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Fox Entertainment Group print logo

The Fox Entertainment Group is an American entertainment company that operates through four segments, mainly filmed entertainment, television stations, television broadcast networks, and cable network programming. The company is wholly owned and controlled by the American media conglomerate 21st Century Fox, which is owned and chaired by Rupert Murdoch, since the company acquired all the stock of Fox. The transaction was completed on March 12, 2005. The division was part of the renamed 21st Century Fox after it had spun off its publishing divisions into the newly formed "New" News Corporation in 2013 as part of a corporate re-organization.

It is named after William Fox, born Vilmos Fried, who created the original Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.


Fox Entertainment Group was formed in the 1990s after the purchase of the Metromedia-owned independent stations by the 20th Century Fox film studio, at the time jointly owned by Australian media mogul Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation, and Denver billionaire Marvin Davis. These stations would later become the foundation of the Fox television network (launched in October 1986), which would become the foundation of the company (named after the TV network) itself. Not long after the Metromedia deal was made, Murdoch purchased Davis's shares and News Corp assumed full control of the film studio, which was then placed within Fox Entertainment Group. In 1995, Saban entered into a joint venture with the Fox children's television network to form Fox Kids Worldwide, which was best known for the first ten Power Rangers series. In 1997 it was renamed Fox Family Worldwide. On July 23, 2001, it was announced that Fox Family Worldwide (now ABC Family Worldwide Inc.) would be sold to Disney from News Corporation and businessperson Haim Saban. On October 24, 2001, the sale was completed.

In September 2013, Fox Networks Group divided FX into two channels, with the new channel FXX leaning toward comedy shows and targeting younger viewers.

