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(Theme song):

Rusty: Hi, I'm Rusty! Let's go on an adventure!

🎵Here comes the Rocket Kids🎵

Rusty: 🎵Going on mission, everyday🎵

🎵Here comes the Rocket Kids🎵

Rusty: 🎵Rocket Kids, Rocket Kids🎵

🎵Here comes the Rocket Kids🎵

Rusty: 🎵Find a problem and you will help🎵

🎵Come along and say hello🎵

🎵Let's go meet my friends!🎵




🎵Ready, set, here we go!🎵

🎵Here comes the Rocket Kids! Here comes the Rocket Kids!🎵

🎵Solve problems on adventures🎵

🎵Here comes the Rocket Kids!🎵

Rocket Kids: "Helping Dad".

Rusty: (Snoring)

Ruby: Wake up, Rusty.

Rusty: Oh, good morning, Ruby.

Frankie: Hi, Rusty!

Rusty: (Giggles) Hi, Frankie.

Ruby: We're playing sharks and fishes. Wanna play with us?

Rusty: Sure. Okay. I'll be the lionfish! I'm the fastest swimmer in the world! (Laughing)

Ruby: I'm the squid. I can be fast, too!

Frankie: And I'm the goldfish! They swim fast, you know.

Rusty: Last one in is a rotten fish!

Rocket Kids: (Laughing)

Ninetails: Ouch! Watch it!

Rusty: Oh, sorry, Ninetails. We're playing sharks and fishes in order to see who's the fastest fish in the world.

Ruby: Why don't you be the shark for us?

Ninetails: No thanks, I don't do sharks.

Frankie: Please, Ninetails? Be the shark.

Ninetails: All right. (Growls) I'm the shark! I will eat you up!

Rusty: Oh, no! Run!

Rocket Kids: (Laughter)

Jade: Whoa! Easy, kids. I'm trying to go out and get groceries.

Rusty: Sorry, Mom. Wanna play sharks and fishes with us?

Jade: Maybe later, Rusty. I have work to do. Bye!

Rocket Kids: Bye!

Ruby: Alright, guys. We need a mission. Lucky I got my mission watch. Whenever there's a mission alarm, I'll go see who needs help. And now we have to wait.

(Clock ticking)

Frankie: Ugh! This is soooo boring!

Ruby: When will our first mission come, Rusty?

Rusty: Not until the mission alarm rings, Ruby.

Larry: Timmy, can you paint the poster for my brand new movie? I always wanted to make one.

Timmy: Sure, thanks, Larry. Now, all I have to do is make a poster. With paint! (Scatting) Wait. That's not right. Let me try this again. (Scatting) Oh, no. Not again. (Scars a little louder) Oh, dear! Now, it's a big mess! I better call the kids!

(Mission alarm rings)

Rusty: It's the mission alarm!

Ruby: That means someone's in trouble!

Frankie: Whenever there's a person in trouble...

Rocket Kids: Thr Rocket Kids are here to help!

Rusty: It's Dad! Hi, Dad!

Timmy: Hi, Rusty. I have a terrible problem I have to tell you!

Ruby: Tell us, Rusty's Dad.

Timmy: I was trying to make a movie poster for Larry, but my painting on the paper is a huge mess!

Rusty: Don't worry, Dad. We'll help you get your poster ready in a jiffy.

Timmy: Oh, thanks.

Rusty: All right. Now we have to help Dad get the poster done.

Ruby: Good thing we have the Watch Maker.

Frankie: Uh, what does the Watch Maker do?

Rusty: Every time we're on a mission, we go to the Wtahc Maker and it makes our mission watches! Are you ready, guys?

Ruby & Frankie: Ready!

Rusty: Them here we go!
