, Superman, he's very powerful, he's the leader of the Justice League yo, he second command is Batman. And there's food, games, watching TV and other kinds of stuff!
  • Maia: It sounds amazing! would you mind take us there?
  • Cyborg: Of course, I've been there before.
  • Enid: Alright, let's go speak to them.
  • [They arrived at Hall of Justice, everyone's amazed]
  • Peridot: This place is amazing!
  • Radicles: Yeah, it feels like we're in a mansion or something.
  • Cyborg: [goes to the door and rings the bell] Yo, Justice League, it's me, Cyborg, your old friend. We've come to ask your for a favor, hello?
  • [But no ones respond]
  • Beast Boy: Well, that's weird, no one answer.
  • [Then the door opens, letting everyone in, everyone is amazed by this, this place has everything around here, a man wearing a blue suit with a letter "S" on it and a red cape behind his back]
  • Superman: Come, let me greet you.
  • Peridot: Me first, me first!!!!
  • Lapis Lazuli: The last shall be first, and the first shall be last.
  • Peridot: hump! [crosses her arms]
  • Raven: Go on Cyborg, you lead us here.
  • Beast Boy: Plus, you've been here before, bro.
  • [Cyborg walked towards Superman, shaking his hands with him]
  • Superman: It's been along time to see you again Cyborg.
  • Cyborg: No problem, old timer just came here for a visit.
  • Superman: That's nice [looks at the others] Who are those other guys?
  • Cyborg: Oh, Superman, these are the other dudes. That's Carol, Radicles, Enid, Mr. Gar, Dendy, Captain Planet, Steven Universe and the Crystal Gems, Ben Tennyson, and Mega Celestial Maia, you've already know Beast Boy and Raven by the way.
  • Superman: Well, I must say is an honored to meet you guys.... Now then, what brings you back here in Hall of Justice?
  • Cyborg: Well, we just need you and your fellow heroes to help us, you see there's this boy named K.O. who's been captured by the group of villains, along with Jasper. They we're taken to this place called "Mount Massive Asylum".
  • Carol: Please, you must help us, sir! My son's in that evil place!
  • Mr. Gar: He's my employee!
  • Enid: And he's also our best friend, even though he tricked us from not knowing he's friends with Jasper.
  • Radicles: Yeah, even though we don't know where this place Mount Massive Asylum is, perhaps you and the others can locate that place we we're looking for, right?
  • Superman: Yes, we've all heard of that place.... It's owned by Darkseid himself, leader of the villain tribe.
  • Steven: We've heard of that guy, Raven told us that he once ruled Apokolips, but now he becomes a Superintendent of Mount Massive Asylum.
  • Superman: Then, we shall get going... [looks at Carol] Don't worry ma'am, we'll get your son back if it's the last thing we do...
  • Carol: Oh thank you sir.... [sniffs and wipes a tear]
  • Superman: Alright guys, let's go!
  • Flash: Not without batman, him and his stupid TV Knight.
  • Wonder Woman: Yeah, he's been watching same o TV show with his best friend, Commissioner Gordon.
  • Carol: Where is Batman?
  • Flash: In the closet. [points to it]
  • Carol: How long he's been watching TV for?
  • Wonder Woman: Five Months...
  • Carol: [gasps in shock, then becomes furious] I'll take care of this.
  • [Carol goes to the closet, knocking it down and sees Batman and Commissioner Gordon laughing while watching TV]
  • Commissioner Gordon: He is the most dangerous of evil.
  • Batman: Yeah, he doesn't look so tough.
  • Carol: WHAT?! [Batman and Commissioner Gordon turn around in shock and see Carol looking angry] I guess you fools completely forgotten my son, K.O.!
  • Batman: Yeah so?
  • Carol: Well then, allow me to share a little might.
  • [flashback]
  • Carol: [singing narrating] It's all started, with my son, and that big orange freeeaaaaak. There was a hatred I had never felts before!
  • Chours: Big orange freak, freak, freak, freak.
  • Carol: [singing narrating] So now I'll make her pay..... each and everydaaaaay, until that big orange freak's noooooo mooooorrree!
  • [flashback ends]
  • Carol: Now I think we understand each other, and I'm not giving up until I get my son back, to be on the same side, I'm going have to kill her...... [points to Batman] YOU!
  • Batman: What a, what a.
  • [Carol and the others hopped on the Justice League vehicle] You, let's go!
  • Batman: Where to go?
  • Carol: [checks her calculator where K.O.'s location, she points out] MOUNT MASSIVE ASYLUM!!!
  • [the scene zooms in towards Mount Massive Asylum]

Scene 23: Underground Lab

  • Jasper: [grunts] Where am I...? What's going on?!
  • Trigon: Stop flattering, Jasper, I'm in charge now!
  • Jasper: You can't replace me, no one can, Darkseid's the boss!
  • Hex: Darkseid's the boss!
  • Trigon: Yes, I know that!
  • Funny Face Head: Hey, Funny Face Head gotta good joke for ye.
  • Trigon: What?
  • Funny Face Head: Your fat and your red.
  • Trigon: No!
  • Funny Face Head: Pizza Pie! [laughs, but Trigon punches him]
  • Trigon: Silence!
  • K.O.: Well, that's five minutes kinda been slow...
  • Trigon: But no more, I'm going to melt you both down..... My way!
  • K.O. and Jasper: Say, WHAAAT?!?!
  • Jasper: Why would you do that?!
  • Trigon: You ruined my life once Jasper and it won't happened again!
  • Jasper: I ruined the lives of so many, I can't remember them all.
  • Trigon: That's true...
  • Jasper: Wait, I think... I remember now!
  • Trigon: Whole, seems like yesterday....
  • [flashback]
  • Jasper: [narrating] I was Nine years old, and I was taking a test on elementary hero and villain school, I'm so good doing some tests.
  • Nine Year old Trigon: Why does she get all the good grades and I don't?!
  • Brainiac: Congratulates Jasper, you have past the test, keep up the good work!
  • Nine Year old Jasper: Thank you, mr. Brainiac.
  • Nine Year old Trigon: That's not fair! I've been study all the test, and nothing!
  • Brainiac: I'm sorry Trigon, but you never good at defeating all the superheroes in the universe.
  • Nine Year old Trigon: But sir, I got pretty stars for you, I give you a quarter.
  • Nine Year old Jasper: Back in your cage grandpa!
  • [This shocks Nine Year old Trigon as everyone in class started laughing at him]
  • Nine Year old Trigon: You'll pay for this!
  • [flashback ends]
  • Trigon: Nobody laughs with Trigon! and now I have my revenge!
  • K.O.: You terrible ungrateful maniac! you'll never get away with this!
  • Trigon: We'll see about that!
  • [scene shows outside Mount Massive Asylum, Carol and the crew arrived at the place]
  • Superman: This is far as I can take us, we'll have to find your son.
  • Bane: [laughs] insist, I'm laughing now!
  • Shaggy Rogers: Was that sarcas-
  • Eustace Bagge: STOP IT!
  • Solomon Grundy: In that name of Trigon, you're under arrest!
  • Steven: You mean Darkseid, don't you?
  • Father: I don't know.
  • Steven: Pff, guys let's hurt them so we can go home. Pff
  • Darrell: Hey! don't hurt my pretty crush.
  • Enid: I thought I told you to leave already!
  • Darrell: Worth a shot.
  • [All the heroes battled all the villains, soon all the villains defeated]
  • Steven: Phew, so many villains to defeat.
  • Carol: But, they need to know where my son is!
  • Maia: You're right Mrs. Carol, we need to ask some of them where your son and Jasper are.
  • Superman: Then let's ask this one [lifts up Goro] Where did Darkseid take both K.O. and this Jasper person?
  • Goro: Pff, I don't know what you're taking about.
  • Carol: My son! he wears a red ribbon like mine!
  • Mr. Gar: And he's also my employee!
  • Enid: And also our best friend!
  • Radicles: Yeah!
  • Amethyst: And my sis! she has a huge hair like mines, well mines a little.
  • Garnet: We just want Jasper back!
  • Superman: Where did Darkseid take them? Answer Now!
  • Goro: The-They we're taken beneath Mount Massive Asylum, the Underground Lab!
  • Enid: The underground lab?
  • Radicles: Beneath Mount Massive Asylum?
  • Peridot: How on earth are we going to beneath the Mount Massive Asylum?
  • Goro: The Elevator!
  • Enid, Radicles, and Peridot: Ooooooh.
  • Amethyst: Well, why are we standing around here for, let's go get them!
  • [They went to the elevator and they go down beneath the building, soon enough they finally arrived at the underground lab]
  • Dendy: This is the underground lab....
  • Maia: Some of these are showing DNA, even profiles of a patient.... Batman, come in.... [uses contacting device]
  • Batman: I copy, have you find the lab?
  • Superman: Of course, we're in the lab....
  • Dendy: There are slot of experiments and examples...
  • [Dendy and the others continue to search for K.O. and Jasper somewhere in underground lab, after further navigation, they enter the room with dead guards, and a wall of glass diving them, and an old man behind appears]
  • ???: Ah, good evening everyone.
  • Superman: Who are you?
  • Rudolf Wernicke: Dr. Rudolf Wernicke.
  • Radicles: Dr. Rudolf Wernicke? Bro, I though you were dead.
  • Rudolf Wernicke: I know, I know. I am supposed to be dead. No... No such luck. I am older than sin, but somehow... the only one left. Because of Billy.
  • Mr. Gar: What about him?
  • Rudolf Wernicke: He takes care of me. He may think I'm his father. He certainly loves me, the poor idiot. Do you know what this symbol represents?
  • Maia: I don't know, what?
  • Rudolf Wernicke: It warns of Nanohazard. Microscopic machines. Technology we have had for decades but we never mastered. Murkoff discovered, in my research, a workaround.
  • Garnet: What became of him?
  • Rudolf Wernicke: Turning the cells in a human body into nano-factories. It's the natural function of cells to produce molecules, but through psychosomatic direction, we engineered the precise molecules necessary, Mind over body.
  • Superman: So what happened here?
  • Rudolf Wernicke: It was... foolish and wrong to think we could control it. Darkseid and his villainous gang took over and uses him to be the Walrider's host, he uses him to destroy everything.... You have to stop him, to... murder Billy. Turn off his life support, his anesthesia. You have to undo what I've done.
  • Carol: Excuse me, it's really important, we're here to look for my son, K.O..
  • Amethyst: And my sis, Jasper, huge hair, red stripes, and green horns.
  • Enid: Do you know where at? We need to find them and rescue them!
  • Rudolf Wernicke: Hmmmm....... I do aware, that they've captured them somewhere in this lab, so yes.
  • Cyborg: That's great dude, so which way?
  • Rudolf Wernicke: That way! [points to the right] straight towards the main laboratory, pass by the kitchen, and that's where you'll find your destination and your friends.
  • Beast Boy: Okay, thanks!
  • Rudolf Wernicke: But one more thing before you leave, watch out for the Walrider, it was billy who's controlling it, until Darkseid uses him to destroy everything! You must kill him!
  • Steven: Okay, we'll remember that.
  • [He and the others went straight to the main laboratory to find K.O. and Jasper]
  • Rudolf Wernicke: Good luck my friends, and remember... just remind what I told you!
  • Enid: What is the Walrider anyway?
  • Radicles: How would I know, no one has ever saw it, didn't they?
  • Maia: Never experience it either, but we're supposed to be concentrating on our objective....
  • Carol: I hope my baby's alright.
  • Enid: So do I Carol. So do I....
  • [Carol and the crew continue to search for K.O. and Jasper, while they're searching Radicles gets hit by the Snowball and Cyborg and Beast Boy are laughing at this]
  • Radicles: Hey! who did that?!
  • Beast Boy: Uhhh..... not me! It-It-It was him! [points to Cyborg]
  • [While everyone is still searching, Superman hears a horror sound, he looks around the area, something's not right]
  • Superman: Guys I think- [gasps as he sees a gray mist went through the wall] I think we should keep moving...
  • Radicles: Is that your answer to all problems motion? [stretches his body and walks, while Cyborg and Beast Boy are preparing Snowballs to throw at Radicles]
  • Superman: Guys come on let's get going!
  • Radicles: [mumbling to himself] Easy to say a guy with super strength?! [gets hit by a snowball again and fell to the ground] Okay that's it! [gets up and cleans himself] It's time to kick some of your butts! [sees Cyborg and Beast Boy shaking in fear when they saw that the Walrider is behind Radicles, which he did not realized] Ah-Ha! finally! your all done's for a making for impression! [feels cold] why is it so freezing?! [hears a strange noise, he turns around and sees the Walrider] Oh crud!
  • [Maia and the crew are searching K.O. and Jasper around the kitchen, everything is a mess]
  • Lapis Lazuli: Yuck! this place is disgusting!
  • Enid: Yeah, tell me about, this place is full of disgusting stuff, there's blood on the floor, human meat on the floor, who make this awful mess around here?!
  • [They hear someone coming]
  • Superman: Shhhhh........... somebodies coming, quick everyone hide!
  • [Superman and the others hide, coming through the door came a naked man by the name of Frank Manera from before who's hunting for his dinner]
  • Frank Manera: I had to feed.
  • Carol: [quietly] Who the heck is that?!
  • Peridot: [quietly] Good grief, he's naked!
  • Wonder Woman: [quietly] That guy is nuts, he has blood all over his body and has a lot of tattoos around it.
  • Pearl: [quietly] He's lost it.
  • [Radicles, Cyborg, and Beast Boy burst through the doors screaming, getting Frank Manera attention]
  • Frank Manera: I can smell you!
  • Radicles: RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!! [pushing Frank Manera out of the way]
  • [The Walrider shows up scaring everyone as they ran out of the kitchen with Radicles, Cyborg, and Beast Boy, Frank Manera and The Walrider chase after them]
  • Frank Manera: Feed me. Feed me, Feed, me, Feed me! Feed me!

