Androids Amenkz is a 2012 American animated comedy film based on the VerniX Animation Studios series Nt's World. It is the sequel to the film Nt's World: The Movie, which was released only 10 months earlier, and is the second film in the Nt's World film series. Unlike the previous film, New Line Cinema did not produce this film along with distributor Universal Pictures. This is also Conzhea2011's first Christmas-themed film. The film was released in theaters on December 19th, 2014.
December has arrived in 123 Nt's World, Colorado, and just as BakeryHead501 and his friends start preparing for Christmas, Nt's friend Conzhea2011 wants him to prove to him that Santa is real by daring him to go to all of the houses in 123 Nt's World until they catch up with him on Weapons Eve, and because of this, Nt, Tj and Readytoanimate prepare for the dangerous mission throughout December. Meanwhile, MyKeithyAndFriends decides to go out and get a last-minute Christmas present for Nt, but finds complications along the way.
Coming soon!