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Evah Square is the main Hub World in Oddlings. It is where Ool first meets Zu and Ze.



  • Zu
  • Ze
  • Tardis



  • Zera - First Keeper you see after completing the Introduction.



Evah Square is a town where all the native Zarlings hang out, it is where our hero is sent.


  • Fir Evah - If you help Tardis fix the gate to enter.
  • Tho Evah - If you the ability to run or jump on walls.
  • Kop Evah - If you get the ability to swim under the mountain.
  • Gal Evah - If you build Maro's Submarine.
  • Olis - If you have all the Abilities.

Keeper Challenges[]

  • Introduction (Zera): This is the Introduction for the game It will teach you the controls such as jumping, swinging and pulling to navigate to go on the nose of the Odd Keeper statue and free Zera.
  • Purple Thief on Watchtower (Zae): TBA
  • Fix the Gate to Fir Evah (Zela): Tardis Teal, the mechanic in Tho Evah, was going to fixed the Fir Evah gate, Ool turn into an Oddling to help, this teaches you how to play as Odd Ool, as you get through the cogs and electricity, you'll spin to attack the Sharpors, but also attack cobwebs to make gate active again. After fixing the gate, Tardis will award the hero with a Star which breaks into a Keeper.
  • Build a Sub (Zol): Maro took a break from being a guard in Fir Evah and tried his hobby of making a Submarine, but he won't because he's lazy, so Ool is the one that can just build it. First, you have to navigate up to the red tree and hang on one of the huge fruit where it can fall into the ground without a scratch. Second, you have to go to on top of Ze's Watchtower and pull out his Telescope. Finally the third part, you have to get wooden paddles from a Purple Theif who uses them to fly, chase him across the island until you hit him and get the wood paddles. Once getting all three parts, Tardis will meet you and thought that he'll make it into a submarine. Once it's finished Maro saw Ool's Sub, and reward them with a Keeper Star which is Zol, and Tardis' became ZayZay and question about it.