Scene 24: The Great Escape

  • Trigon: So my friends, what would you rather have? Lava boiling your feet or Lava grilling your feet? Tell me your choice!
  • K.O.: I don't see why-
  • Trigon: TELL ME YOUR CHOICE!!!!!!
  • K.O.: AAAAHHHH!!!!!! My flipping ears!
  • Trigon: [laughs] it's the sound of the sheep laughing.
  • Bane: [shows up] Hey Trigon, your getting these alerts?
  • Trigon: Kinda busy here.
  • Bane: It sounds like real trouble. At the engine, they said someone has broke into our base.
  • Trigon: What? Blast. They're not happy about it?
  • Bane: No sir.
  • Trigon: Blast. Blast, blast, blast. Come on.
  • [Trigon and Bane left the main laboratory, leaving K.O. and Jasper alone in distress]
  • Jasper: So those idiots think they're gonna get away with it, aren't they?!
  • K.O.: Yeah, it's quite suckish that we're still on danger. We can't just screw things up all the time....
  • Jasper: You're right, kid. But I'll try getting us out of this thing!
  • K.O.: Okay!
  • [Back in the scene of the others]
  • Peridot: This is not groovy at all coming here!
  • Ben: I understand your response, but we can't just leave here without K.O.!
  • Bismuth: Or maybe Jasper!
  • Radicles: Hey hate to break it to you guys, but there's a crazy guy with a saw and a floating ghost behind us!
  • Frank Manera: The meat is mine!
  • Raven: They're gaining on us!
  • Beast Boy: This place is full of nightmares! I can't stand this!
  • Cyborg: Let's get outta here!
  • [Jasper breaks out of the thing letting K.O. escape on his own]
  • Jasper: Kid, run! I'll handle these goons myself!
  • K.O.: Uh.... Okay.... Thanks! [flees from the danger and finds his friends] (I wish I can help her, but the most important thing is reuniting with my friends....)
  • [K.O. ran towards the hospital, everything it's quiet, he walks all the way the hallway, then he sees some angry Variants killing the police officer on the window]
  • Variant: Do it! Do it! Keep him still. I been dreaming about this for ever. Doctor.
  • [One of the Variants finally kill the Police Officer to death, the they see K.O. on the window looking really scared]
  • Variant: That was good. I want more.
  • K.O.: [gulp nervously] Oh crud!
  • Variant: [Walked towards the window to face K.O.] You, Kid. No Observers. Come in.
  • K.O.: (Do I really need to trust these guys? They don't look very friendly at all) [Walks inside the room where all the Variants are doing the operation]
  • Variant: Our peeping Tom, come to join our therapy session. Here, take the blade. Dig around in our friend here, get a little red on your hands. It's always healthy to express yourself. You keep it bottled up to long and you might do something to regret.
  • K.O.: [sweats nervously] Uhhh..... Actually I was wondering if you guys can help me look for-
  • Variant: No? You're one of those? Too good for the likes of us? Think you're different. Something special. There are no observers here.
  • K.O.: [shaking in fear]
  • Variant: Now get outta here before I change my mind.
  • [a Variant opens the door so K.O. could leave, as K.O. continues to search for his friends, an violent Variant spots him]
  • Variant: What in heaven's name are you trying to go?
  • K.O.: [looking at him frighteningly] Oh shoot! [runs in fear] HELP!!!!!
  • Variant: Come back here!
  • [Variant chases K.O. as he entered the room, K.O. spots an air vent as he climbs and walks inside of it, as he's walking through a vent, he hears some villains discussing the plan]
  • Father: How's the plan coming fellas?
  • Hex: It's going great! Our boss is gonna be happy about the Idea we're building on!
  • Shredder: And that way, I'll vanquished those teenage mutant ninja freaks!
  • Dr. Eggman: Not to mention that Sonic the Hedgehog would be so weak, he can't fast enough!
  • K.O.: (That guy knows about Sonic?)
  • Shredder: So, building two giant robots enough to destroy the CN City, eh?
  • K.O.: (Two robots?)
  • Hex: Yeah, two robots it is. Along with the help with Boxman and Venomous.
  • K.O.: ([Gasps in shock] Lord Boxman and Professor Venomous are here in this Asylum?! why are they here?)
  • Father: Let's go fellas! Time's wasting!
  • [he and the others left the scene]
  • K.O.: (Oh no! Lord Boxman and Professor Venomous has joined the team! I gotta find my friends and tell them about this!)
  • [K.O. got out of the air vent and lands on Recreation Area]
  • K.O.: This is so creepy on so many levels.
  • [K.O. has no choice but to explore the Recreation Area to search for his friends, K.O. then eventually saw two other men. One of them has a big butcher knife.]
  • K.O.: [sweats nervously] Uh... excuse me, can you guys help me?
  • Variant #1: Who's this?
  • Variant #2: Maybe everyone's hero.
  • Variant #1: Maybe.
  • Variant #2: He looks nervous.
  • Variant #1: I would like to kill him.
  • Variant #2: As would I.
  • Variant #1: Darkseid asked us not to.
  • Variant #2: It would be impolite.
  • Variant #1: Not here.
  • Variant #2: We give him a running start?
  • Variant #1: There's an idea.
  • Variant #2: And when we kill him, we kill him slow.
  • Variant #1: Such patience. I want his tongue and liver.
  • Variant #2: They are yours.
  • K.O.: [sweats nervously, while shaking in fear] Oh dear, if only if Jasper was here she would've protected me. [runs from the brothers in fear]
  • K.O.: I gotta find my friends and tell them about the danger of the city!
  • [K.O. walks past an area with excercise equipment and another empty area before encoutering The Twins guarding a gate entrance. Instead trying to go through The Twins, he side-steps into an open door on the left. There, he continues into the basketball court and is harrased by a hostile immate who tries to assault K.O. for interrupting the baseball game. K.O. tried to apologize but those men are really nasty to him. He ran to ladder and climb up and makes his way to an empty guard post and across the adjoining walkway. While walking, He can hear an unseen inmate calling for help, and brifely encounters another inmate running past him from the opposite direction. He keeps walking and spots another inmate leaning against the railing]
  • Variant: Don't trust them. They'll tell you it's science but it's not. They we're... waiting for us. In this place. Billy understood. They've always been here.
  • [K.O. enters the Prison]
  • K.O.: Haven't I been here before....? Nah...
  • [K.O. continues on his way to find his friends and his family. As he opens the door, he was encountered by Bebop and Rocksteady who are playing Go Fish]
  • Bebop: Got any threes?
  • Rocksteady: Nope, got any fives?
  • Bebop: GO FISH!
  • Rocksteady: Dang! no fair! [sees K.O.] Who...? You're one of those heroes of CN Cities, aren't you? We wanna show you something.
  • K.O.: [runs in fear]
  • Bebop: Let's get him!
  • [he and Rocksteady got up and started chasing K.O. through prison]
  • Bebop: Come back here, kid!
  • K.O.: Leave me alone! somebody help!
  • [The chase has lead K.O. into a dead end and Bebop and Rocksteady are catching up]
  • K.O.: I guess i'm done for [closes his eyes waiting for this to end. Suddenly he hears a familiar roar and the wall came crashing through reveals a large gem nonother than Jasper! she attack Bebop and Rocksteady as she battles them in a furious fight]
  • K.O.: Jasper!
  • [Jasper battles Rocksteady first, she broke his horn, much to his pain she throws him against the wall and crash through it, then fight Bebop, she punches him in the stomach and kicks him crashing through the wall, and falls off the building, K.O. ran up to her]
  • K.O.: Jasper, you saved me!
  • Jasper: Yeah kid, pls it's my job to protect any children like you.
  • K.O.: I guess I owe you one.
  • Jasper: Yeah, I guess you did.
  • K.O.: Jasper, i'm in a serious deep situation, I can't seem to find my family, you gotta help me look for them.
  • Jasper: Why me? i'm always an enemy to those stupid gems and steven, there's no way i'm helping you look for your friends.
  • K.O.: Please, I know they did give you a hard time, but this time's different, you'll inspire by becoming a hero like us! this could be anybodies future, this could be your future too! please Jasper, please help me look for them!
  • Jasper: Ehhhh...... fine, but this better be worth it! [puts her hand on the floor, K.O. climbs it and lifts her hand as K.O. lands on her hair] Hang on kiddo!
  • [she and K.O. left the scene as they search for his friends]

