In an alternate version of Earth, the planet has been overran by the Conglomerate, a ruthless organisation consisting 4 types of monsters (Kaijin); the flesh-craving Lustlings, the soul-eating Shadows, the murderous Terminators and the ruthless Vengires, who have wiped out almost all of the world's population. Now, the last surviving area, Royal Woods is next, but a team of Kaijin hunters are determined to end the four threats, and protect the citizens at any cost.
Kaijin Hunters[]
Villains (The Conglomerate)[]
A group of 4 deadly Kaijin races that have conquered almost all of the Earth. They are the mortal enemies of the D.E.K.E.T. (Demon and Evil Kaijin Elimination Team).
- Master Fear: A Satan/Cerberus/raven/skeleton/fire-themed he big bad of the series, and the true main antagonist.
Flora, flauna and object-themed Kaijin who feed on human flesh to survive. They can also infect others to make more of them. 1st season's antagonists, and the first group to appear.
- General Mutilator/Setsudan: A Lucifer-themed Lustling, and their leader. 1st season's main antagonist.
- Kiritori/Unnamed yellow jacket-wearing man: A mantis-themed Lustling who utilised his sharp mandibles and blade hands to cut his victims up before feeding on them. Killed when Bunnicula slashed him in half.
- Nikuya/Unnamed weightlifter: A buffalo-themed Lustling who rammed his victims into walls, then tore out their hearts and ate them. Killed when Bunnicula sent him flying into a meat grinder.
- Fugu/Unnamed pre-teen boy: A pufferfish-themed Lustling who used his sharp thorns to drain his victims of their fluids, which he would then consume. Killed (albeit reluctantly) when Bunnicula decapitated his head after crippling his legs.
- Sokonai/Unnamed butterfly costume lady: A swallowtail-themed Lustling.
- Mukonishi/Unnamed glasses-wearing man: An antlion-themed Lustling who got his prey by trapping his victims inside sandpits, then dragging them in to devour. Killed when Bunnicula used the new Holy Flame sickles on him, burning him inside out.
- Miguru/Unnamed construction worker: A mole-themed Lustling who bored his drill into his victims, so he could suck up their blood from said drill. Killed when Bunnicula tricked him into stabbing himself with his own drill.
- Kirihana/Unnamed flamenco dress-wearing girl: A stag beetle-themed Lustling who killed her victims by hypnotizing them into a moment of weakness, then turned them into a yellowish goo that she would consume. Killed when Bunnicula and crippled, then decapitated her.
- Yugame/Mr York: A rhinoceros-themed Lustling.
- Haku/Henry: A barracuda-themed Lustling.
- Sokonai A (clone of Sokonai) (defector): A monarch butterfly-themed Lustling.
- Manguryu/Unnamed clown: A jester/ragdoll themed Lustling who used his various clown paraphernalia to kill his victims. (i.e, the water pistol turned his victims into cotton candy, the clown dolls mauled his victims to death, etc...) Killed when Bunnicula turned his clown dolls against him.
- Hakai/Bonnie (defector): A rabbit-themed Lustling.
- Koyusu/Sanbi (defector): A centipede-themed Lustling.
- Bataa/Unnamed biker: A grasshopper-themed Lustling.
- Muchuni/Unnamed fencer: A rhinoceros beetle-themed Lustling.
- Kurashu/The Crusher: A sumo wrestler/elephant seal-themed Lustling.
- Sakujo/Unnamed baker: An oven-themed Lustling.
- Kijuzu: A snake/dagger-themed Lustling. Human form not seen.
- Sakimasu: A magnet/eel/doll/mud/rubble/excavator/sword/scythe/pygmy/skeleton-themed Lustling. Human form not seen.
- Raume (-O)/Raine Chang: A myna bird/crow-themed Lustling.
- Surikuzu/Unnamed infant girl: A locust-themed Lustling.
- Sukura/Unnamed mother: A cricket-themed Lustling.
- Dainashii/Unnamed African hoodlum: An elephant-themed Lustling.
- Yowameru/Unnamed shade-wearing hoodlum: A spider-themed Lustling.
- Sundan/Unnamed British bureaucrat: A sundial-themed Lustling.
- Kirikiza/Kiredo: A piranha/water-themed Lustling.
- Appuba: An apple/worm-themed Lustling. Human form not seen.
- Mechaku/Unnamed toymaker: A robot-themed Lustling.
Urban legend-themed Kaijin that manifest inside the dark hearts of people and consume human souls to survive. 2nd season's antagonists.
- General Kagekiri: A ninja/demon-themed Shadow, and their leader. 2nd season's antagonist.
- Keshido the Joker
- Tsusou the Killer
- Dentei the Shadow
- Joshabin the Climber
- Minsui the Insomniac
- Gamika the Reflection
- Moku the Parasite
- Kufu the Murderer
- Bisitaba the Caretaker
- Tashi the Creep
- Doma the Stalker
- Keidaji the Antihero (defector):
- Somai the Undertaker
- Rorishi the Swarm
- Dorumube the Cleaner
- Migataka the Barber
- Berumado the Tracker
- Koshikike the Bride
- Funai the Assassin
- Chichi the Doctor
- Nitokoba the Mascot
Cybernetic object-themed Kaijin who have only one goal in mind: Kill, feed on and exterminate all of humankind. 3rd season's antagonists.
- General Cylon: A skeleton/Cylon/sniper rifle-themed Terminator. 3rd season's antagonist.
- T-Drill:
- T-Straw
- T-Turbine
- T-Blade
- T-Oven
- T-Jacket
- T-Bomb
- T-Car
- T-Gun
- T-Doll
- T-Copter:
- T-Tank
- T-Plug
- T-Wire
- T-Signal
- T-Cigarette
- T-Ball
- T-Oven
- T-Parabola
- T-Tire
- T-Bus
- T-Engine
- T-Net
- T-Arrow
- T-Mannequin
- T-Cleat
- T-Shovel
- T-Submarine
- T-Rocket
- T-Clown
- T-Submersible
- T-Bin
- T-Cannon
- T-Motorbike
- T-Surgeon
- T-Wall
- T-Nuke
Stained glass/Yokai/Vampire based Kaijin who feed on human blood to live and survive. 4th season's antagonists, and the final set of Kaijin.
- General Regalia: A succubus/heart/bat/Futakachi-onna-themed Vengire, and their leader. 4th season's main antagonists, and the only female general of Master Fear.
- Kuchisake
- Kappa
- Sankai
- Kekkai
- Hyosube
- Oshiroibaba
- Teketeke
- Kamaitachi
- Jorogumo
- Katakirauwa
- Kamokawa
- Yurei
- Onryo
- Nopperabo
- Datsuba
- Kyokotsu
- Gashadokuro
- Honeonna
- Mokumokuren
- Oni
- Tengu
- Zashiki
- Rokurokubi
- Azukarai
- Nekomata
- Garuda
- Feng Huang
- Demivore: The main antagonist of the post-series movie, Return.
Season 1[]
- The Invasion, Part 1
- The Invasion, Part 2