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Giraffokeryx (SciiFii)

The pygmy four-horned giraffe (Giraffokeryx quadruceras) is a species of medium-sized giraffid that originally lived from the Miocene of the Indian subcontinent and Eurasia as an extinct species of Giraffokeryx and was once extinct, but has since been brought back from extinction by SciiFii and introduced throughout the rainforests, swamps, forests, open woodlands, grasslands, shrublands, and scrublands across Eurasia to help boost biodiversity. The pygmy four-horned giraffe is distinguished from other giraffids by the four ossicones on its head; one pair in front of the eyes on the anterior aspect of the frontal bone and the other behind the eyes in the fronto parietal region overhanging the temporal fossae. It has a brachydont dentition like in other giraffids, being primarily a browsing herbivore that usually feeds on leaves, fruits, nuts, and pine needles. The pygmy four-horned giraffe's legs and feet are of medium length and are used to help the animal sprint from any potential dangers such as predators. The pygmy four-horned giraffe is a solitary animal that prefers to live in most of its life alone except during the breeding seasons. The conservation status of the pygmy four-horned giraffe is Least Concern due to successful conservation efforts and the pygmy four-horned giraffe's wide range.