Scene 25: Reunion

  • [Maia and the crew arrived at the prison]
  • Superman: Careful guys, this prison doesn't seem perfect.
  • Beast Boy: Yeah, this place gives me the creeps.
  • Variant: Back! Get back! Get the poop away from me! Rrah! huh... Don't you look at me. Don't you dare look at me. [runs away]
  • Enid: That guy seems crazy...
  • Lapis Lazuli: Yeah, he's gone nuts too.
  • Variant: Too many voices. They followed me back. No more sleep.
  • Carol: Guys! We need to focus finding my son and Jasper! they must be here!
  • Pearl: Don't worry ma'am, I'm sure we'll find them...
  • [They head straight towards the prison block]
  • [Cuts to K.O. and Jasper are searching for his family, in the Prison block, they went through a crack in a wall, and they climb up, they saw some Variants in the hallway]
  • Variant: Silky. Silky. Silky. Silky. Silky. Silky. Silky. Agh! Gosh darn it all! What in the name of Davy Jones is the matter with you? You guys weren't invited to this you lousy sickos. What, you like to watch? It's sick. You're sick.
  • [K.O. and Jasper continue to search for his friends and his family, then they landed on an area where Scooby-Doo, Shaggy Rogers, Dick Dastardly, and Muttley are playing video game in prison block]
  • Shaggy Rogers: [laughs] Oh man, my life is suckish!
  • Dicky Dastardly: Oooooh you almost had it! quick as fast as you can numb skull!
  • Scooby-Doo: Na-uh i'm winning!
  • Muttley: (chuckles)
  • [They stopped play as they turned and see K.O. and Jasper]
  • K.O.: Uhhh, hey, uhhhh...... May we join you guys?
  • [Meanwhile, Trigon and the others are preparing two build giant robots]
  • Trigon: Everything is going to be great! these two giant robots are going to destroy all the cities in the world!
  • [Lord Boxman and Professor Venomous show up]
  • Lord Boxman: So, Mr. Trigon, sir, what do you think of our idea?
  • Trigon: Brilliant! Excellent! Amazing! You guys are the greatest inventions ever!
  • Professor Venomous: Well, I wouldn't call it our brilliant genius idea.
  • Lord Boxman: Of course, it was our idea to destroy the city by creating a giant robot monster.
  • Trigon: Of course, perhaps there is one word I would like to say for your award.
  • Both: What....?
  • Trigon: NO ONE CALLS ME CORTY! [punches them, while they are dunked it!!!]
  • Lord Boxman: Much to sentive... [he and Professor Venomous falls unconsciously]
  • Trigon: I use to run this operation... and it's time i did again! [turns to the Funny Face Head] Funny Face Head i need you to keep K.O. and Jasper busy.
  • Funny Face Head: Okie Dokie, let's get ready to try [zoom off the scene]
  • Trigon: The real mad doctor is here!
  • [Funny Face Head zooms madly towards K.O. and Jasper]
  • [Cuts to scene where K.O. and Jasper]
  • Scooby-Doo: [burps]
  • Shaggy Rogers: What are you doing, Scoob?
  • Scooby-Doo: Uhh... Eating the bucket of chicken.
  • Dick Dastardly: Wanna do it?
  • Funny Face Head: Let's get ready to try, cuz here I come [kicking Scooby-Doo and the others off the scene during the explosion] Let's get ready to try!
  • K.O.: What is that thing?!
  • Jasper: I don't know... But whatever this thing is... [puts her fist on her hand] I will deal with him!
  • ???: No!
  • [K.O. and Jasper turn around and were surprised to see K.O.'s friends and family]
  • Grandpa Max: I'll take this one!
  • Funny Face Head: Here we go!
  • Grandpa Max: Your luck just ran out!
  • [Grandpa Max and Funny Face Head battled against each other in a video game style, K.O. and Jasper looked awkward when they saw it]
  • Jasper: That's something you don't see every day.
  • Carol: K.O.!
  • K.O.: Mom!
  • [K.O. runs up to his his mother crying as he hugs her]
  • Carol: Oh my baby, your alright!
  • K.O.: [sobbing] I know! I really missed you mom!
  • Enid and Radicles: K.O.!
  • K.O.: Guys! [runs up to them and give them a hug] I really missed you guys, alot!
  • Enid: It's okay K.O., you're safe.
  • Radicles: Yeah buddy, you never cease to amazed us.
  • Steven: We never lost hope that you'll return. Your friends made sure of that.
  • Maia: Thank the heavens, you had us worried..... [sniffs and wipes a tear]
  • K.O.: [wiping out his tears] Guys, I really feel bad for what I did to you all, i've should've come back sooner, I got you all scared, but that won't happened again.
  • Garnet: K.O., you've done more than anyone could expect any hero your age... What matters now is that you are here and what's more, you've returned with your companions.
  • Mr. Gar: K.O.! Boy am I glad to see you!
  • K.O.: Mr. Gar! What are you doing here?!
  • Mr. Gar: Your mom and your friends told me everything, they even told me about this big friend of yours which you tricked them by not knowing she's your friend...
  • K.O.: Yeah, that's Jasper you're talking about.
  • Mr. Gar: Well... Where is this Jasper person? I'll be gladly to meet her!
  • [Some giant footsteps are heard in the background, and a huge shadow came over K.O. and everyone else. A giant foot came behind K.O.]
  • K.O.: Well Mr. Gar, here she is.... [zooms out the scene showing Jasper] Meet Jasper!
  • Jasper: Hey there, sir....
  • Mr. Gar: Well hello there, ma'am.
  • Jasper: This is your boss, kid.... [looks at K.O.]
  • K.O.: Yep! He's the owner of his own shop!
  • Maia: See Mr. Gar, we told you she's real!
  • Ben: Hah! Don't you believe it...
  • Raven: Yup, believe indeed.
  • Captain Planet: [off-screen] K.O., it's been along time!
  • K.O.: [looks at Captain Planet] Captain Planet, you're here too?
  • Captain Planet: Yes, I met your friends after your big friend captured you. But seems to me you're already making her tendency lower down.... Well now, my work here is done everyone.... And the power is yours! [flies up to the air and fades]
  • Everyone: Bye, Captain Planet!
  • K.O.: [up to the air] Tell Kwame we're doing fine too! [looks at Justice League] Who are those guys?
  • Beast Boy: Well, dude. You are going to like these fellas, These are the greatest superheroes in the universe!
  • Cyborg: They are known as Justice League!
  • K.O.: Is that guy the leader? [points at Superman]
  • Superman: Of course, young one. I am Superman, and these are my comrades.
  • Flash: Wassup kiddo, I'm Flash, if you wondering why I'm called Flash, well I run fast and speed.
  • Wonder Woman: My name's Wonder Woman.
  • Aquaman: I'm Aquaman and I can talk to fish.
  • Green Lantern: I'm Green Lantern.... [looks around] where's Batman?
  • [They see Batman and Commissioner Gordon are laughing and playing video games that Scooby-Doo and the others are playing]
  • Superman: [sighs] Unbelievable. Unbelievable, Batman!
  • Batman: What...? It's fun! [Superman and the others nodded in disappointed] Ugh, fine...
  • Superman: [chuckles] Sorry about Batman, he's always watching some dumb television and playing videos games with Commissioner Gordon.
  • K.O.: It's cool though, and I must say you guys are amazing!
  • Cyborg: They are amazing little dude, I was one of them.
  • K.O.: Whoa! you were?!
  • Cyborg: Of course, before I join the Teen Titans.
  • K.O.: But why haven't you come back to your team, do they ever missed you?
  • Cyborg: Sometimes they do, most important to me is helping the Teen Titans and spend time with my bro.
  • Beast Boy: That's right yo, he and I are best buds.
  • K.O.: That's really awesome, [turns to others] Oh man, you guys have no idea what me and Jasper been through, variants, a floating ghost, villains, and a crazy naked guy with a saw! Jasper was helping me looking for you guys.
  • Pearl: Wait! she... She was?!
  • K.O.: Yes!
  • Peridot: She did?! Wow, and I though all the time, Jasper is always mean and selfish to us.
  • Amethyst: Well it doesn't matter, she's still going down after what she did!
  • K.O.: Please don't, this time it's gonna be different, fellas! I promise!
  • Garnet: K.O., Jasper is still dangerous to us, so I suggest you moved out of the way so we could finished her!
  • K.O.: No! You don't understand, she saved my life!
  • Steven: [he and the Crystal Gems looked at each other in shock] She did what now...?
  • K.O.: A Big hulk-like person attacked me, but Jasper saved me, Then I was being chased by a huge monstrous rhinoceros and a warthog, Jasper shows up and attacked those two monsters. I'm telling you guys, she saved my life! honest!
  • [Carol couldn't believe, but she knew that her son was telling the truth, she walked towards Jasper]
  • Carol: Jasper, did you really saved my son's life?
  • Jasper: Yeah I guess.
  • K.O.: And I owe her a life debt. But seriously, more bad news! I've heard of some rumors that the baddies are planning to make two giant robots with the help of Lord Boxman, Professor Venomous and his sidekick, and the rest of Boxman's children!
  • Maia: I understand Lord Boxman earlier, but who's Professor Venomous?
  • Enid: He is another villain and a friend of Boxman!
  • Radicles: He also has a sidekick, it's Fink!
  • Maia: Thanks for the notice, even a realization that Trigon is the father of Raven and the enemy of Teen Titans. We won't allow Darkseid to destroy this world, any assumptions?
  • Dendy: Maybe, I'll research one right now....
  • Carol: Please do, Dendy. Don't know what'll come around then go around....
  • Mr. Gar: Something's very suspicious of the plotting....
  • Garnet: You tell me, sir.
  • Pearl: All civillians need to be protected from this conflict.
  • Peridot: She's right, we must try to defeat those baddies!
  • Steven: We must prepare some stuff together for war.
  • Maia: Gathering alot of essentions is the key like Steven said, and *maybe* everything will suffice against the scoundrels.
  • Pearl: Dendy, please get the information and readings under control.
  • Dendy: You got it.
  • Jasper: Let's do this, losers.... [everyone gasps and becomes mad] [giggles] Just kidding, friends.
  • K.O.: (Phew, thought she wants revenge again...) Let's do this, heroes!
  • [the Walkie Talkie Man song starts and everyone prepares the conflict between the villains]

