The My Life As A Teenage Robot Film Series is a film series based on the hit Nick show that consists of three trilogies: My Life As A Teenage Robot Film Trilogy, My Life As A Teenage Robot Prequel Trilogy and My Life As A Teenage Robot Sequel Trilogy.
Timeline order[]
- My Life As A Teenage Robot: War for the Cluster
- My Life As A Teenage Robot (2016 Movie)
- My Life As A Teenage Robot: Vexus' Rebirth
- My Life As A Teenage Robot: The Final Battle
Productive Order[]
- My Life As A Teenage Robot (2016 Movie)
- My Life As A Teenage Robot: Vexus' Rebirth
- My Life As A Teenage Robot: War for the Cluster
- My Life As A Teenage Robot: The Final Battle
- Selena Gomez as Jenny Wakeman/XJ9
- Helen Mirren as Nora Wakeman
- Nat Wolff as Brad Carbunkle
- Max Charles as Tuck Carbunkle
- ??? as Sheldon Lee/Silver Shell
- Jennifer Lawrence as Misty
- Charlize Theron as Vexus
- Ron Perlman as Smytus
- Leonard Nimoy as Krakus
- Billy Zane as Nardok
- Benedict Cumberbatch as Cluster Ambassador
- Thora Birch as Vega
- Anthony Hopkins as Karbo
- ??? as Professor Brindlius
- ??? as Lord Maximillionus Grievus