Scene 26: The Walrider Attacks

  • [K.O. and the others returned to the Underground lab where they discovered that the other villains are building the two gigantic robots, one was Robot and the other one was Robby the Robot]
  • K.O.: Whoa! Look at those two gigantic robot monsters, they're huge!
  • Steven: Yeah, never seen any of it like it, though.
  • Cyborg: It feels like those two giant robots are like my ancestors...
  • Beast Boy: Dude, really...? Imagine if your ancestors would be in danger....
  • Jasper: Those idiots will see what we have upon our sleeve....
  • Cyborg: You ain't got a sleeve, babe.... [Jasper flicks him]
  • Jasper: [quietly] Shut up! I didn't ask for your fact!
  • [two heroes Icy Charm and Sparking Quake shows up to the investigation and shouts hey]
  • Both: Hey, Maia!
  • Maia: Huh? [surprised and realizes it is her friends] Icy Charm, Sparking Quake! You guys are okay, I was so worried. Right here in this place is perilous, what are you doing here?
  • Icy Charm: We're still investigating of what these villains are doing, they're building the huge robots to terrorize CN City.
  • Sparking Quake: Evil planning like this is totally uncool, and that's why we're here to kick their butts! [sees the others] Hey, are those heroes?
  • Maia: Correct, allow me to introduce them to you. [K.O. walks up] This is K.O., I've met him in the city after he told me that he had horrible dream which turns out to be [points to Jasper] this big enemy of ours.
  • K.O.: That's Jasper, she's the one that I dreamt about. I met her at the restaurant, she's been terroizing everybody in CN City, then I battled her which my vision is coming true, then my friends, Enid, Radicles, and Dendy just showed up out of nowhere to saved me. Years later I wanted to help her out, so I decided to help her becoming a good person and a hero like us, I was captured by the villains, I was attacked by a big hulk-like person and later I was chase by those two monsters... That's when Jasper shows up to saved me from those monsters!
  • Icy Charm: Whoa! She did?!
  • Jasper: Of course, I've saved this little guy's life from these baddies.
  • Sparking Quake: Well, that was unexpected to here that, but it was awesome!
  • Enid: Hi, I'm Enid and that's my buddy Rad!
  • Radicles: Yo, we're K.O.'s best friends and co-workers.
  • Carol: My name's Carol, K.O.'s Mom.
  • Mr. Gar: I'm Mr. Gar, K.O.'s boss and the owner of my own shop!
  • Dendy: I'm Dendy, one of K.O.'s friends.
  • Steven: My name's Steven Universe and these are the Crystal Gems, That's Garnet, Pearl, Amethyst, Peridot, Lapis Lazuli, and Bismuth.
  • Ben: I'm Ben Tennyson and I can transform aliens, watch! [scrolling his Omnitrix and transforms into Four Arms] How do you like me now?
  • Sparking Quake: Whoa, that's sick dude!
  • Ben: Yeah, I know.
  • Raven: I'm Raven.
  • Beast Boy: Name's Beast Boy, but just call me BB if you want...
  • Cyborg: I'm Cyborg and these are the justice league, check it, that's Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Aquaman, and Green Lantern.
  • Icy Charm: Nice to meet you guys!
  • Radicles: Man, we were investigating to see what those villains are building until you guys just show up out of nowhere... How did you find us?
  • Icy Charm: We don't know.... But all we do know that we we're in the underground lab investigating and a floating ghost chased us here...
  • Enid: Wait, a floating ghost? What are you guys talking about?
  • K.O.: [thinking in his mind and realizes as he gasps] Wait, could it be?!
  • [Something is heard in the background and K.O., Cyborg, Beast Boy, Icy Charm, and Sparking Quake got scared, a gray mist came under the door scaring K.O., Cyborg, Beast Boy, Icy Charm and Sparking Quake]
  • Icy Charm: TH-THAT'S HIM!
  • Maia: [gasps] Look out! It's the Walrider!
  • K.O.: Uh.... What's a Walrider?
  • Maia: This guy is a cloud of nanites and he can easily possess great defense, capacity, and strength. It's hard to see him because he's invisible!
  • Steven: So how do we stop him?!
  • Maia: Here, use these! [passes everyone night visions]
  • Batman: Are these night visions?
  • Maia: Yes, it's the only way we'll find his position!
  • Walrider: Come and fight me!
  • K.O.: Aaaah! There he is!
  • Bismuth: I got this.... [jumps at him]
  • Steven: Bismuth wait!
  • Bismuth: Come and get some you oversized spirit! [she was about to crush the Walrider, but the Walrider grabs her and roars at her as he starts to spin her around] Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! [The Walrider smashes her around then onto the ground knocking her out]
  • Steven and the Crystal Gems: Bismuth!
  • Amethyst: No one messes with us... [makes an ambush at him] sneak attack! [attempts to attack him, but the spirit grabs her weapon and spins her around nine times until he throws her once again]
  • Steven: Oh no, not again! [Amethyst hits the wall, the impact causing the shelf above her to slant and drop a pot, a glass, a pan, a mug, a treasure chest, a Tom and Jerry poster, a villain trophy, and a huge statue of Darkseid. A giant bump rises up on Amethyst's head. and then a dimes falls on it, exploding the scene]
  • Jasper: Hey! Nobody messes with my sis but me! Come here! [jumps at the ghost, but it grabs her and throws her to the ground, smacking into Radicles, sits up straight] [groans] Dang! that guy is tough....
  • Radicles: [off-screen] Mmmph! Mmm...
  • Jasper: Huh? [gets up, turns around and sees Radicles who was stuck onto her butt] oops! [takes him out of her butt and blows him back to normal] [giggles] Sorry about that rad...
  • Radicles: No worries Jasper.
  • Sparking Quake: This guy is unstoppable, how can we beat him?!
  • Maia: Hmmmm....... (Gotta think, Maia!) [gasps]
  • [flashback]
  • Dr. Rudolf Wernicke: Darkseid and his villainous gang took over and uses him to be the Walrider's host, he uses him to destroy everything... You have to stop him, to... Murder Billy. Turn off his support, his anesthesia, and you have to undo what I've done. You must kill him!
  • [flashback ends]
  • Maia: Guys, I think I know how to stop the Walrider!
  • Bismuth: [gets up] You... Do...?
  • Maia: Of course, remember that Dr. Wernicke mentioned that we have to stop him by turning off his support and anesthesia, also murder this individual? I think that's the solution to deal with this good-for-nothing jerk!
  • Jasper: Really, do we have to kill someone?!
  • Maia: I don't know, maybe!
  • Ben: One question, Ms. Maia. Can WE just focus on this moron?!
  • Maia: I guess....
  • Icy Charm: You heard Maia, everyone! We can still do this!
  • Walrider: You dimwits can't beat me!
  • Carol: Oh yes we can!
  • K.O.: [shows up] Hey, I think I saw Billy Hope before.
  • Lapis Lazuli: You do, where?
  • K.O.: The same place that me and Jasper are trapped inside the globe, I saw him in one of these spheres... Maybe he's the Walrider's host, So maybe if we can get to the same place, than one of us might shut it off...
  • Superman: Excellent work boyo, but we need to distract this spirit so one of us might might shut it off.
  • K.O.: I'm going to shut it off so this guys won't bothered controlling the spirit any longer.
  • Steven: Wait, I'm coming with you K.O., you can't go alone after what happened.
  • K.O.: Fair enough... [he and Steven left the scene]
  • Flash: Good luck you youngsters, we'll take care of this demon ghost.
  • Walrider: [roars in rage]
  • Radicles: Whoa! I never seen this ghost in rage... It feels like he's been mind controlled by someone....
  • Maia: [thinking in her mind] (Mind controlled by someone...) [realizes that Billy Hope is the host of the Walrider as he was controlling it and gasps] Guys, I think Dr. Wernicke was right... He's the one who's controlling the Walrider!
  • Pearl: Then we better find that guy and stop him!
  • Dendy: But, where is he?!
  • Peridot: Is that him over there? [points to Billy Hope in a sphere, presumably glass, with many tubes and instrument running into and out of his body]
  • Enid: Yeah, that's him! And look! There's K.O. and Steven going to turn off his supports and anesthesia!
  • Walrider: [sees K.O. and Steven and roars at them angrily as he went straight towards them]
  • Maia: Oh no! Look out guys!
  • Both: Huh? [dodges Walrider]
  • K.O.: Ha! You miss! [Walrider slaps him] Ow....
  • [Steven makes it all the way to Billy]
  • Jasper: (Steven, you better watch yourself....)
  • Steven: It's best if this guy gives up! Hey, Billy!
  • Billy Hope: Huh?!
  • Steven: Die you hack! [activates it and watches Billy die, the Walrider turns around and sees his host die]
  • Walrider: Fools! You realize what you've done....? You killed my host, and now I'm no longer his controlled!
  • Steven: Oh crud...
  • Walrider: Now that my host is dead, I should find a new host.... You! [zooms towards screaming Steven, suddenly he was caught by something] What the-?! [turns around and sees Jasper using the vacuum to pulls the Walrider into it]
  • Jasper: That's for slapping my little friend, you overgrown freak! [turns on full reverse, as the Walrider is suck into the vacuum]
  • Sparking Quake: Geez, that was tough....
  • [K.O. and the others cheered as the ghost is defeated]
  • K.O.: We did it guys!
  • Jasper: I think I better throw this thing into somewhere special... [opens the vent] Into the trash! [she throws the vacuum as the thing falls down below, Jasper closes it, wipes her hands together]
  • Steven: J... Jasper?! Y... You saved me. B-But why?
  • Jasper: I won't let that ghost fuse you as long as you live from now on.
  • Crystal Gems: STEVEN!!!
  • [The Crystal Gems hugged Steven]
  • Amethyst: Dude, are you okay? You almost got killed!
  • Steven: I know, I know. And believe it or not, but Jasper saved me.
  • Jasper: That's true, I'm sorry for being a jerk to you Crystal Gems....
  • Lapis Lazulli: That's okay, Jasper. We forgive you....
  • Peridot: You're always the big best friend I've ever had!
  • Amethyst: Group hug! [the Crystal Gems hug Jasper, so the others]
  • Cyborg: Seems to us, you ain't that evil!
  • Beast Boy: We will always have a big friend like you!
  • Jasper: Thanks, guys! [fist bumps them]
  • Beast Boy and Cyborg: Oh yeah! Booyah!
  • Wonder Woman: We are grateful for your aid.
  • Flash: But I know we can take on these losers!
  • K.O.: Of course we can!
  • [alarm rings]
  • Maia: Save the admirations for later, let's get out of this wretched place!
  • [everyone runs out the underground lab]

Scene 27: Recovering from the Underground Laboratory

  • [everyone was recovering after the battle with Walrider]
  • Amethyst: Woooo.... This barrier is so fresh....
  • Bismuth: Maia is gentle like the wind.... What do you guys think? [to Icy Charm and Sparking Quake]
  • Icy Charm: Yeah, she's always so helpful and generous helping out civilians.
  • Sparking Quake: And this K.O. kid was very kind as well....
  • Peridot: Of course, K.O. dreamt about Jasper before.
  • Icy Charm: He did?
  • Lapis Lazuli: Yeah, he told us that he has a vision about Jasper, that where he met her at the restaurant who's been bullying every other people there...
  • [Carol and the others chat with Jasper]
  • Carol: Jasper, was it true you were enemies before?
  • Jasper: [sighs] I was an enemy to Steven and the Crystal Gems along time ago, please let me explain....
  • [flashback]
  • Jasper: [narrating] When I first came to beach city for the mission, along with Peridot and Lapis Lazuli, I myself captured the Crystal Gems and Rose who was also called Steven. At the ship I discovered that they escaped the prison, the ship crashed and I force Lapis to fuse with me into Malachite, then we were pulled into the sea and kept us down below, Years later we arrived at the Melon Island, we battled those Crystal Gems who transformed into Alexandrite, we battled against each other, Alexandrite was about to be defeated, then some melon people help Alexandrite to defeat us, then we unfused and I disappeared as I fell down below... Years later I return when I order Lapis Lazuli to fused with me back to Malachite, but she refused, I was so angry I went to go strike at Steven, but Lapis sent me fly into the distance... somewhere in the snow I captured some corrupted gems where I meet Steven, Pearl and a human name Connie.... I arrived at the beach with my corrupted gems as I battle Steven, Connie, and Amethyst, I beat Amethyst up so bad that I poof her, then Steven and Connie fuse themselves into Stevonnie, I was defeated by them again! Then Steven, Amethyst, and Peridot arrived at the beta where I collected some corrupted gems, I battled against Steven and Amethyst and they fuse themselves into Smokey Quartz, I fused with some other corrupted gems, when all of the sudden... I was corrupted now! I was so horrified by this, I blame that Steven has shattered my Pink Diamond! my diamond! the same diamond that his mother "Rose Quartz" shattered! and I was poof after the corruption..... Years later I was healed, I was gonna attack Steven then I realize that all of our Diamonds are there, Yellow, Blue, and White, Amethyst arrives and explain to me what was going on, I found out the truth about Pink Diamond....
  • [flashback ends]
  • Jasper: I'm still against Steven and the Crystal Gems, so I want some help.... So I arrived at this place here called "Mount Massive Asylum". I make new friends with some other villains, Darkseid is the leader of this villain society, he's the superintendent, I figured he ruled his home planet Apokolips once, but now he comes back home to teach us more about villains, he was like a father to us all, especially me... I explain to my teacher Brainiac about my missions on Beach City, I failed four times, they we're upset that I failed four times because of them... [looks at Steven and the Crystal Gems] I became the CN City's worse threat by terrorizing them and bully them.... that's when this kid showed up.... he wants me to battled him at the CN Street after he calls me "Lardball" I was so angry about it, I was about to crush K.O. for good, but [points to Enid and Radicles] those two weirdos over there showed up and attack me, I ran away sadly.... Back at my home, K.O. shows up to this place looking for me the same kid from before, he doesn't want to fight me anymore... he... he wants to help me by becoming a good person, so we left the place before the villains saw us... he's been teaching me how to become a good person by teaching me and showing some nature, and be kind to others instead of hurting them... I mean I never seen this kid so cute, kind, and gentle, unlike that Steven and the Crystal Gems, they did a lousy job to help me out! Unlike Steven, he... he never argues with me, he was showing me some good stuff, like bowling, clothing, movies, and some video games at the arcade, we finally became best friends for now.... [looks at K.O.] Kid, i wanna say... thank you for being a nice kid to help me out...
  • K.O.: It was nothing really...
  • Maia: Our bonds will support you.
  • Mr. Gar: You're perfect for us as a team.
  • Superman: Or maybe you're interested of Justice League.
  • Batman: You can use some of my gadgets if you'd like.
  • Jasper: Thanks but, I'd rather be a real hero.
  • Maia: Really?
  • Jasper: Yeah, really....
  • Enid: But there's one thing I still don't understand though.... In the zoo we finally found K.O., but he seems to be acting strange, that's when we realize that he's with Jasper the whole time, he tricked us from not knowing he's friends with her.
  • Radicles: Yeah, and it's weird that we never saw a hero making friends with a villain like that.
  • K.O.: Hold up, what makes you say that?
  • Radicles: Because.... Because..... We're jealous that we saw you and Jasper spending time together.
  • K.O.: You guys were jealous?
  • Enid: Yes, and it seems that... We fear that you might replace us and never wanted to spend time with us anymore... [she and Radicles look down sadly]
  • K.O.: What?! No, no, no. That's not true... I would never replace you. You guys are my best friends and I do want to spend time with you, it's just.... I just want someone to spend time with me, cause I sometimes get a day off and I don't get to spend time with any other people in our home.... it's fair for you guys but it's not fair for me either....
  • Maia: I acknowledge his response sharing his intimacy with Jasper, but we still have the both of you. But to Jasper, I understand how she is.... She seems to have mental problems and decided to be alone, and be enemies with Steven and the Crystal Gems.... [looks at K.O.] K.O., I see you're helping her managing her anger problems without doing harm to us and all citizens....
  • Radicles: We're sorry we never trusted you with Jasper, little buddy....
  • Enid: Yeah K.O., we didn't realize....
  • Wonder Woman: [comes by their conversation] Heroes, is everything okay?
  • Maia: Yes, Wonder Woman. It's about Jasper becoming us, ever had treacherous situations like Jasper?
  • Wonder Woman: I had a friend of mine which was a british archaeologist, her name was Barbara.
  • K.O.: Barbara....?
  • Wonder Woman: She is within the Egyptian goddess of Mafdet. Since I was young like her, she was told by her mother not to steal or touch any heirlooms, relics, or antiques of my homeland. One day she found a mysterious heirloom and is turned into Cheetah, she and I were enemies after having the bloodline of the goddess.
  • Maia: I'm sorry to hear that. If Cheetah was here, she would've taken all of us down with one hit.....
  • K.O.: Or maybe joined with Mount Massive Asylum.
  • Wonder Woman: It's tragic that I am betrayed by a friend of mine after gaining power to become an animal, it's also tragic that Batman lo-
  • Batman: Shhhhh.... I'd rather not talk about it....
  • Maia: It seems he doesn't wanna feel upset from his memories by the way.....
  • [after everyone was chatting, a hologram envelop flies to the ground]
  • Dendy: Huh? [picks it up and shows hologram of Darkseid] Everyone, look!
  • K.O.: [gasps in fear] It's him! Darkseid!
  • Superman: Darkseid, he's the one responsible for this nonsense?
  • Jasper: Of course he is, I hate being enslaved from my boss....
  • Flash: Well since you're here, we can take him on....
  • Mr. Gar: You're him, aren't you? The monster that took my employee?
  • Darkseid: So the kid is your employee, is he now?
  • Garnet: He is, and you're not gonna take him away from us!
  • Jasper: And he helped me become a good person instead of being evil like you, Darkseid!
  • Darkseid: Jasper....
  • Maia: You mess with them, you mess with us, Darkseid!
  • Enid, Radicles, Amethyst, and Peridot: Yeah!
  • Carol: How dare you capture my son!
  • K.O.: And I've heard that Lord Boxman and Professor Venomous are here too, aren't they?
  • Darkseid: That's right.... [Lord Boxman and Professor Venomous shows up]
  • Lord Boxman: Hello, heroic cowards! We joined Darkseid and his army to destroy this universe with our help!
  • Professor Venomous: Since we found out that K.O.'s been captured, we decided to team up with those villains to help us out!
  • Enid: Oh crud.
  • Flash: You know these guys?
  • Enid: You could say that...
  • Trigon: [shows up] Hi there....
  • Everyone: TRIGON?!
  • Raven: Dad?!
  • Cyborg: What's he doing here?!
  • Beast Boy: I don't know man, but everything is starting to get even crazier!!!
  • Sparking Quake: It is crazier, and this time it's also an emergency!
  • Icy Charm: Don't worry, Sparking Quake.... We'll win against these guys....
  • K.O.: I agree with that, we will not let you get away with this!
  • Darkseid: Oh really.... Have a look what we've invented..... [shows two giant robots]
  • Dendy: The other one looks like.... Jasper!!
  • Jasper: Me?
  • Cyborg: Whaaaaa?
  • Superman: Holy cow! Did they just made a robot that look exactly like her?
  • Ben: Yeah, they just did....
  • Maia: Even when you gave the same powers like Jasper?
  • Darkseid: Correct, more powerful than Jasper....
  • K.O.: But she's *more* powerful than the robot.....
  • Jasper: The kid is right, I can still take you dorks on!
  • Darkseid: Is that so? Tomorrow, we will start the war against you fools and all innocents to terrorize this universe.....
  • Trigon: So get ready.... [he and the other villains laugh evilly, the messenger ended]
  • Jasper: I can't believe this, they build a robot that look exactly like me! and to think, they stole my powers, they stole my strength, and they stole everything from me!
  • Radicles: I know. This is going to be a fight scene like the Japanese monster movie "Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla".
  • Everyone: What?
  • Radicles: Never mind.

Scene 28: Early Preparations for the War

  • [everyone braces themselves up and prepares the essentials]
  • Maia: That's it everyone, keep it up! Go, go, go!
  • Enid: I hope this "war" is worth everything....
  • Radicles: Yeah, you tell me Enid.
  • Amethyst: Hey, don't worry about it dudes, I'm sure we can take them down once and for all...
  • Batman: Yeah, this is going to be epic...
  • Bismuth: Building weapons to help everyone be brave....
  • Maia: Hey, Bismuth.... Nice blacksmithing you're doing.
  • Bismuth: Yeah, it's my hobby to do for battle....
  • Maia: Speaking of weaponry, can you upgrade our equipment as well?
  • Sparking Quake: Yeah, we want to have some cool features that'll beat some baddies.
  • Bismuth: Sure, I hope this upgrade will be your best.
  • Icy Charm: Thank you so much, Bismuth. Our defense depends on it.
  • Steven: Yup, we sure do.
  • Cyborg: Even my own weapons are also upgrading as well dudes.
  • Batman: Check out my gadgets! [shows gadgets]
  • Maia: Wonderful, and nice armor!
  • Batman: Thanks....
  • Wonder Woman: How do you like my shield?
  • Steven: Can we try comparing it together?
  • Wonder Woman: Sure.... [her and Steven compares their shields]
  • Sparking Quake: My hammer is in business!
  • Icy Charm: Look at my ring blade!
  • Bismuth: Well, what to your think, fellas?
  • Icy Charm: They're really awesome!
  • Sparking Quake: Yeah, awesome indeed, how can we ever repay you?
  • Bismuth: Meh, not that much though...
  • Ben: Man, I hope my watch is ready for the war, guys.
  • Maia: No worries, Ben. You'll get yourself prepared!
  • Mr. Gar: Actually, I should've brought equipment from my store.
  • Garnet: I agree with you, Mr. G. But feel free to use Bismuth's armor.
  • Bismuth: How about this, Mr. G?
  • Mr. Gar: Hmmm..... Why this is interesting, I love it!
  • Bismuth: Nice isn't it? this protect your body from getting injured you know.
  • Mr. Gar: Thanks, I appreciate your work.
  • Bismuth: Don't mention it.
  • K.O.: Cool, Mr. Gar....
  • Lapis Lazulli: Really neat Mr. G.
  • Mr. Gar: It's no biggie, really.
  • Enid: So Pearl, how's the weapon of yours coming?
  • Pearl: Great, I've been using this for some other battles, how's the kicking of yours?
  • Enid: Great, I've been practicing for few months to fight against Lord Boxman's robot army.
  • Radicles: Like my armor, ladies?
  • Pearl: Suitable for your abs too....
  • Radicles: Thanks. But I don't get it though, how come Jasper has bigger guns than mine?
  • Pearl: Jasper doesn't have guns...
  • Enid: Uh... I think he's talking about her muscles Pearl...
  • Pearl: Oh yeah, right....
  • Superman: She reminds me of an enemy of ours, which is Giganta....
  • Radicles: I'm so jealous of her right now...
  • Amethyst: Yeah, you tell me bro.
  • [in the nighttime]
  • [everyone was chatting and having dinner, the three heroic sorcerers transforms back to normal and getting ready for bed]
  • Maia: All that hard work paid off, it's best if we get some rest guys.
  • Lucy: You tell me, Maia.
  • Conor: Goodnight, girls.
  • Both: Goodnight, Conor.
  • [outside where K.O., Carol, and Jasper are outside chatting]
  • K.O.: And so, me and Jasper spend the day together in CN City.
  • Carol: So let me get this straight now, you've been helping her to be kind to others by not hurting anyone including us?
  • K.O.: Yup!
  • Jasper: It's true, he does help me a lot and show me a true meaning of hero.
  • Carol: I see... Well time for bed K.O., we gotta big day tomorrow.
  • K.O.: Okay, goodnight Jasper.
  • Jasper: Goodnight.

Scene 29: Battle for the Universe

Preparations Starting

  • [in the morning]
  • Superman: Alright everyone, we can still fight for all eternity and honor. Darkseid and the other villains will be no match for us....
  • Wonder Woman: With that, this war will conclude.
  • Aquaman: And beyond the seas will protect us....
  • Lapis Lazulli: The seas...?
  • Aquaman: Of course, I can try to summon sea creatures on this land.
  • Flash: Exactly that I run over water.
  • Peridot: Lucky you....
  • Raven: Hey don't sweat it Peri, he does that all the time.
  • Batman: Yup, he sure does...
  • Superman: All of us must escort all the civillians in shelter to avoid being injured.
  • Maia: Thanks for your advice, Superman.
  • Cyborg: You heard the boss man, let's get this party started!
  • [everyone gets prepared]
  • Superman: Here, use this to provide cover.
  • Craig: Thanks, come on guys! [him, Kelsey, and JJ walks away]
  • Starfire: But can we help?
  • Cyborg: Of course you can girl, your part of us!
  • Robin: Then let's get to work!
  • [Finn and Jake was with Wonder Woman]
  • Wonder Woman: Hope you guys ready for war.
  • Finn: Of course we can! I brought my sword just in case for the fight, isn't that right Jake?
  • Jake: That's right, buddy!
  • [Maia, Icy Charm, and Sparking Quake were with Ami and Yumi]
  • Maia: Ready for the war, girls?
  • Ami: I'm ready for the battle for the universe! You ready, Yumi?!
  • Yumi: I was born ready!
  • Icy Charm: Let's hope we win this battle...
  • Sparking Quake: Don't worry Icy Charm, I'm sure we will...
  • Flash: You guys interested in fighting?
  • Owen: I can jump harder on those baddies.
  • Duncan: Not to worry, I'm great at karate kicks...
  • Chef Hatchet: Ah yeah, I brought my guns with me so I can kick their butts once and for all....
  • Batman: You three bears should support us....
  • Grizzly: I got muscles, so I'm in!
  • Panda: I'm not really good at battling a war.
  • Ice Bear: Ice Bear's ready for war.
  • Ben: Trust me guys, we're gonna beat these baddies in no time!
  • Gwen: I hope you stay safe, Ben!
  • Grandpa Max: Yeah, go get 'em grandson!
  • Aquaman: You kids are good at fighting war right?
  • Unikitty: I even ready to fight those baddies if they can ruined us!
  • Darwin: Of course, if you're the protector of the deep. I can be your assistance.
  • Gumball: Hey I'm a cat, I use my claws to scratch those jerks, even I ripped off their pants... [giggles]
  • Bloo: Perhaps you could give us some special weapons to fight with.
  • Mac: Yeah, special weapons indeed!
  • Greg Universe: Steven, you and the other Crystal Gems are the ones who I trust.
  • Steven Universe: Thanks dad!
  • Garnet: I wonder if there's someone else to join in the fight...?
  • [Steven and the Crystal Gems see the old man fixing his truck]
  • Eustace Bagge: [humming songs]
  • Pearl: It's that old man from the street hosting the fight from last time.
  • Steven: Yup, that's him.
  • Amethyst: Let's ask him if he could help us.
  • [Steven and the Crystal Gems walked towards the old man]
  • Steven: Uh, excuse us, sir?
  • Eustace Bagge: [bang his head] OW!!!! [comes out of the truck and sees Steven and the Crystal Gems] Oh it's you youngsters, what do you want? Can't you see that me and the stupid dog over here fixing this truck together?
  • Steven: Geez, we're sorry sir. But we we're thinking if you might be interested by helping us in the war against those bad guys?
  • Eustace Bagge: Hmmm.... Alright, we'll be ready! And we'll teach those bozos some real lessons!
  • Amethyst: Wooo! That's the spirit!
  • Lapis Lazulli: What about your dog?
  • Eustace Bagge: Eh..... He's always a coward for everything, I guess one of you must watch him while I battled against those jerks...
  • Peridot: I could, I'm good watching at dogs...
  • Eustace Bagge: Alright, you got yourself a deal.
  • Maia: Help yourselves, children.
  • Hedgehog: Thanks!
  • Oscar Peltzer: This is going to be awesome!
  • Jeff: I can't believe we're gonna be on the war guys!
  • Clarence: We got some cool stuff!
  • Mao-Mao: Check out my new sword and armor, guys!
  • Vambre: Not too shabby, I say.
  • Prohyas: Cool, a swordfighter you are!
  • K.O.: You guys don't need to be scared still, Jasper will still protect you.
  • Victor: Okay, if we trust her...
  • Valentino: Yeah man, so do I...
  • Blossom: We still trust her, right girls?
  • Bubbles and Buttercup: Yeah!
  • Carol: [sees Pizza Steve] I know that pizza before....
  • Pizza Steve: What are you guys doing?
  • Carol: Just preparing for a *huge* war!
  • Pizza Steve: Great, I could take my gentlemen along as well.... [sweats nervously] but please don't let that big orange person eat me again....
  • Carol: Don't worry, she's not gonna eat you anymore.
  • Eddy: Did somebody say war?
  • Ed: I did hear say war Eddy.
  • Edd (Double D): In that case we should join in too, like we did fighting against the robot bounty hunters remember?
  • Ed and Eddy: Yeah!
  • Enid: Uh, what are robot bounty hunters?
  • Edd (Double D): Uhhhh.... never mind.
  • Green Lantern: Here, boys. I think this will suit you! [summons a lantern car, gun, and armor]
  • Mordecai: Cool! a lantern amor, nice.
  • Rigby: And a lanter gun, sweet!
  • Green Lantern: Nice isn't it, the catalog say this beauty has special weapons that you could use it.
  • Both: Ooooooooooh!
  • Mayor of Townsville: My, this is gonna be the battle of a lifetime!
  • Shaggy Rogers: I'm really nervous about this, Scoob.
  • Scooby-Doo: Yeah, I'm scared too.
  • Maia: It'll be fine, boys. We're still on your side.
  • Shaggy Rogers: Well thanks!
  • Apple: We are so gonna win this fight!
  • Onion: Yeah, win this fight!
  • [Batman gives Tulip, Atticus, and One-One equipment]
  • Batman: Take this!
  • [The background of Dexter Grim, Billy, Mandy, and Johnny Bravo]
  • Dexter: Why I maybe a scientist, but I also have weapons to fight against those jerks who ruined my experiments!
  • Johnny Bravo: Well, I have bigger guns so I can take care of those jerks once and for all!
  • Mandy: Yeah, you tell me sir.
  • Billy: This is going to be so epic....
  • Grim: At least my Scythe has weapons to fight with.
  • Mandy: You have weapons Grim?
  • Grim: Of course, why do you think I shoot some bats in the first place?
  • Mandy: Because you can shoot them?
  • Grim: Exactly!
  • K.O.: Alright, Superman! Everything's in shape!
  • Superman: Let's not let our guards down!
  • Everyone: [cheers]
  • [at Mount Massive Asylum]
  • Darkseid: Keep that up, villains!
  • Goro: Aye-Yae boss man.
  • Father: I hope this plan of yours works out....
  • Lord Boxman: Oh trust me mr., My plan is gonna be the bomb!
  • Professor Venomous: Yeah, I agree with him.
  • Fink: Professor, how bout this?
  • Professor Venomous: Just right, Fink.
  • Solomon Grundy: How're you doin', Doomsday?
  • Doomsday: Great! Can't wait to beat up the same guy before!
  • Darkseid: All the hard work is going well.
  • Brainiac: Indeed, sir.
  • Trigon: And I'll get revenge on my daughter and those Titans!
  • Hex: Oh well get 'em, sir.

The War Begins/Jasper's Sacrifice

  • Darkseid: Advance!
  • K.O. and Jasper: CHAAAAAAARGE!!!
  • Yumi: Ami, you thinking what I'm thinking?
  • Ami: Yeah, sis!
  • [Both sisters sing their theme song]
  • Maia: Their song is dedicating this conflict!
  • Amethyst: Sure it is!
  • Sparking Quake: They'll keep our adrenaline pumping too!
  • Radicles: Now this is going to be really epic!!!
  • Flash: Yeah, you tell me blue boy.
  • Starfire: Let's finish them off!!!!
  • Mr. Gar: This is like fighting an army of my rival back at home!
  • Eustace Bagge: Tallyho! [sword fights a few villains] Look at me, I'm Errol Fin! [chops up more villains] You're falling apart, marrow brain. You must be kidding. [swords fights them] Back to oblivion. [jumps over a evil group] Oh ho. How's your sister? All right boneheads, playtime's over. Yee-hoo, ha-ha! [twirls around and battles more of the villains]
  • Peridot: Nice moves!
  • Carol: That's my boy!
  • Amethyst: And my sista!
  • K.O.: Thanks guys!
  • Bismuth: Shields!
  • Steven: SHIELDS!!!
  • Wonder Woman: Shield!
  • Icy Charm: Quick the barrier!
  • Maia: BARRIER! Now, Garnet!
  • Garnet: [uses the barrier to hit all the villains]
  • Icy Charm: That was amazing, Garnet!
  • Lapis Lazulli: Shall we combine aquatic powers, Aquaman?
  • Aquaman: We should!
  • Lapis Lazuli: Then let's do this thing!
  • Both: Oceans, arise!
  • [the oceans arise]
  • Bane: LOOK OUT!!!!
  • Father: Oh sh- [he and the others got drowned and washed away by the ocean]
  • Lapis Lazuli: Now that is sick!
  • Aquaman: Yeah, guess we both have much in common though.
  • Lapis Lazuli: Probably...
  • Green Lantern: Ready boys?!
  • Mordecai: We're ready!
  • Ben 10: Green means go!
  • [Mordecai and Rigby drove a green lantern car and smashes the variants into pieces]
  • Variants: My leg! My leg!
  • Rigby: Ha, Ha! We're actually doing this Mordecai!
  • Mordecai: Yeah we did! [he and Rigby give a high five]
  • Mordecai and Rigby: Ohhhhhhhhh!!!!!
  • Ben: [laughs] Oh man, they're too much!
  • Green Lantern: Yup, they are indeed...
  • Trigon: Mwahahahaha! Who should be next on my list?!
  • Raven: I believe we're next on your list, father!
  • Robin: Yeah!
  • Trigon: Oh ho ho ho, you and what army?
  • Mao Mao, Prohyas, and Vambre: THIS ARMY!
  • Trigon: Uh oh....
  • [scene shows Trigon being tied up while the tape was in his mouth]
  • Starfire: You guys were amazing!
  • Vambre: Why thank you so much!
  • Doomsday: [fighting against the Heroes and sees Radicles] You!
  • Radicles: Huh?
  • Doomsday: Pounding time! [cracking his knuckles]
  • Radicles: Oh crud... [Doomsday was about to attack him when...]
  • ???: Not so fast creature...
  • Doomsday: Huh? [turns to see Bismuth]
  • Bismuth: It's go time!
  • Doomsday: So beat it.... [charges at Bismuth, but punches him so many times, then she threw him through the trees]
  • Radicles: Thanks Bismuth!
  • Bismuth: Just doing my job blue boy....
  • Solomon Grundy: Superman.... [gets punched in the face]
  • Superman: You two, find Darkseid, he too powerful for us the Justice League, you must fight him!
  • K.O.: Okay, alright Jasper it's up to us, let's find Darkseid and defeat him!
  • Jasper: Right!
  • [they both went inside the Mount Massive Asylum, they entered the Underground lab where the two giant robots are already finished, they see Darkseid with Lord Boxman, Professor Venomous, and Brainiac preparing for the Annihilation of the City]
  • K.O.: There's Darkseid, now's our chance!
  • Jasper: Kid, it's would be best if you stay put, I'm dealing with him!
  • K.O.: What? But I thought we're gonna do this together....
  • Jasper: I'm not letting you risk your life!
  • K.O.: [hugs her by the leg] But I don't want to see you getting shattered! I won't let you do this! [tears streaming down his cheeks]
  • Jasper: Kid [kneels down to face him] listen to me.... Darkseid is way too powerful like Superman said. But I don't want to see you getting injured, I still can defeat that jerk, even though he is with the gods, but I'm way powerful like he is, so I suggest you watch while I battled with those two jerks!
  • K.O.: [sniffs and wipes a tear] Okay.
  • [Jasper and K.O. entered the main Underground Lab]
  • Jasper: You stay here and watch.
  • [Darkseid and the others discovered someone has broken into the Underground Lab]
  • Lord Boxman: Oh crud! someone has discovered the hideout! Now what are we gonna do?!
  • Darkseid: You two stay here and help Brainiac, I'll deal with her myself.... [leaves the scene]
  • Jasper: (Gotta stay aware, Jasper..... I'm obviously not the only one here.....) [Darkseid jumps out of nowhere and pounds on Jasper]
  • Darkseid: Jasper!
  • Jasper: Darkseid!
  • Darkseid: Hand me over the kid!
  • Jasper: Never, he's my friend now! How about this? If you want to find him, you're gonna have to battle me first!
  • Darkseid: We'll see about that!
  • [Jasper and Darkseid battle in a Godzilla x Monster X style]
  • Jasper: Tell me how'd you ever get creepy, crummy, crabby?
  • Darkseid: Years of practice.... [wrestles her]
  • Jasper: Think your guts can outstand me!
  • Darkseid: Is that so, well just remember he who koop's last, koop's best.... [throws the statue of the elephant-headed hindu deity Ganesha, but Jasper dodges and crashes through the wall]
  • Jasper: Oh yeah? What about this?! [throws the shrine of the Hindu monkey deity Hanuman, but Darkseid dodges and crashes the experiment labs]
  • [meanwhile where K.O. is]
  • K.O.: I hope Jasper is okay dealing with Darkseid.
  • [Robot Jasper appeared and Chris Walker with it too]
  • Chris Walker: Little Pig....
  • K.O.: [gasps in fear]
  • Chris Walker: No escape, little pig....
  • K.O.: [screams in fear] Not again! Not again! Not again! [rushes to the exit but is surrounded by the angry villains and notable variants]
  • Bane: You're not going anywhere, you little shrimp!
  • Creeper: Creeper! Creeper!
  • Goro: [laughs evilly] looks like you got nowhere to go.
  • Solomon Grundy: Yeah, you're at the end of the finish.
  • Variant #2: He looks nervous.
  • Variant #1: I would like to kill him.
  • Variant #2: As would I.
  • Richard Trager: You made the right choice here buddy.
  • Frank Manera: [laughs evilly] The meat is mine.
  • Dennis: We will make you an offer boy.
  • Eddie Gluskin: Darling.
  • Chris Walker: You're trapped, little pig....
  • [suddenly, Enid, Radicles, Carol, Dendy, Mr. Gar, Steven, the Crystal Gems, Ben, Cyborg, Beast Boy, Raven, Ben, Maia, Icy Charm, Sparking Quake, and the Justice League came to the rescue]
  • Carol: HEY! LEAVE MY SON ALONE!!!!
  • Chris Walker: Get them!
  • Frank Manera: C'mere, girl! [turning on his buzzsaw]
  • Maia: [screams] No, get away from me! [uses Glitter Ball]
  • Sparking Quake: Have a taste of my hammer!
  • Icy Charm: I'll freeze you cold-hearted freaks!
  • Amethyst: Come here!
  • Green Lantern: Back off you beasts! [summons his green lantern fire gun to kill all the variants]
  • Ben: [scrolling to his Omnitrix and transforms into Four Arms] Hey! Why don't you pick on someone your own size!
  • Goro: Pfff! [laughs] What are you supposed to be?
  • Ben: A guy with four arms!
  • Goro: Oh really, then come here tough guy, I wanna show you something!
  • [Four Arms and Goro both charges to each other]
  • Dr. Richard Trager: Here girly, let me give you something to help with...
  • Enid: Take that! [kicks Dr. Richard Trager, breaking his neck]
  • Eddie Gluskin: Darling. You could be so beautiful. I want you to have my baby.
  • Wonder Woman: Get away from me you freak! [punches him so hard, sending him into the distance]
  • Carol: [Kicks one of the variants, then Bane grabs her hand, but she grabs his front chest and lifts him up and threw him to the ground] Take that you scoundrel!
  • K.O.: Help! Somebody help! [the Twins are chasing him for their kill, Amethyst swings from her weapon to grab K.O. from them]
  • Amethyst: Gotcha little dude!
  • K.O.: Thanks Amethyst!
  • Amethyst: Anytime kiddo.
  • Maia: K.O., where's Jasper?!
  • K.O.: Somewhere here fighting Darkseid lonely! I wish I can help her out fighting him, but she decides to fight him without my help cuz I'm just too little for Darkseid. He's a powerful mortal that she mentioned....
  • Carol: We should help her out, what if she's in danger?!
  • Radicles: Or how are we gonna defeat Darkseid?!
  • Dendy: I think me and Maia can combine our devices for track down where Jasper is and a powerful object to take down Darkseid!
  • Maia: Good idea, Dendy! And perhaps we can still save Jasper!
  • Flash: These girls are geniuses!
  • Batman: Ahem!
  • Flash: And I think you are, Batman....
  • Maia: Guys, cover us while we're inventing something!
  • Everyone: Right!
  • Enid: Let's teach these freaks a lesson...
  • Radicles: If they mess our little buddy up, they'll mess with us really big time!
  • Amethyst: Oh it is on dudes!
  • Maia: This goes here....
  • Dendy: Upgrading the screen....
  • Chris Walker: Little pigs....
  • Both: [gasps]
  • [Chris was about to crush them, but was stopped by Mr. Gar and Garnet]
  • Mr. Gar: Stop right there creature!
  • Garnet: You want them, you're gonna have to get past us, chump....
  • Chris Walker: Big pigs.... [charges at them both, but gets punched in the face by Mr. Gar and Garnet as Chris Walker is send flying crashing through the sealing]
  • [meanwhile in the scene where Jasper is fighting Darkseid]
  • Jasper: [grunts]
  • Darkseid: Still got fight in yourself, right?
  • Jasper: I didn't expect you who can fight like a true challenger than a mere immortal. But still, I hate losing just as much as you do.
  • Darkseid: Oh really, I think you'll lose here when the bomb is set here for five minutes....
  • Jasper: Wha-?!
  • Darkseid: That's right, and soon your friends and the city will be demolished forever!
  • Jasper: NOOOOO!!!!! [continues to fight Darkseid in a furious battle]
  • [in the scene where K.O. and the rest are fighting]
  • Bane: Come back here you little shrimp!
  • K.O.: Get away from me!
  • Carol: Get away from my son you hack!
  • Steven: Yeah, leave him out of this! [releases his shield and threw into his face, knocking him out]
  • Pearl: Dendy, Maia! Hurry!
  • Maia: Don't worry, just a few more left!
  • Dendy: Here....
  • Goro: Tough guy, aren't ya?!
  • Ben: Yeah! Tougher than you think, bozo!
  • Goro: Who are you calling a bozo!
  • Ben: Me!
  • Mr. Gar: Let me help you out, buddy!
  • Ben: Alright! [switches back to normal] Darn it, maybe not!
  • Enid: Come with us, Ben!
  • Ben: Okay!
  • Mr. Gar: Alright, it's just you and me now!
  • Goro: Errrrrr! I'm going to crush you! [charges towards Mr. Gar, but he dodges, and Goro tires to strike him, but Mr. Gar grabs his hand as he spins him around eleven times and swings him to the wall as the statue collapsed and hits Goro's head, making him unconscious] That'll teach ya to mess with my employee!
  • Dendy: Okay, it's done!
  • Maia: Let's test it out!
  • [both girls test what they combined]
  • Both: Eureka! It works!
  • K.O.: Where does it show Jasper?!
  • Dendy: Located in the laboratory battling Darkseid.
  • Maia: According to my calculations of this scanner, [gasps] Darkseid's power level is about six thousand!
  • Everyone: WHAAAAAAAT?!
  • K.O.: Maia, you can't be serious! The only way to stop him is having the same power level over six thousand?!
  • Raven: Or way over six thousand, maybe.....
  • K.O.: Dendy, are there any ways to become powerful like Darkseid?
  • Dendy: The map shows that there's a powerful crystal hidden in a temple that you could stay strong that lasts in eighteen hours, that's the good news.
  • Steven: I think we all have the opportunity to stop this guy!
  • Dendy: But the only bad news is.... [shows the picture saying only one person] It only applies the one hero who has to fight alone with him...
  • Maia: How tragic.... That means we all won't take him down as a group...?
  • K.O.: Trust me, Jasper can try to take him down!
  • Maia: K.O., you're still gonna let her fight lonely? But we don't want her to get critical injuries and resolve this conflict by herself after dealing with Darkseid...
  • Enid: Even everyone in CN City are really scared because of him and the other villains.
  • K.O.: Yeah.... Maybe, I'm nervous that this place is getting crumbly!
  • Maia: Someone must come with me to locate this crystal and give this to Jasper to do the final blow quickly!
  • Steven: I'll come, I know a lot more about the Crystals, though.
  • Maia: Great! K.O., you and the others go find Jasper! Steven and I will go get the crystal and give it to Jasper!
  • K.O.: Alright, good luck finding it. [Maia and Steven leave the scene] Okay guys, let's go find Jasper, immediately!
  • Everyone: Right!
  • [K.O. and the others leave the scene to go find Jasper]
  • [Meanwhile where Jasper is battling Darkseid]
  • Jasper: Take this!
  • Darkseid: You miss, darling....
  • Jasper: Don't call me darling!
  • Everyone: Hey, Jasper!
  • Jasper: Kid, everyone! What are you doing here?! And where's Steven and that sorceress girl?!
  • Enid: Steven and Maia went to get the Crystal that is hidden in the temple.
  • Peridot: And we also came here to help you defeat that jerk, once and for all!
  • Wonder Woman: We'll try to assist you! Prepare yourself, Darkseid!
  • Green Lantern: Your time has come!
  • Jasper: Darkseid said Mount Massive Asylum is gonna explode soon!
  • Everyone: What?!
  • Dendy: [checks the time of the explosion] Guys, she's right! It'll explode for three minutes!
  • Sparking Quake: Oh no! We gotta hurry!
  • Lapis Lazulli: Wherever Steven and Maia are, they have to hurry!
  • [at the location where the Crystal is]
  • Steven: Okay, we're here!
  • Maia: [her device rings alerting the danger] Huh? [gasps] Steven, we gotta hurry fast! Mount Massive Asylum will explode over minutes!
  • [they both grasped the Crystal and rushes back quickly]
  • [at the battle]
  • Garnet: Amethyst, Pearl! Let's fuse!
  • Amethyst: Yeah!
  • Pearl: On it!
  • [the three transforms into Alexandrite and everyone seems impressed]
  • Ben: Cool, nice transformation!
  • Sparking Quake: Much bigger than Darkseid too!
  • Jasper: Alexandrite! Help me will ya!
  • Alexandrite: Bring it on!
  • Darkseid: TBA
  • Alexandrite: TBA
  • TBA
  • [Steven and Maia arrives]
  • Steven: TBA

Scene 30: Jasper Still Alive/Tranquility Within CN City/Credits

  • TBA